(Shebʹna[h]) [possibly a shortened form of Shebaniah].
An officer of King Hezekiah. At one time Shebna was the “steward . . . over the house,” presumably of Hezekiah—an influential position. Jehovah, however, directed Isaiah to denounce Shebna, prophesying that he would be ‘pushed away from his position,’ apparently because of his pride and glory-seeking, shown by building himself a conspicuous sepulcher. His robe, sash, and dominion, together with “the key of the house of David,” were given instead to ‘God’s servant Eliakim.’—Isa 22:15-24.
Shebna was not stripped of all privileges, however, for when Sennacherib threatened Jerusalem in 732 B.C.E. and Eliakim had become steward, Shebna was the royal secretary sent with Eliakim and the recorder to speak with Rabshakeh. With clothes ripped apart, they reported back to Hezekiah what had been said, and they were then sent to Isaiah to inquire of Jehovah.—2Ki 18:18–19:7; Isa 36:3–37:7.