(See also Christendom; Churches; Clergy; Gods [Goddesses]; Heathendom; Jehovah’s Witnesses; Monotheism; Polytheism; Worship; religious doctrines and organizations by name)
(Note centered headings below: False Religion; Quotations; True Religion)
changing one’s: g74 4/8 20; g73 11/8 27-28; g71 1/8 27-28; w70 357-359, 581-583; w67 581-584; ms 419; w64 293-296; g64 10/22 5-8; w63 690; w59 305-307; g59 7/22 5; g58 5/22 25-26
religions of the world: g84 1/8 4
religious beliefs: g54 4/22 16; g52 11/8 13-17
China: w80 7/1 19; w79 7/15 3
choosing: w85 7/15 3-7; w63 675-676
how to view religion received from one’s parents: w85 7/15 3-4; sm 16-18
criticism proper: w75 127-128; g74 11/22 27-28; w70 246; w66 131-132; g65 4/22 21-22; w64 195-196; w63 688; w60 63-64; g60 10/8 3; g60 11/8 28; w58 647-648; g58 6/8 6-7; w57 503; cy 21-22; g50 2/8 5-8
demand for books on: w75 48
depth of one’s religion: g65 1/22 5-8
discussing: g67 11/22 5-8
discussion: g84 1/8 3-14; w82 1/1 3-9; w82 3/1 3-9; g82 3/22 3-8; w78 4/15 3-17
donations per year in United States: g80 5/8 15
freedom of religion: g81 2/8 29; g80 2/8 25-28; yb75 172-173, 178-180; w70 611-616; w66 720-726; li 15-17; g66 2/8 14-18; g65 2/22 31; g65 5/22 29-30; g65 6/8 12; g65 11/8 27; w64 73, 75-76
Declaration of Helsinki peace conference: g75 11/8 6
First World Congress on Religious Liberty (1977): g77 11/8 22-23
Gallup polls:
knowledge regarding Jesus Christ: w83 9/1 27
‘ominous future for organized religion’: w78 11/1 24
‘religion doesn’t appear to be the center of many lives’: w85 2/15 26
“religiousness” has little to do with people’s way of life: g76 2/22 30
Greek word: ad 1675; w51 191, 511; tf 87-88
Hebrew word: yb75 225; ad 1674; w60 614; w58 273; w57 698
ignorance: w83 9/1 27; w78 4/15 4
importance of examining one’s beliefs: w85 7/15 4; g80 11/22 3-4; g79 6/8 3-4
individual choice: g65 4/22 3; w64 647; g64 10/22 8; w63 688; mg63 31; g63 8/8 18-19; w62 197; w60 529-535; w59 305-307; g58 6/22 5-6; w55 117, 125; w53 301-315, 336-351; w52 169-176; el 307-314
instruction in school: sj 26-27
Bible view: g75 11/22 22-24; g74 11/22 27-28
Italy: g76 2/22 11
Latin word: w51 191; rm 8; g51 4/22 9; tf 88
man-made: w85 7/1 4-6
meaning of term: yb75 161, 225; w67 14; yb67 20-21; g62 6/22 5; w61 163; w60 614; g59 5/8 4; w58 709; w54 141; ms53 296; w51 191, 511, 659; rm 8-10; g50 7/22 4; ta 284-285; w43 140; tf 87-88; g43 1/20 25-26; w42 52; wl 28; ci 57; dm 5; w39 22, 339; s 35; cu 5; g38 10/5 26; en 66-67; g37 12/15 19; ch 169; w35 252; bg 12-13
need of mankind: g80 12/8 3-4; w74 144; g74 12/8 21; w72 388; w68 425, 645; g65 4/22 3; w64 244, 389; g64 6/22 12; w60 148; w58 339; g58 5/22 24; w56 402; g56 4/22 4; w54 323-325
newspaper coverage of: g75 5/8 29
not all acceptable to God: w85 7/15 4; w81 3/15 3-7; tr 11-15; g75 4/8 16-17; g74 1/22 18-19; g73 9/22 4-5; g73 11/8 27-28; ad 1675; w69 165-167; g69 7/8 28-29; g67 4/8 27-28; ms 412-413; g65 4/22 28-29; w64 4-6, 22, 36, 101-103, 165-166, 195-196, 246-247, 294, 331; yb64 30; g64 1/8 5-8; g64 4/22 3; g64 11/22 6-7; w63 688-689; g63 7/22 5-7; g62 2/8 5-6; g62 6/22 5-7; w61 163; g61 4/22 29; g61 10/8 3; g61 12/22 30; w60 613-616; w59 305-307; g59 12/22 5; pa 77, 82, 91, 95-98, 100-105; w55 112-124; w54 146-147; lg 11-12, 16-17; rm 87-89, 152-163
outlawed in Albania: g81 5/8 30
people’s reaction to the idea of religious truth: w84 10/15 26
quizzes on: g61 4/22 4-6
religious “renewal”: w84 10/15 3-7
science viewed as: w84 7/15 21
standard for judging: w85 7/15 4-6; tr 13-15; w74 540, 543; w73 387-388; tp73 23, 36; g73 11/8 28; w72 99-100; w70 37-39; g70 4/8 27-28; w69 166-167; g69 4/22 19; w68 389; g64 3/8 5, 7-8; g64 4/22 10; g61 10/8 3
statistics: w80 5/15 21; w71 14; yb71 16; w65 198; w64 234-235; g64 6/22 11; g63 8/22 30-31; g62 1/8 29; g61 1/22 8; g61 10/8 21; g61 12/8 30; w60 579-580; g60 8/8 29-30; w59 294-295; w57 349; g57 3/8 5; w56 37, 549; g52 11/8 14-17; g51 4/22 11; el 182; w48 141; rg 47; g39 4/19 26; g36 5/20 517
denominations and sects in Christendom: g84 1/8 3
main religions in the world: w83 9/15 3; w83 12/15 15
percentage of people of the world claiming to belong to a religion: g84 1/8 3-4
surveys: g70 2/8 23; g69 2/8 29; g69 3/8 8-9; g69 3/22 30-31
do you have a religion of some sort?: w80 10/15 23
how religion affects women’s lives: w77 359
number of religious programs on television: g84 4/22 30
of beliefs: g62 1/8 29; g62 2/8 7; g61 10/8 7, 11; g61 10/22 29
religious trend among Americans: g84 3/8 29
talking to others about: g80 7/22 3-4
theory of evolution of: g67 10/8 8-9
United States:
number of religions: w84 3/1 18; g84 1/8 3; g82 6/22 21; w79 10/15 27
religious publications: g82 5/8 30
use for selfish reasons: g64 4/22 4-6; w59 53; g58 4/8 5-6; w56 3, 37-38, 262; g55 11/8 5
view that—
all religions lead to God: w81 6/1 11; hp 168-175; dt 3, 26
war: g85 12/8 3-4
involvement: w85 9/1 7; g85 12/22 3-7
life story of World War II bomber: g85 12/8 4-9
why many avoid: g68 1/22 5-8; g62 4/8 16-17
why so many religions: w83 9/15 4-9; g81 8/8 3-4; g61 8/22 30; g59 5/8 4-8; w58 339; w53 357-364
worldwide unpopularity: w63 759
youths: w78 9/1 3-12; g76 9/22 5-9; g72 11/8 3-8; g69 10/22 5-8
attitude toward: g81 9/8 18-19; g80 3/22 29; w79 2/1 3; g78 8/8 31
False Religion
appeal to emotions: w64 88-89; g64 3/8 7-8
assaults upon, throughout history: yb75 228-229, 235; w73 675; yb73 161-162; w69 30, 599; w68 646-648, 652-658
priests fomented war: g78 12/22 9
Babylon the Great: su 82-88; w81 1/15 13-15, 30; kc 94-95, 163-170; w62 733-734
Canaanites: w85 3/15 4
ceremony to become a member: w78 10/15 31
charismatics: g82 2/8 3-11
“charity” drives: g73 11/22 24-25
chart of religious groups recently founded: g81 12/8 15
Christian view of buying from or contributing used items to: km 1/65 8
church buildings for sale: g79 5/22 30
class distinctions: g61 3/8 12
Colossae: w85 7/15 10-13
conformity: g63 8/22 4; g61 1/8 7; g60 12/22 5-8; g58 8/8 3-4; w54 653-656
Canada: g82 6/22 30-31
destruction: w85 8/1 7; su 186-187; uw 182-183; w82 5/1 17-18; w82 11/15 5-7; w81 3/15 20-21, 23; kc 167-168, 170; tr 98-99; w80 3/1 14, 17, 24; w80 7/1 12-14; w80 10/15 17-23; w79 2/1 26; w79 8/1 9-21; w79 12/1 22-28; us 59-60; w77 350; go 176-177; w76 47-49, 52-53, 55; g76 10/22 9-10; w75 682; w74 51-54; ts 116-117; g74 4/8 19; w73 675-676; g73 12/8 19-20; w72 45, 51-52; g72 4/22 25; w71 101; w71 471-472; ad 180; kj 113, 115-127, 129, 216-219; g70 4/22 23-24; w69 103; g69 4/22 18-19, 28; w68 178-179, 657-658; g68 2/22 6-7; w66 695-697; w64 40; w63 594-595, 683-684, 700-702; mg63 31-32; w62 240; w59 55; w58 616; w57 95, 239; sr55 216; rm 69, 155-158, 186, 326-327; w48 141; rw 60-62; w42 87; w39 179-189, 195-204, 211-219, 227-236, 243-252, 259-268, 275-284, 291-299, 307-316; w37 105, 276; en 221; w36 244; ch 285
beginning of: w80 3/1 14; w80 10/1 25
effect on religious people: w80 7/1 13-14
proclamation by Witnesses after destruction: w81 3/15 23-24; w80 7/1 17
publicity over event: w80 7/1 15-17
serving of notice upon: w80 5/15 26-27
Adam and Eve: w82 4/1 4-6; w80 8/1 17; ad 809; w61 106; w59 89-90; g59 5/8 5; g59 7/8 4; yw 60; w57 234; w54 141, 144; rm 48-57; w43 46-47; wl 25-28
Assyria: g72 6/22 27-28; ad 152, 669; w60 126; w58 743; w45 100; w31 121-122
Babylon: w82 3/1 4-6; tr 133-134; ad 177, 668; w69 260-261; qm 271-274; w66 760-761; g66 1/8 7-8; w65 12, 29-30, 153, 183-184, 281; ms 35-36; yb65 18; w64 74, 313, 346-348, 373-376, 665-667; g64 4/22 12-16; g64 6/8 8-10; w63 692-694, 718, 748-749; bf 27, 32-45, 142-146, 184-185, 199, 221-223, 243-244, 326-340, 459-460, 469-470, 475, 478, 498, 567; mg63 31; w61 25-27, 103-104; w58 742-743; pa 107; w57 553-554; qm55 271-274; rm 90-97; w49 308; g48 3/22 17-18; ta 286; rg 17-23; en 69-71, 204; w34 323; fw 4-5
Britain: g81 7/8 25-27; w61 345-349, 533-537
Egypt (ancient): g72 4/22 11-12; ad 492-494, 669-670; g66 1/22 13-14; w65 365-366; g64 7/22 9; w60 93; w58 742; g54 9/22 13-15; rm 106-119; g48 4/22 22; ta 286; en 76-78; fw 5-6
Enosh’s day: po 67-68; ad 520, 809; qm 267, 270; ns 50-51; g59 5/8 5; qm55 267, 270; w54 144-145; rm 67; w46 53; w44 341; tf 124
Greece (ancient): w71 509-510; ad 671, 687-690; w58 743; w53 237-240; g48 4/22 22; g48 5/22 22; w46 117; g45 1/17 15-16
Judaism: w76 211-212; w60 206-210; w59 305; nh 139-140; ep 85; w43 264
Medo-Persia: ad 670-671; w65 88; bf 182, 201, 295; w59 628, 634; w58 743; yw 222-223; g57 12/22 24; w56 741; w54 685; w52 656
Oriental: w58 743-744; rm 191-224
Pergamum: g76 2/8 10-11; ad 1290
Persia: ad 1293-1294; g71 9/8 13
Phoenicia: ad 1308
post-apostolic apostasy: w84 8/1 21-22; w80 8/1 18; w78 4/1 7; w78 5/15 26-27; qm 283-288; w64 645-646; bf 480; w60 750; jp 9-11; g59 5/8 7; qm55 283-288; rm 266-277; w46 118
post-Flood: dt 23-26; w72 428-429; ad 667-668; qm 271-275; w66 695; g64 4/22 12-16; w63 692-694; bf 27, 32, 47; g59 5/8 5-6; w58 742; w57 237; qm55 271-275; w54 145-148; rm 74-90; ta 285-286; wl 52-53; en 66-69
pre-Flood: ad 520, 809; qm 267-270; w63 691; ns 51-53; g59 5/8 5; qm55 267-270; rm 58-73
Protestantism: w83 9/15 9; kc 93-94; g72 3/8 16-19; qm 292-296; w66 307-308; w61 103, 533-537; g61 10/8 18; g59 5/8 7; qm55 292-296; rm 293-294; ta 306-320
Roman Catholicism: kc 91-93; qm 289-291; w66 278-281; w64 646; w61 103; jp 9-13; g59 5/8 7; qm55 289-291; rm 269-277; w47 93; w46 118; ta 292-305
Rome: ts 95-96; ad 671-672, 1421; qm 274-278; g64 7/22 8, 10; bf 337-340; mg63 86; w58 743; g56 12/22 6; qm55 274-278; w51 657; w47 92-93; ta 287; w37 214-215; en 148-151
spread from Babylon: g84 1/8 6-7; w82 3/1 4-6; w81 1/15 30; g81 8/8 3-4; dt 23-26; g80 10/8 19; ts 27-29, 44-45; w71 509-510; ad 667-668; w69 686; g69 1/8 22; g68 2/8 22, 25; g68 8/8 26; g67 3/8 6; g67 4/8 19; g66 9/8 9-12; g66 11/8 15; w65 474-477; w64 196; bf 326-340; rm 90
Sumerians: w64 411; bf 46-48
discussion: g84 1/8 3-14; g82 6/22 21-22; w81 1/15 10-16; w81 8/1 20-26; w80 5/15 21-27; w78 4/15 3-4; g72 4/22 3-20, 22-25, 27-28
distinct from true religion: uw 165-166; tr 11-16, 122-130; w64 22; yb64 30; g64 3/8 7-8; w63 689-691; g62 6/22 5-7; g62 7/8 15; g59 5/8 6; w56 3, 145, 261-262; w54 141-148; w51 191, 511, 658-660; w50 394; g38 9/21 17-18; w35 252
disunity: w84 3/1 17-18
efforts to unite: g75 11/22 21-22; g67 5/8 27; g65 4/22 5-15, 30
never condemned war: g78 12/22 9
esteem drops: w75 200; w75 364; g75 1/8 30; g75 2/8 31; g75 7/22 8; g74 1/22 30
exposing: g85 6/8 28
failure: sm 8-13; w76 267; g73 9/22 3-5; g68 1/8 30
Lebanon: w76 491
false prophets: g81 12/8 14-15
friendship with world: uw 166; tr 129; yb74 56; g74 10/8 17; g74 11/22 3-6; g74 12/8 13-15; g73 8/8 20; g73 12/8 16-19, 29; w72 639; w67 88; g66 1/8 6; g66 9/22 3; g64 4/22 30; g62 3/22 28; pa 165; w56 645; w54 432-446; g51 8/8 3-4; w46 259-260
gods: ad 152, 171-174, 177, 287, 309, 492-494, 667-672, 687-690, 1173; w64 106-107, 111-112; g62 9/8 5-6; ns 126; g61 12/8 29-30
created in man’s image: w76 212-213
degrade mankind: w76 212-213
hospitals connected with: km 2/76 4
hypocrisy: lp 105-106
influence on world powers: w76 710-711; sl 234-240; ka 309; w63 693-694, 698
influence over mankind: w74 360; tp73 22
Japan: g85 5/8 10
Sabina sect defrauds members: g79 5/22 29
murder in the name of religion: g83 5/8 29
myths: w76 211-212
National Council of Churches:
study of American religion: w82 12/15 11
natural religion: rm 20-25, 43
origin of myths: dt 20-21; ts 27-29
origin of practices: gh 127-128
pagan: g83 8/22 16-18; w82 3/1 8; kc 90-95; w64 101-102; w58 743-744; rm 191-224, 278-290; g51 4/22 9-10; ta 338-344
play pokes derisive fun at much of church life: g83 6/22 29
politics: w82 1/1 3-7; g81 3/22 3-4, 8-11; g73 12/8 16-20, 29; g73 12/22 29
Catholic bishops’ pastoral on U.S. economy: w85 7/15 21
comment by Paul Fromm: w85 10/15 22
history of religious involvement: w85 8/1 3-7
talk by Jim Branch, “Has Religion Gone Too Far?”: w81 2/15 10
professedly “Christian”: w65 218; g63 7/22 5-6; g62 6/22 6; ns 295; cy 3, 5; w51 658-659; w48 141; w47 91-92; cu 15; w37 213
relic worship: g75 12/22 14; g66 8/22 27-28
“religious revival”: w85 2/15 26; w78 12/1 5; g64 4/22 6; g63 2/8 5; g63 3/22 29; w62 153; g62 3/22 31; g60 7/22 26; g60 12/22 5; g59 3/22 5-8; g58 4/8 5-7; g58 8/8 3-4; w57 291; g57 10/22 13-16; w56 36-39, 261-262; g55 4/22 24; g55 7/22 16; g55 11/8 5-8; w53 649; g38 11/30 17-18
results: g84 1/8 8-11; w83 4/15 28; g83 4/8 29; g83 5/8 29-30; g73 9/8 3-7; ev 142-144; g66 10/8 8-9
alienation from God: ev 129; g67 4/22 28-29; g64 4/22 21-23; w63 683; bf 118-120; g62 7/8 14-15; g60 11/8 5, 7; pa 91, 95-98, 100-105; rm 60-61, 180-186; ep 132-133; tf 221
atheism: ce 184-186; g79 11/8 4; w64 390-391
barrier to brotherhood of man: g81 10/8 6-8
Bible illiteracy: w84 2/15 7; w77 325-329; w66 566; g64 10/8 14-15; g64 11/8 24; g62 5/22 8; g62 6/22 27; g61 4/22 3; g61 10/8 19, 30; g61 10/22 30; g61 12/8 26; w60 616; g60 11/8 7; w57 40-43, 223, 351, 503, 580; w56 259-260, 711; w54 387; w53 112, 300; w52 763; g52 10/22 4
division of mankind: g81 10/8 6-8; w67 299; g65 2/8 27; g65 4/22 4-5; w64 261-263, 297-298; g64 4/8 10; g64 4/22 19; g64 9/22 10-12; g62 8/22 30; w61 345-348; g61 10/8 21-22; g59 7/8 4; w58 647; rm 90; w47 3; jo 4; w43 244
exaltation of creatures: g65 8/8 30-31; g64 2/22 17-18; g64 12/8 6-7; w63 53, 731; w59 55; g59 5/8 6; g59 9/22 5-7; pa 165-166; g58 9/8 5-7; g58 11/8 5-8; w57 711-712; g57 10/8 23; w56 293-296, 682-684; w54 361-363; g52 3/8 9-11; g51 4/8 21-24; g50 3/22 23-24
failure to change lives: g79 11/8 5; w78 4/15 4; w74 324; g73 2/8 23; g66 11/22 11-12; g62 6/22 6-7; g61 2/22 29; g61 3/8 26; g61 10/8 18-20; w59 55; w56 291; g56 3/22 8; g56 8/8 7; g56 12/22 5-7; w53 300; w48 133
fanaticism: g62 8/8 29; w57 536; w43 23
intolerance: g61 12/8 13-15
involvement in violence: g84 1/8 10-11; w81 8/15 18; g81 10/8 6-8
Jonestown tragedy: w79 5/15 3-6
moral collapse: w78 4/15 4; g74 9/8 5; g72 4/22 18-20; g71 5/22 7; g66 11/22 11-12; w64 295; g64 10/8 12-16; g64 12/8 29; w63 521-522; g63 7/22 7; g62 3/22 5-8; g62 6/22 7; g62 7/8 13, 30; ns 126; g61 4/22 28, 31; g61 10/8 20; w59 55-56; g59 3/22 5-7; w58 37-38; g58 6/22 7; w57 502; w56 39; g56 8/8 5-6; w53 571; w51 324
obstacle to world peace (quote): w81 3/1 23
superstition: w58 305-313; g56 11/8 18; w54 363; g39 7/26 28
threat to human life (quote): w84 3/15 9
war: w85 8/1 5-7; w85 9/1 7; w84 3/1 8; w84 4/1 9; w84 8/15 26; g83 3/22 29; w82 2/1 5; w82 12/15 11; w81 1/15 30; g81 12/8 30; w78 4/15 3; w78 6/15 15; g78 12/22 9-10; w77 359; w76 491; g76 10/22 7-8; w72 748-749, 760; g72 4/22 5-17; g72 10/22 29; w71 483; g71 6/22 16-19; w67 299; w63 222; w62 237-239; w61 16, 71; yb61 25; g61 1/8 7; pa 165, 167-168; g58 5/22 19; g55 5/8 6-7; w54 199-200, 363, 432-446, 684-685; g54 1/22 5-8; g50 3/8 5; g50 10/8 3-8; g46 11/22 3-11; ta 303, 316, 318-320; g45 4/11 10; rw 4-7; g41 10/15 11; g37 4/7 420-423
sacred writings: w85 7/1 4-5; ku 3-23; sm 18-21; im 20-21; g60 10/22 31; w59 326, 446; mn 5; g58 1/22 25-26; g56 8/22 5-6; w53 653-656; g53 1/22 16-28; w52 209-212, 233-236, 277-280, 297-300; w51 223; rm 19-20, 195-197, 204, 280, 283, 287; g51 4/22 11-12; g47 11/8 8; ep 73-84; g45 4/11 23-27; g43 1/20 9-10
Satan the source of: uw 64-65; w81 5/1 14; kc 89-91; w63 691; g59 5/8 5-6; w58 647; w54 142; w48 142; wl 25; rg 18; g39 9/20 16; cu 12; g38 1/26 17
sectarianism: w82 6/15 30; w75 166-168
separation from: su 87-88; w81 1/15 15; tr 131-139; w80 5/15 16-27; w80 12/1 24-26; gh 126-129; w75 692; g75 4/8 16-17; w74 181; w74 564-565; ts 187; g74 2/8 27-28; g74 12/22 9-10; g72 4/22 27-28; w69 259-263, 310-311; w68 158; km 6/66 3
‘snare and racket’: yb75 160-161; w49 76-78; w48 141-143; w47 91-92; rg 45-78; w39 339-342; g39 9/20 16-18; g39 10/4 3-6; w38 374; cu 9-10; g38 5/18 17; w37 212-213, 229-234; en 144-146, 176-193
solstice festivals: w81 12/15 27
Soviet Union: g80 3/8 29; g73 4/8 4-16, 18
spiritistic religion: g78 11/8 5-8
survey as to religion’s role in politics: g81 12/22 29
ways money gained: w82 11/15 26; w75 263; ts 67-68, 70, 72
writers for: g74 9/8 30
youths: g76 9/22 5-7
all the civilizations that ever existed were rooted in religion: g84 3/8 5
consideration should be given to abolishing religion itself: w84 4/1 9
decay of religion is unmistakable: g79 7/22 20
developing a collision course between government and organized religion: g79 2/8 29
greatest threat of all to mankind’s future: w82 12/15 11
obstacle to world peace: w81 3/1 23
one cannot but be struck by how much of the world’s trouble is rooted in religion: w84 4/1 9
religion a disease of the world: g75 9/8 30
religion has developed into a threat to human life: w82 6/15 30
religion is an instinctive attitude peculiar to man: g85 3/22 7
religion is but one form of nationalism: w82 12/15 11
religion today is more stimulant than sedative in much of the strife troubling the world: g85 12/8 3
revival of feeling but not of knowledge of God: w80 7/15 10
secular humanists have declared war on Christianity: w81 5/15 30
threat to human life: w84 3/15 9
we are killing each other off in the name of God: w79 3/1 19
True Religion
2nd–19th century: qm 276-277, 285; qm55 276-277, 285; g55 5/8 5; w53 300; w51 381
assaults false religion: w68 650-657
benefits: w84 6/15 16-17; w84 9/15 7; g81 2/8 3-4
discussion: w85 7/15 4-7; w82 1/1 7-9; w79 7/1 3-30; w78 4/15 6-17
duties: gh 124-126, 129-131
Eden: ns 35-36; g59 5/8 5; w57 232-234; w54 141; rm 43-49
exposing falsehood: w79 7/1 6-7, 13-19; w75 127-128; w74 35-37
first century (C.E.): w83 9/15 16-17; w79 7/1 22; w78 4/15 11-12; ad 316-317; w68 648-650; qm 279-283; g62 4/22 8-10; w59 305-306; g59 5/8 6-7; w58 73-75; pa 163; w57 681-683; qm55 279-283; w53 300; g53 8/8 11-12; w51 139-140, 280-281, 516-519; w47 92
first religion: dt 7-8
force for peace: g82 3/22 7-8
Israel (ancient): g67 10/8 8-13; g62 6/22 5; ns 116-117; w59 305-306; pa 76-82; w55 373-374; rm 120-134; w48 142; ki 101-105; w39 340
modern-day restoration: km 12/80 3-5; yb75 34-45; ka 185-191; qm 296; jp 12, 14-15, 23, 100; w55 4-5, 268; qm55 296-297; w54 149-156; w45 19-28; ta 310, 317
needed for healthy personality: g80 10/22 10
new system of things: w57 240; nh 356, 361; rm 333-344; ow 29
patriarchal society: ad 1339; w70 367-368; w68 333-334; g59 7/8 4; w58 742; w57 235-236; w56 145-146; w52 435
proof of identity: w85 7/15 5-7; w82 2/1 4-8; w82 3/1 7-9; g82 2/8 10-11; w81 3/15 5-7; tr 122-130; g81 8/8 4; g81 10/8 13-15; w79 7/1 20-25; w78 4/15 6-11; w75 325-326; g75 4/8 17-19; g74 1/22 18-19; w73 387-390; g73 9/22 6-9; w71 463-466; g70 4/22 24-27; w69 227-231; g69 8/22 6-8; w68 391-392; ms 413-415; w64 5, 91-92, 246-247, 294, 709-710; yb64 276; g64 1/8 7-8; g64 3/22 6-7; g64 5/22 3-4; w63 689-691; g63 6/8 5-7; w62 488; g62 6/22 5-7; w61 164; g61 4/22 29; g59 5/8 8; g59 7/22 5-8; g59 12/22 5-8; w58 261-264, 360, 619; g58 6/22 5-8; w55 117-126; w54 142-144; rm 16-17; g51 4/22 13; w36 332
reasons some hold back: su 122; w64 248-249
results: w83 5/15 29; w83 6/15 29; uw 40-41; po 4-7
change of personality: w82 12/15 14-16, 23-24; w74 312; g65 1/22 5-6; w61 164; w60 16-17, 71-72, 143-145; w58 466-467, 710-711; g58 6/22 7; g56 8/8 6-8; w53 343-344; w51 623
elevates mankind: w76 213
friends gained: g80 3/8 3-4; w75 123; g65 9/22 5-7
knowledge of God’s Word: w62 200; w60 280; w56 145-147; rm 25-26
morality: w73 389-390; g66 11/22 13; g65 1/22 5-8; w60 16-17, 272-281; g60 4/22 26; w59 254-255; w58 35-36
peace of mind: w80 11/1 11-12, 18-19; ad 1280; g60 7/22 5-7; g60 12/22 3-4; w59 55; w56 163-164; g56 10/22 8; w53 202; w50 102
successful: w76 214-219
unity: w84 3/15 10-14; w83 9/15 15-20; uw 8-9; w82 12/15 17-22; g65 4/22 23-27; g63 6/8 6; w60 465-475, 748-762; g60 6/8 7; g60 8/22 8; g59 7/8 4-5; w57 240, 515; rm 334-338; ow 29
worshipers turned toward God: w84 2/1 17; su 147-149; uw 6-7; w59 529; w58 749; pa 81-82; w57 232-233; w56 14, 55
revealed by God: w85 7/1 3-6; w56 145-147; rm 25, 68
study necessary: g66 11/22 12-13; w64 5, 69-70, 133-136, 296, 647; w63 611-612; g63 7/22 6; w62 200; w60 268, 533-535; w59 336, 454, 458-459, 497; mn 26-27; w58 401; pa 242-244; w55 125-126; lg 8-10
truth basis for: w76 208-216
way of life: tr 187-189; w75 644-646; w74 84-85; w74 630; w69 477-478
with spirit: w78 4/1 31
world puzzled by: w70 497-501