(See also Biomimetics; Bionics; Creationism; Creative Days; Creator; Evolution; Matter; Nature; New Creation; Re-creation)
(Note centered headings below: Bible Account; Bible Account [Genesis]; Evidence of Creator; Marvels of Creation; Quotations)
age of material: g96 1/22 3-5; rs 88
ancient myths: g21.3 13; it-1 922
Babylon: it-1 545-546, 922
China: sh 44-45
distinct from Bible account: it-1 545-546, 922
Egypt: it-1 922
Hinduism: ct 85; g96 3/22 19
beauty: g95 11/8 10-12
contrasted with evolution: lc 29
defending belief in creation: w24.12 18-19; ijwyp articles 28, 33, 35-36; mwb20.01 3; w19.05 29; w16.09 23-27; ypq 27-29; w15 2/15 12; w13 5/15 5-6; w13 10/15 10-11; yp2 300-303; g 9/06 26-28
dinosaurs: ijwbq article 138; g90 2/8 11
discussion: it-1 526-528, 545-547; g 3/14 4-7; lc 1-29
encouragement to observe creation: mwb24.01 6-7
Jehovah exalted by: w05 11/15 13-16
Jehovah’s qualities revealed in: mwb25.03 6; ijwbq article 174; mwb24.03 5; w23.03 15-19, 23-24; lff lesson 7; w19.12 20; mwb19.02 3; it-2 14-16, 661; w14 7/1 14; w13 8/1 11; ph 17, 21; w08 5/1 3; w04 11/15 8-9; wt 17-18; w98 9/15 22-23; ct 77-84; w97 1/15 19-20; w93 6/15 8-13; w88 3/1 5; w87 4/1 4; tp 56
goodness: cl 272-275; w91 8/15 14-15
justice: ph 18-19
love: mwb21.07 13; hl section 3; ph 17-18; w90 12/1 10-11; g88 11/8 31
organization: w94 10/1 10-11
power: w23.03 24; cl 47-56; it-2 659-660; w14 7/1 14; w13 10/15 8; w11 2/15 6-7; ph 22-23; w08 5/1 6; w03 7/1 10-11; w00 3/1 9-11
teaching children: g 10/15 2; mb lessons 1, 4, 6
understanding: it-2 1138-1139
use in teaching about Jehovah: g 10/15 2; w11 8/1 8-9
video Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice: mwb25.03 6
wisdom: w23.03 23-24; cl 172-175; mwb22.01 5; w13 10/15 8-10; ph 21-22; g 3/10 10; w09 4/15 15-19; w08 5/1 4-5; w03 7/1 12-13; w96 4/1 12-14
Jehovah uses to teach: ijwia article 5; w23.03 16-17
Jesus taught by means of: w23.03 17-18
law of: it-2 211-212
man’s inventions follow: lff lesson 6; it-1 545; lc 11-17; g 9/06 4-6; w04 10/1 9, 11; w93 6/15 12; w88 3/1 3-4
abalone shell: g94 4/22 16
automatic navigation: g 3/10 8-9
buoyancy regulation: g86 9/22 14-15
compass: w88 3/1 3
diving bell: w88 3/1 4
dolphin: ijwwd article 2
drag reduction: g89 8/8 29
fiber optics: g 5/06 24; g97 3/22 29
flight: g 3/10 4-5; g86 1/22 15
fruit fly: ijwwd article 1
honeycomb: g 1/15 7; w92 6/15 32
lightbulbs: g03 11/22 31
nonslip footwear: g87 7/22 30
octopus arm: ijwwd article 3; w19.07 32
sonar: w88 3/1 3
spider silk: g94 4/22 16; g92 8/22 15
strength and elasticity: g86 1/8 24
transmission of live pictures: g 3/10 6-7
whale skin: ijwwd article 4
wireless communication: g 3/10 3
moral lessons from, limited: w88 3/1 4
“new creation” (2Co 5:17; Ga 6:15): it-1 546; w93 1/1 5-6; g88 2/8 26-27; w87 3/1 27; w87 4/15 6-7
Bible account banned (Australia): g86 6/22 29
Creation book used: g93 4/8 32; yb92 54-55
survey on whether both evolution and creation should be taught: g87 1/22 25
teaching intelligent design held unconstitutional (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.): g 9/06 30
“set free from enslavement to corruption” (Ro 8:21): it-1 1140; it-2 123, 249; w12 3/15 23; jr 181; wt 187-189
standards in: it-2 15
“subjected to futility” (Ro 8:20): it-1 1139-1140; w03 9/1 10-11; w99 5/1 5; w99 8/15 29; w98 9/15 19; ct 114-119
big bang theory: g 10/15 8; g 8/09 17; g96 1/22 3-6, 11; g92 3/22 10-11; rs 62
origin of matter: g 1/14 13; rs 88
video Was the Universe Created?: g21.3 13
use in teaching children about Jehovah: w23.03 20-25
use in witnessing: w19.07 22
whether God created Satan: ijwbq article 48
whether what one believes about creation matters: w08 2/1 4-5; g 9/06 29
Bible Account
angels: ijwbq article 117; it-1 527; lfb 8; bhs 105; bh 96-97; w07 3/15 21; ct 87-88; w87 12/15 4
“creationism” differs: lc 24; g 9/06 18-20; w94 9/1 6; w86 4/1 12-13; w86 9/1 30
discussion: it-1 526-528, 545-546; lfb 8-11; g 1/14 12-13; ct 85-102; Lmn 12-14
first creation: lff lesson 15; it-1 527; lfb 8; w13 3/1 16; w05 9/15 4; ct 86-87
holy spirit used: it-1 526; it-2 1020; w11 2/15 6-10; w92 2/1 9
Jesus Christ: it-1 527; w08 12/15 12; w05 9/15 4; rs 408-409
created by Jehovah: lff lesson 15; it-1 527; it-2 52; bhs 44-45; bh 41; w13 3/1 16; ti 14-16
not co-Creator: it-2 52
used by Jehovah: ijwbq article 160; it-1 527; it-2 14, 52-53; ti 14
“world came into existence through” (Joh 1:10): it-2 1206
matter: it-1 526; g 1/14 13; rs 88
universe: ijwbq articles 82, 173; lff lesson 6; ct 88-91
Bible Account (Genesis)
Adam and Eve: it-1 528; it-2 303-304, 1005, 1024-1025; lfb 10-11; w11 1/1 6-7; w11 2/15 9; bm 4; ct 97-100; pe 72-73; vi 9-10
Adam: it-2 246, 1214; wp17.4 5; w09 9/1 12-13; w89 8/1 10-12; g88 12/8 26-27
Eve: it-2 1195; w14 8/15 6-7; w11 1/1 7; w09 9/1 13; w00 11/15 25; w89 8/1 17-19
in God’s image: ijwbv article 27; lff lesson 6; wp19.1 10; it-2 247-248; hl section 3; g 8/13 8; g 12/09 12; w02 6/1 9-10; w00 11/15 25; w97 7/15 4-5; w94 4/1 25
made for each other: w07 1/15 3
“male and female” (Ge 1:27): w23.12 18
year Adam created: it-1 45, 459; si 286
Adam likely given: w89 8/1 16-17
aquatic animals: ijwbq article 173; it-1 528; it-2 881-882, 1005; ct 97
chart of creative days: g21.3 10-13; it-1 527
discussion: ijwbq article 173; g21.3 10-13; it-1 526-528, 545-546; lc 24, 26-28; bm 4; ct 85, 92-102; si 14; g88 12/8 24-27
earth: lff lesson 6; g21.3 10-11; it-1 667; lfb 8-9; w08 9/1 27-28
atmosphere: g21.3 11
expanse: ijwbq article 173; it-1 528; g 3/14 6; w08 9/1 27-28; ct 95
land and seas: ijwbq article 173; it-1 528; ct 95
light and darkness: ijwbq article 173; it-1 527, 592; it-2 253; g 3/14 6; lc 26; g 9/06 19; ct 93-95
“mist would go up” (Ge 2:6): it-2 416, 1148
evolution not implied: ijwbq article 165; g 10/15 9; g 1/14 13; g 3/14 5; w08 1/1 14-16; g 9/06 9-10, 20; pe 72
flying creatures: ijwbq article 173; it-1 528; ct 97
harmony with science: ijwbq articles 82, 173; lff lesson 6; g21.3 10-13; w15 6/1 5; w07 2/15 5-6, 8; g 9/06 18-20; g04 6/22 8, 10; gm 100-101, 104-110
creation of matter: ct 88-91; rs 88
geologist’s comments: w07 2/15 6; ct 101-102
“heavens and the earth” (Ge 1:1): ijwbv article 2; it-1 526-527, 1059; g 10/15 8; g 3/14 5-6; w11 2/15 6-7; bm 4; g04 6/22 11; ct 85; rs 62
“heavens and the earth” (Ge 2:4; Ex 20:11; 31:17): it-1 1059; g04 6/22 11
historicity: g 9/06 9-10
“in the beginning” (Ge 1:1): ijwbq articles 82, 173; ijwbv article 2; lff lesson 6; g21.3 10; wp19.1 5; it-1 526-527, 667; lc 24; g 9/06 19; g88 12/8 24
Jehovah rests: ijwbq article 173; w23.11 5-6; cl 56; it-2 659; w01 10/1 30; w98 7/15 14-16; ct 100-101
Jehovah’s blessing: it-1 340
“kinds”: ijwbq article 165; g21.3 12; it-1 110; it-2 152-153, 882; g 3/14 5; lc 19, 27-28; g 9/06 13-14, 20; rs 86-87; g88 12/8 25-26
changes over time: g 10/15 8
land animals: ijwbq article 173; ct 97
length of creative days: ijwbq article 173; ijwyp article 35; g21.3 12; it-1 545, 594; w15 6/1 5; g 1/14 12; g 3/14 5; lc 24, 26; g 9/06 19; g02 6/8 10-11; ct 92-93; rs 125-126; g88 12/8 24-25; w87 1/1 30
luminaries: ijwbq article 173; it-1 528; it-2 284; g 3/14 7; g 9/06 19; w04 1/1 28; si 329
not derived from pagan: it-1 545-546, 922
standpoint: w04 1/1 28
sun, moon, and stars: ijwbq article 173
two accounts complementary: it-1 527; gm 94-95
use of terms “create” and “make”: it-1 528
vegetation: ijwbq articles 82, 173; it-1 528; it-2 1148; ct 95-97
“very good” (Ge 1:31): it-2 602; lv 172; w11 1/1 13; w08 1/1 14-15; w99 11/15 4-5
Evidence of Creator
agama lizard tail: g 2/13 16
algae (Dunaliella): g02 3/22 26-27
animal “intelligence”: g86 12/22 12
appreciation for Awake! articles on: g00 9/22 30; g98 4/8 30
atmosphere: g 7/14 13
beauty and variety in creation: g97 5/8 3-4, 15; g95 11/8 5-9, 12; g87 8/8 16-17; w86 4/1 14-15
bioluminescence: ijwwd article 29
birds: it-1 316-317; g 7/07 3; g 9/06 8; g97 5/8 15
blood: dg 7; g97 5/8 6-7
brain: g 4/14 11; g 2/10 24-25; pc 11; g04 8/8 11-12; dg 6-7; la 16-17; g00 10/8 11; ct 50-66; g97 5/8 4, 15; pr 9-10; rs 86; w86 4/1 16-17; g86 2/22 4-6
cell: g21.3 7; lf 5-21; pc 9-11; dg 5-6; g00 8/22 7-8; g00 10/8 11; g99 9/8 3-4, 6-10; g97 5/8 5-6, 8-9; g90 1/22 12-13; rs 86; g87 1/22 6-10; w86 4/1 13; w86 7/15 3-4
genetic code: g 8/15 3-7; g 11/11 4-6; lf 15-16, 20; g 2/10 23-24; g 12/09 7; g99 9/8 10
programmed cell death: g 1/13 6-7
specialization in embryo and fetus: ijwwd article 41
color perception: w13 10/1 15
complexity in living things: g04 6/22 5-7, 10-11
consciousness: g 12/09 8; ct 63-72
creation’s submarines and bathyscaphes: g86 9/22 14-15
design in living things: ijwyp article 35; lff lesson 6; lc 11-17; g 3/10 10; w07 8/15 3-7; g 9/06 4-8, 11-12; w04 10/1 11; g02 12/8 26-27; g00 1/22 4-11; w98 5/1 3-4; g98 3/8 11; g94 4/22 16; pr 7-8; sh 339-341; g90 1/22 11-13; w86 4/1 14; g86 1/8 24; g86 9/22 14-15
design in physical constants: g21.3 5; w09 3/15 21; g 12/09 5-7; g04 6/22 5, 7; g00 10/8 6-7; w98 5/1 4; w98 6/15 6; ct 16-21; g97 5/8 13-14, 16; g96 1/22 12-13; sh 336-337; g89 10/8 19
discussion: ijwbq article 78; ijwyp article 35; mrt article 4; g21.3 3-16; g18.1 12; g 3/15 3-6; g 3/14 7; w13 10/15 7-11; w12 7/1 4-5; lc 2, 4-17; w08 1/1 17; w08 5/1 3-6; w04 6/1 9-14; w04 10/1 10-11; g04 6/22 3-12; lr 23-24; dg 4-9; la 15-17; w99 6/15 16-18; w93 6/15 8-13; pr 6-10; sh 334-341; g90 1/22 11-15; pe 35-36, 70-72; rs 84-86, 145-146; br78 12; Lmn 8-10; g86 2/22 3-7; g86 5/8 16-17
for Chinese: pc 9-12
for Jews: hl section 3
dragonfly: g97 6/22 18
ear: ct 49-50
earth: cl 51-53; g21.3 5; lc 4-10; ph 21-22; pc 10-11; g 2/09 3-9; w08 9/1 27-28; w07 2/15 4-7; dg 5; g00 10/8 8-9; ct 22-24; rs 85-86; w86 4/1 16
elements: g00 10/8 5-7
encouragement to examine: g21.3 3, 16
flowers: g97 12/8 31; g87 8/8 16-17
food: ct 77-80
fossil record: g04 6/22 7-8; rs 123-124; w86 4/1 13-14
heron: g86 12/22 12
honeybee: g86 12/22 12
hornet: g86 5/22 20-21
human body: w09 3/15 21; w09 9/1 12-13; pc 11; w07 6/15 21-23; g88 6/8 12
human compassion: w00 6/15 28
human uniqueness: g 5/11 8; w99 6/15 17-18; ct 49-72
instinct: w86 4/1 14-15; g86 2/22 6-7; g86 5/22 20-21
intelligence: ct 72; gm 107; g88 7/8 15; w86 4/1 16-17; g86 2/22 5-6; g86 12/22 12
kudu migration: g91 2/22 17
life: mrt article 4; lff lesson 6; g21.3 6-7; g 11/11 7-9; lf 5-7; g 11/10 5, 9; pc 9-10; la 16; g00 8/22 6-8; g00 10/8 10; w99 6/15 17; ct 28-44; pr 6-8; wi 6; w91 3/1 4; rs 123-124
moral values: ct 68-69
odds against DNA formation: g04 6/22 6
odds against life starting: g21.3 7; lf 5-6; pc 9-10; sh 335-336; g87 1/22 4-10
odds against protein formation: mrt article 4; g17.3 13; lf 5-6; pc 9-10; sh 335-336; w89 2/15 7; g87 1/22 6
order: w11 2/15 7-9; g 12/09 6; g99 6/22 6-7; rs 146
chemical elements: g00 8/22 8-9; g00 10/8 6-7; ct 26-27
entropy: hl section 3; ct 24-25
patterns: w24.12 16
personal Creator: ct 73-84
photosynthesis: ijwwd article 27; g00 10/8 9, 11; ct 96
scientists expressing belief in creation: g 9/06 21-23; w04 11/15 9; g04 6/22 3-9; g99 2/8 3; ct 73-74; g97 11/22 29; w94 12/1 7; wi 6; g92 4/22 4; w89 2/15 7; w89 5/15 30; rs 146; g89 3/22 6; g88 6/8 6; w87 7/15 24; g87 1/22 10; g87 6/22 28; g87 10/8 30; Lmn 8-9
Artist, Russell Charles (biologist): g00 8/22 8
Barton, D.H.R. (professor of chemistry): g02 6/8 7
Baumgardner, John R. (geophysicist): g04 6/22 10-11
Behe, Michael J. (biochemist): w08 1/1 16; g 5/06 6; g 9/06 6, 11-12; w05 2/1 6; g04 6/22 6-7; la 16; ct 44
Block, David (astronomer): g94 4/22 29
Boyle, Robert (chemist): g 3/13 15
Chiozzi, Paola (biochemist): g 1/13 6-7
Collins, Francis (molecular biologist): g02 6/8 8
Davies, Paul (physicist): g21.3 5; g 2/10 23; g 11/10 4-5; g 12/09 3; g04 6/22 5; w98 6/15 6; g97 5/8 13; g92 7/8 28; g88 3/8 13
Dembski, William A. (mathematician): g04 6/22 6
Dirac, P. (mathematician): g99 6/22 9; pe 71
Dovhanych, Yaroslav (zoologist): mwb20.01 3
Dumoulin, Frédéric (pharmaceutical researcher): g 4/14 10-11
Dyson, Freeman (physicist): gm 101
Einstein, Albert (physicist): ct 73-74
Flew, Antony (philosopher): mrt article 4; g 1/15 6; g 2/10 24; g 11/10 4
Giertych, Maciej (geneticist): ct 43-44
Gish, Duane T. (biochemist): g02 6/8 7
Granolleras, Céline (nephrologist): g 9/13 12-13
He, Wenlong (physicist): g 7/14 12-13
Hernández-Lemus, Enrique (professor): g 9/06 23; g02 6/8 7
Hof Laurenceau, Irène (orthopedic surgeon): mwb20.01 3
Hooker, Worthington, M.D.: g95 8/8 7
Hoyle, Fred (astrophysicist): w99 6/15 17; g99 6/22 8; ct 25, 41; g97 5/8 14, 16; g90 1/22 14-15
Hsuuw, Yan-Der (embryologist): g21.3 9; g16.2 10-11; g 8/15 6-7
Hutton, James H. (past president of medical societies): g00 8/22 11
Hwang, Gene (professor of mathematics): g 8/15 6; g 11/15 10-11
Jastrow, Robert (astronomer): ct 16; rs 62
Jeans, Sir James (mathematician, physicist, astronomer): g 2/10 23
Kalaria, Rajesh (professor of brain pathology): g17.4 12-13
Klopsteg, Paul E. (past president of science association): g00 8/22 6
Knobloch, Irving (natural scientist): w94 12/1 7
Koidan, Georgiy N. (chemist): g21.3 9
Kreider, Marlin (physiologist): w94 12/1 7
Lennox, John (professor of mathematics): g 11/10 5-6
Loos, Davey (biochemist): g 10/13 6-7
Marnov, Alexei (neurosurgeon): g18.1 12
Newton, Sir Isaac (physicist): g92 3/22 10; g88 6/8 6
Oelschlägel, Bernd (physicist): g05 11/22 12-15
Phillips, William D. (physicist): g 2/10 25
Polkinghorne, John (physicist): g04 6/22 5
professor of mechanical engineering: w09 3/15 21
Rubbia, Carlo (physicist): g98 8/8 31
Sandage, Allan (astronomer): ijwbq article 78; g21.3 4-5; w04 6/1 10; g04 6/22 8
Schaefer, Henry (professor of chemistry): g 2/11 22
Schenck, Brett (ecologist): g 4/13 6-7
Schroeder, Gerald (nuclear physicist): g21.3 11; g04 6/22 8
Tanaka, Kenneth (planetary geologist): g 9/06 22; g03 9/22 18-21; g02 6/8 7
von Braun, Wernher (physicist): g99 6/22 9; sh 151; rs 84-85
Vyskočil, František (neurophysiology professor): g 11/10 8-9
Wallace, Alfred Russel (biologist): g 3/14 7
Weinberg, Steven (physicist): g 12/09 3; ct 185
White, Robert (brain surgeon): rs 86
Yang, Feng-Ling (microbiologist): g 1/14 8-9
Yin, Huabi (plasma scientist): g18.1 12
Yu, Fan (mathematician, software designer): g17.3 12-13
sense of beauty: ct 66-68; g95 11/8 6-7
sense of taste: g 7/08 26
sex: g04 6/22 6; g01 2/22 30; w86 7/15 3-4
simplest organism: w93 6/15 13
speech: ct 55-61
spiritual need: ct 71-72
sun: cl 47-48; g01 3/22 15-18
legumes and rhizobia bacteria: g 8/08 25
universe: cl 48-51; g21.3 4-5; w11 2/15 6-7; pc 10; g 12/09 3-8; g04 6/22 5; g00 10/8 3-7, 11; w99 6/15 16-17; g99 6/22 6-9; ct 10-25, 79, 184-185; g96 1/22 6, 11-14; wi 6; g92 3/22 9-11; w91 3/1 4; g90 1/22 13-14; w89 2/15 7; w89 10/15 29; gm 100-101; rs 62, 85; g89 11/22 9-10; w88 3/1 5-6; g88 3/8 13; w87 7/15 24
unseen things: g00 8/22 5-11
water: g00 8/22 5-6
why some scientists do not acknowledge: lc 22; g 12/09 7-8; w94 9/1 5-7
woodpeckers: g94 1/8 31
Marvels of Creation
aorta: g01 3/22 31
artistry: ijwwd article 35; g95 11/8 3-12
atmosphere: g94 12/22 3-5
bacteria: g02 3/22 29
cleanup of oil spills: g 9/15 16
flagellum: g 2/11 24
balance system of inner ear: g96 3/22 25-27
barnacle: ijwwd article 8; w19.12 32
bats: ijwwd article 16; g 10/14 12-13; g 2/09 24; g89 1/22 16-19; w88 3/1 3
biological clocks: g86 6/8 18-21
birds: ijwwd article 42; cl 54; g91 5/22 15-19; g90 3/22 31; g86 1/22 15
balance when standing or walking: g03 8/8 28
colors that never fade: ijwwd article 21
communication from egg: w08 5/1 4
eagle eyes: wp16.6 9; g02 12/22 24
eggs: g 9/11 28
feathers: g 12/09 23; g 7/07 23-25
flying while asleep: g02 11/22 29
gannet diving ability: ijwwd article 12
hummingbird tongue: ijwwd article 31; g 10/10 23
kingfisher beak: g 4/10 29
lammergeier digestive system: g96 2/22 25
migration: g 10/14 7; g 7/07 3; g04 12/22 29; g99 3/8 28-29
navigation: g 1/13 16; g 9/06 8; g04 12/22 29
ostrich eggs: g02 5/22 22-25
owl: ijwwd article 19; g02 12/22 24; g95 11/8 15-16; g93 3/8 31; g90 9/22 15-17
penguin adaptation for living at sea: g02 10/22 15-16
penguin feather coat: g 9/13 16
seagull legs: lc 13; g 9/08 25
seagull wings: lc 12-13; g 9/06 5, 7
toucan beak: g 1/09 17
upturned wing tip of soaring birds: g 2/15 16
wandering albatross: g 8/13 16
woodpecker head: g 1/12 19
blubber: g 8/11 17; g00 1/22 6
blue of Pollia berry: g17.4 16
bones: g 1/10 25
brain: cl 173; w20.05 22-24; g 5/11 6-7; ct 50-66; g95 10/22 7-8; g88 6/8 9-12
cat tongue: ijwwd article 15
cat whiskers: g 4/15 16
cells: cl 172-173; lf 9-11, 13-20; g95 10/22 5-7
sugars within: g04 3/22 31
chameleon tongue: g05 3/22 29
circulatory system: g01 3/22 24-27
compasses (magnetic sense): g03 3/8 6-7; g99 2/22 28
composites: g00 1/22 4-6
consciousness: ct 63-66
coral: g89 3/22 24-26
crocodile jaw: g 7/15 16
cuttlefish changes color: g16.1 16
sense of smell: ijwwd article 6; w20.03 32
dolphins: ijwwd article 2; w19.06 32; w04 6/1 12
ears: g 5/11 5-6; g90 1/22 18-21
earth: w20.05 20, 22
electric sense in living things: g03 3/8 6-7
elephant trunk: ijwwd article 38; g 4/12 24
energy management: ijwwd article 26
eyes: g 5/11 6; g88 6/8 7-8
brittle star: g 5/13 16; g02 3/22 28
eagle: wp16.6 9; g02 12/22 24
extinct fly: g00 1/22 5
peacock mantis shrimp: g 11/10 24
retina: g 1/11 15
eyes with bifocals: g99 4/22 31
fish schooling: g 9/12 19
frog calls: ijwwd article 36
frog reproductive system: g 7/14 16
gecko feet: w09 4/15 19; g 4/08 26; g 9/06 5-7; g01 1/22 28; g89 3/22 31
giraffe: g00 9/22 18; g87 11/8 24-25
glue of sandcastle worm: g 4/11 26
gravity: w01 4/15 5
growth in womb: w92 8/1 3; w87 5/15 3
grunion: ijwwd article 34
hagfish slime: ijwwd article 14
hands: g 5/11 4-5; g92 8/8 18-20; g88 6/8 4-6
hibernation: g 7/13 16
horse legs: g 10/14 16
human body: cl 172-173; g 5/11 3-7; g88 6/8 3-12; g88 7/8 30; g88 8/8 16-20; g88 10/8 23-24
ice: it-1 1166; g00 8/22 6
immune system: g 2/14 11; g01 2/8 13-15; w99 6/15 20-21; ct 81-83
insects: g00 1/8 15-19; g94 6/8 28; g93 11/8 31; g92 5/22 17-19; w88 3/1 3
ants: ijwwd articles 5, 20; g17.1 16; g16.3 16; g 9/06 8; g04 3/8 29; g03 6/8 31; g96 1/8 29
beehive heating: g04 4/22 29
bee landing: g17.2 7
bee migration: g01 8/8 28
bee stability in wind: ijwwd article 22
beetles: g 6/14 16; g 5/12 22; g 10/12 15; g 5/09 24; g 12/08 18; g02 10/8 28
butterfly flight: g04 1/8 28
butterfly migration: ijwwd article 25; w13 10/15 9; g 12/13 14; lc 17; g 3/10 9; g 11/08 10; g96 9/8 29; g96 10/8 16-18
butterfly wings: ijwwd article 7; w20.04 32; g 4/14 16; g 8/14 16; g 3/12 24
camouflage: g05 7/22 22-23
compound eyes: w13 10/15 9; lc 17; g 3/08 26
dragonfly wings: g 8/10 25
ear of fly Ormia ochracea: g03 4/22 31
ear of greater wax moth: g 3/15 16
eyes of extinct fly: g00 1/22 5
firefly light: g 2/14 16; g 6/10 15; g03 9/22 6; g02 9/22 31
flight of flies: g 11/12 11; g99 11/22 24-25; g92 5/22 18
fly larvae survive drought: g 12/08 29
fruit fly: ijwwd article 1; w19.03 32; g02 8/8 29
Issus leafhopper gears: g 8/15 16
katydid ears: g 10/13 16
locust motion-sensitive neurons: g 9/14 16
moth eyes: g 7/10 30
nest of paper wasp: g 2/12 21
ovipositor of wood-boring wasp: g 3/11 25
periodical cicada life cycle: g16.4 16
sense of smell in emperor moth: g00 3/22 10
termite mounds and nests: g 6/08 25
jellyfish propulsion: g 8/12 13
lightning: g89 5/22 15-18
limpet teeth: ijwwd article 10; w20.12 32
lobster navigation: g03 8/22 28
lungs: g91 6/8 19-23
milk bypass in young ruminants: g 10/08 13
mother’s milk: ijwwd article 43
mussel adhesion: g16.6 7
newt lens: g 7/12 25
oryx (gemsbok): g91 4/22 18
flowers: g89 6/8 15-17; g87 8/8 16-17
lotus leaf: g 4/09 27
photosynthesis: ijwwd article 27; g 11/15 16; w04 6/1 13; w87 5/15 4
pollination: g 4/07 16-18; g03 7/22 24-27
seeds of Moringa oleifera: g96 5/8 28-29
spiral formations: g 8/07 30; g 9/06 24-25
trees: w04 6/1 13; g88 7/22 15-18; g88 8/22 31
platypus: w86 4/1 14-15
polar bear coat: g96 3/22 28; g91 5/22 31
pomelo skin: ijwwd article 13
railroad worm: g 11/06 26
razor clam: g 9/10 23
remora sucker: ijwwd article 17
rock-climbing fish: g02 4/8 29
salmon swimming style: g 12/10 25
sea cucumber skin: ijwwd article 9; w20.10 32
sea dragon: g05 6/22 24-25
seahorse tail: ijwwd article 18
sea otter fur: g17.3 16
sea-turtle migration: g 5/11 25
sea-urchin teeth: g 11/11 16
sharkskin: ijwwd article 23; g 2/10 10
shell of clusterwink snail: g 6/12 18
shell of mollusks: g17.5 16; g 8/09 25
shell of paua abalone: g 12/08 24-25
shell of red abalone: g91 9/22 31
shell of scaly-foot snail: g 6/11 23
silk: g 6/06 27
slug slime: ijwwd article 11
snake skin: g 3/14 16
snowflakes: w01 4/15 9; g87 12/22 31
speech: w20.05 23; g97 9/8 26
spiders: cl 175; yb11 10-11; lc 16; g 1/08 24; w03 7/1 13; g01 2/22 30; g00 1/22 6-7; g00 6/8 31; g00 10/22 29; g94 4/22 16; g92 8/22 15; w88 3/1 4; g86 1/8 24
American house spider adhesive: g 1/14 16
jumping spider blurry vision: g 3/13 16
sponge: g 5/06 22-24
fiber optics: g 5/06 24; g97 3/22 29
spherical: g05 11/22 29
beak: g 3/09 9
light from bobtail squid: g 5/15 16
brain of arctic ground squirrel: ijwwd article 24; g 7/13 16
sun: w92 10/1 32
sunsets: w89 1/15 24; g87 12/8 16-17
tarsier: g 12/14 10-11
thorny devil lizard skin: g 10/15 7
timing precise: w12 5/15 17-18
video series Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice:
Delicious Food and Delightful Sounds: mwb25.01 9
whale flippers: g 6/13 16; lc 12; g 9/06 4-5
whale skin: ijwwd article 4
wild animals care for health: g02 12/8 29
wings of flying creatures: g 2/09 24
yeast cell: g21.3 6-7; w11 6/1 13
antithesis of chance: pr 7
architecture of universe consistent with hypothesis that mind plays essential role in its functioning: gm 101
astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view: wi 6; w89 2/15 7; rs 62
awestruck by majesty and intricate organization: w94 10/1 11
cell appears to be part of a divinely ordained system: w94 10/1 11
conclusion is that many biochemical systems were designed: ct 44; g97 5/8 10
elegance and ingenuity of an absolutely transcending quality: pr 7
essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: wi 6; gm 101; rs 62; w87 7/15 5
every molecule seems miraculously contrived for its task: pr 7
evidence for Creation clearly stamped on everything: w89 2/15 7
God used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe: g00 8/22 9; g99 6/22 9; pe 71
ingenuity so astonishing that I cannot accept it merely as a brute fact: pr 8
laws must have been set by somebody: pr 8; sh 151; rs 84-85
man’s discoveries used by animals from time immemorial: g86 9/22 14
probability of chance formation of protein molecules is effectively zero: pr 6; g92 4/22 4; w89 2/15 7
science that excludes creation ceases to be a search for truth: g97 5/8 10
the 200,000 amino acid chains, and hence life, did not appear by chance: wi 6
there are millions of trunks—surely one must contain a body: g95 11/8 7
top-notch scientists, very few atheists: w94 12/1 7
universe in some sense must have known that we were coming: g96 1/22 12; gm 101
we must not reject a theory we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it: wi 6; rs 122