(See also All Saints’ Day; All Souls’ Day [Day of the Dead])
celebration by Satanists and witches: lv 150; g 9/13 8; g93 11/22 14
discussion: ijwbq article 67; g 9/13 6-9; g01 10/8 3-10
essay by Witness student: g 10/06 27
schoolchildren reject: g04 10/8 27
Witness schoolchildren take firm stand: w96 12/1 9
letter and reply on Awake! article: g02 5/22 30
origins: ijwbq article 67; lvs 179-180; w15 10/1 2; bh 223; lv 152-153; g 9/13 7-9; g01 10/8 5-7; g93 11/22 14; rs 181
name Halloween: ijwbq article 67; g 9/13 8-9
prevalence: g 9/13 6