(See also Redemption; Repurchase)
discussion: it-2 733-736; bhs 52-56, 58-61; bh 47-56
for Muslims: gu 16-18
hijacked hostages: w92 6/15 4
for Job (Job 33:24): w11 4/1 23; w91 2/15 31
Greek words: ijwbq article 104; it-2 736; w92 6/15 5-6; w91 2/15 11-13
Hebrew words: ijwbq article 104; cl 141; it-2 733-734; kl 65; w91 2/15 12
Law covenant:
no ransom for murderer: it-2 734
precedent for ransoming mankind: wi 14
sacrifices: it-2 733
meaning of term: it-2 733; bhs 54; bh 49; nwt 1709; w99 2/15 14; gu 17; w92 6/15 5; w91 2/15 11-12; w90 3/15 3; pe 61; Lmn 18
Jesus Christ
accepting the ransom: w17.11 12; w16.05 19; bhs 58-59, 61
accomplishments: w99 4/15 12; w97 2/1 12-13; w91 2/15 14-15, 19
appreciation for: w25.01 20, 26-29, 31; w21.04 14, 16-19; mwb19.02 4; w17.02 11-12; w15 6/15 27; bh 54-56; w94 3/15 6; km 2/93 2; w90 3/15 5-6; w90 8/1 16; pe 63, 65; rs 311
applied to fellow Christians: mwb18.08 7
motive for serving Jehovah: w16.03 11-12; w95 6/15 14-15; w91 2/15 20
‘wash robes in blood of the Lamb’ (Re 7:14): w95 2/1 16-17
atonement differs: w25.02 5
basis for acceptance of pre-Christian sacrifices: w24.08 4
basis for new covenant (Jer 31:31-34): jr 172; w91 2/15 17-18
basis for salvation: w15 3/1 6; bhs 216; w10 8/15 13-14; w08 3/1 4-7; wt 37-38; w00 6/1 11
benefits: w25.01 26-29; cf 184; scl 69; cl 146-147; it-2 736; bhs 56, 61; w14 3/1 16; bh 53-54; w06 3/15 8-9; w06 4/15 30; w02 6/15 6; wt 37-40; w99 2/15 17; kl 68-69; w90 3/15 4; pe 63; rs 308-310
available to all: it-1 854; it-2 736
chance to decide differently from Adam and Eve: w96 6/15 6
clean conscience: w20.07 23; w08 8/15 28; w06 3/15 8; wt 38
closeness to Jehovah: w14 8/15 17-18
condemnation of death overcome: it-1 597-598
forgiveness of sins: w25.01 26-27; w17.11 12
life everlasting: w25.01 21; ijwbq articles 120, 147; w06 10/1 4-5
not all receive: it-2 791-792
not limited to anointed: it-2 791
only if accepted: it-2 736
peace with God: w91 3/1 17-18
qualifying for: w10 8/15 15-16; w90 3/15 6; rs 310-311
reconciliation to Jehovah: cf 19; it-2 760-762; w17.02 6-7; w16.07 28
righteousness credited: w09 3/15 24-25
sin removed: w24.08 4-6; g 8/12 20; w97 7/15 6-7; w92 11/1 6-7
sins forgiven before ransom paid: w25.01 27; w24.03 32; w24.08 4; w14 8/15 18; w10 8/15 6-7
to anointed: re 19; w91 2/15 17-18; rs 308-310
to “great crowd”: w91 2/15 18; rs 309-310
to “other sheep”: rs 309-310
to pre-Christian witnesses: it-2 18-19, 760-761; w08 6/15 29; w05 11/1 13; w91 2/15 18
to resurrected ones: it-2 788
Christendom’s view: w91 2/15 3-7
comments by—
Barbour, N. H.: jv 131, 619-620; w92 6/15 4
New Catholic Encyclopedia: w92 6/15 4
cost: w24.01 10-11; w10 8/15 14-15
discussion: w25.01 20-29, 31; w25.02 4-5; ijwbq article 104; cl 138-139, 141-147; lff lesson 27; wp19.3 10; it-2 735-736; w17.02 6-12; wp17.6 6-7; wp16.2 6-7; bhs 54-55; bh 50-53; w10 8/15 12-16; w08 3/1 4-7; g 12/08 8-9; w06 3/15 8-9; g 5/06 8; w05 11/1 13-14; g05 4/22 11; w01 11/15 6; la 25-27; w00 3/15 3-4; w99 2/15 13-18; w97 2/1 11-13; kl 62-69; bp 16-17; w91 2/15 10-20; w90 3/15 3-6; w89 3/1 21-22; pe 61-63, 65; rs 305-311; Lmn 18-21
for children: lr 192-193
for Hindus: op 27-28; vi 15-21
for Muslims: gu 19-22
for Orientals: w92 6/15 3-7
expression of Jehovah’s—
compassion: cl 257
goodness: w91 8/15 16-17
justice: w25.01 21; ijwbq articles 104, 120; cl 112, 138-139, 141-144; w21.04 14; it-2 733-735; w14 9/15 26; w10 1/15 27; w98 8/1 13; w96 3/15 22; kl 65-66; w91 2/15 14, 19; w89 3/1 21-22; w89 9/15 5; rs 307-308
love: w25.01 21-23; w24.01 28; w24.08 6; ijwbv article 18; cl 247; wp16.2 7; w15 8/15 12-13; w15 11/15 18-20; w14 8/15 17-18; w11 6/15 12-15; w05 8/1 29; w03 4/1 7; w03 7/1 14-16; wt 18-19; w01 4/1 19; w96 6/15 6; kl 66, 69; rs 311
peaceableness: w11 8/15 24-25
righteousness: w05 2/1 24; w05 11/1 13-14; w98 8/1 13-14; w91 2/15 19
undeserved kindness: w16.07 27; w09 10/15 28; yb06 3
expression of Jesus’ love: cf 176-178; cl 231; w99 2/15 17-18; w95 6/15 14-15; kl 69
for individuals: w19.07 30-31
foregleams in Job: w09 8/15 5-6; g 5/06 8; si 100
foreshadowed by—
Abraham’s attempted sacrifice of Isaac: w24.08 4; w10 8/15 14-15; w09 2/1 18; w09 9/15 28-29; wt 35-36; w97 2/1 12; bp 17; wi 29
Passover lamb: w07 1/1 20-21; bp 17
sacrifices under Law: w24.08 4; mwb20.11 3; mwb19.09 3; w14 11/15 10-12; lv 76; w12 1/15 17; g 8/12 20; w07 4/1 19; w93 3/15 10
gift to individuals: lff lessons 27-28; w19.07 30-31; w19.08 28
gift to mankind: w18.06 32; wp17.2 3-7; wp17.6 6-7; w15 4/1 14; bhs 52-56, 58-61; w10 4/1 11; w92 1/15 9-11
illustrations to help explain: cl 143; w10 8/15 14; ct 156-157; kl 64; w91 2/15 13; rs 308
Jehovah’s role: cl 142-146; wp17.2 4-7; bhs 60; w09 1/15 27-28; w06 3/15 9; w91 2/15 14
“gave his only-begotten Son” (Joh 3:16): wp17.2 5; w14 3/1 4; w92 1/15 9-11
Repurchaser: it-2 781
Jesus’ blood: cl 145-146; w14 11/15 11-12; w91 2/15 16
Jesus’ role: w24.01 10-11; it-2 735-736; w10 8/15 14; w10 12/15 18; w91 2/15 14-18; w89 3/1 22; rs 306-308
atonement sacrifice: w25.02 5; it-1 212; w91 2/15 15-16
“corresponding ransom” (1Ti 2:6): w25.02 4-5; ijwbq article 104; cl 142-143, 145; w11 6/15 13; w99 4/15 12; w97 7/15 6-7; w92 6/15 5-6; w91 2/15 12-13
“crushed for our errors” (Isa 53:5): g 8/12 20
“Eternal Father” (Isa 9:6): ws 163-164
“last Adam” (1Co 15:45): w25.02 5; cl 145; it-2 736; w14 9/15 26; g 12/06 5-6; g05 4/22 4; lr 192-193; w00 3/15 4; ws 163-164, 169
“one act of justification” (Ro 5:18): cl 145; it-1 604-605; w12 11/15 13
provides inheritance for “children”: w90 6/1 5-6
“ransom for all” (1Ti 2:6): w89 8/15 31
‘release by ransom’ (Ro 3:24; Col 1:14): w13 2/15 11-12
suffering “servant” (Isa 52:13–53:12): w09 1/15 25-29; wi 28-29
‘terminate transgression, finish off sin’ (Da 9:24): wi 29
link with model prayer (Mt 6:9, 10): w17.02 8-11
meaning of term: w25.02 4-6; ijwbq article 104; cl 139, 141-142; kl 65; rs 305-306
meditating on: w23.04 27-28
not a general amnesty: w89 9/15 5
not taking for granted: w21.04 17
presentation to Jehovah: cf 183-184
sacred: w88 6/15 11
source of encouragement: w14 9/15 16; w06 5/1 15; w90 12/15 19-20
to whom paid: cl 144; w91 2/15 14
Christendom’s view: w02 10/15 5; w91 2/15 5
Trinity disproved by: ti 15
understanding clarified:
“corresponding ransom” (2011): w11 6/15 13; w11 8/15 32
validity: w87 4/15 6
who are not ransomed: it-2 791-792; w90 3/15 5
Adam and Eve: cl 143; it-2 736; w91 2/15 13; w90 3/15 5
who are ransomed: w90 3/15 4-5
how possible to ransom many: w25.01 21; bhs 54-55; bh 50-51
who provides: cl 143-144; w09 1/15 27-28; w06 3/15 9; w91 2/15 14
why Jesus chosen: kl 62-63; w92 1/15 10-11
why necessary: w25.01 21; ijwbq article 104; cl 138-139, 141-142, 144-145; it-2 735-736; wp16.2 5-7; w15 4/1 12-14; bhs 60; fg 8-9; w11 3/1 16; w10 6/1 8-9; w10 8/15 13-14; w08 11/1 16; ct 156-157; rq 6-7; kl 63-66; w92 1/15 10; w91 2/15 11; w90 3/15 4; pe 61-62; rs 28, 306-308
Jehovah’s justice requires: ijwbq article 104; cl 112, 138, 142-143; w21.04 14; it-2 18-19; wp16.2 6-7; w97 2/1 11; kl 65-66; w91 2/15 14, 19; w89 3/1 21-22; w89 9/15 5; rs 307-308
Witnesses uphold doctrine of: jv 132; w89 3/1 22-23
early defectors: jv 620-621
Russell’s view: jv 47, 131-132, 619-620; sh 352