Keeping a Clean Organization of Talkers
1. As foretold by Jude, who have come into the congregation that we do not want there, and what will their end be?
MANY persons have associated themselves with Jehovah’s witnesses and have mixed in with them, and we believed they were sincere because of their association and the course of action they had taken. But some have come that we do not want. The reason is that they are selfish. They have no love for God or for their neighbor. They are still of the old world and they believe that the old-world practices can be worked into this New World society. Jehovah will not allow it. Jude wrote: “I found it necessary to write you to exhort you to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones. My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to the judgment described below, ungodly men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 3, 4, NW) It is this type of person that we must be careful about. He is a hypocrite! His philosophy or his way of thinking has no place in the New World society. Only those devoted to blessing Jehovah will gain life. Jude continues and says: “But you, beloved ones, by building up yourselves on your most holy faith, and praying with holy spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love, while you are waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.” (Jude 20, 21, NW) Those taking the right course will be blessed. Those who oppose and are unclean will lose everything, even life.
2, 3. As one of Jehovah’s acts to speak about, how may what he did at Jericho be spoken of, and through what course of action did an undesirable Israelite come to view?
2 In this connection it is written: “Men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts; and I will declare thy greatness.” (Ps. 145:6, AS) As one of Jehovah’s terrible acts, take, for example, the destruction of the city of Jericho. What a mighty and terrible act! Jehovah God had promised to lead his people into the land of milk and honey and he did so and assured them that he would win their battles for them. So he told them how Jericho would be destroyed. You can read the account in the Bible, at Joshua 6:1-26 (NW). Jehovah God was watching every move of his people and they did as Jehovah commanded. They did their part; Jehovah did his. The walls fell. You well say it was a miracle. After the walls fell Jehovah was still interested in his chosen people. He wanted them to remain clean and obedient.
3 But now the selfish Achan came to view. (Josh. 7:1-26, NW) The whole nation of Israel must have trembled after Achan was exposed, for this searching out of the selfish one showed the mightiness and alertness of Jehovah God. Achan turned thief. To the Israelites he looked clean outside; but he was not, because he was dirty inside. His philosophy for survival was selfishness, not love, not worship of Jehovah God, not following His commands. No, he thought he knew better than to carry out Jehovah’s organization instructions. Joshua, the one chosen to lead Jehovah’s people, was speaking for Jehovah God when Joshua told the people how to march, when and where and what to do. But Achan was not marching for the love of it. No, he was interested in what he could get out of it. Covetousness impelled his heart.
4, 5. How was Achan disposed of? and the method of detecting him disclosed what concerning Jehovah?
4 Because Achan was unclean, a filthy thing in Israel, Jehovah’s chosen people, what followed? “Joshua, and all Israel with him, now took Achan the son of Zerah and the silver and the garment and the bar of gold and his sons and his daughters and his ox and his ass and his flock and his tent and everything that was his and they brought them up to the valley of Achor. Then Joshua said: ‘Why have you brought trouble upon us? Jehovah will bring trouble upon you on this day.’ With that all Israel went pelting him to death with stones, after which they burned them with fire. Thus they stoned them with stones.”—Josh. 7:24, 25, NW.
5 The people must have marveled at the way Jehovah ferreted Achan out, by tribe, by family, by household, down to the man himself and his own tent, and there they found the garment and the gold, the things that he had stolen out of the city of Jericho. Yes, Jehovah God was watching his organization. He watched them march round Jericho, he watched the walls fall, he watched his people go into the city to take out the things that they should bring to Jehovah. He saw Achan the selfish one with no love for God or his brothers. Remember, you too are now living under the eyes and the powerful hand of the same living God, Jehovah, not sightless, lifeless gods of stone, wood or metal!
6. To avoid an end such as Achan’s, what warning and sound counsel may every lover of Jehovah’s organization now willingly heed?
6 There may be some whose ideas of living are based on selfishness and who will not clean up inside, will not change their thinking. Some of these get into Jehovah’s organization. Do not be one of them, for Jehovah sees what is going on. He can reach right in there and throw you out so quickly that you will need time to discover just what has so suddenly and swiftly happened to you. But as long as you seriously and sincerely trust Jehovah and stay alertly in his organization and abide by his Word and obey Jehovah’s commandments, then his spirit and his blessing will be your happy portion. But violate his commandments, and you will not have his favor but will receive his punishments. Jesus said: “If you love me, you will observe my commandments.” (John 14:15, NW) You see the whole organization of Jehovah God is based on love, not selfishness and uncleanness. Sometime maybe one will think that he can get away with something in Jehovah’s organization. If it is not according to the commandment of God, he will not get away with it. He will fail, as Achan did.
7. Why does the death of Ananias serve as further warning to us, and how should true members of the New World society avoid that kind of death?
7 Just recall Ananias. In his case there is another example of the greatness of Jehovah God, his mighty acts, and the power of his holy spirit. Ananias was trying to live a lie. Because he lied, because he put on an appearance of doing something wonderful and great but actually was stealing from Jehovah’s organization he dropped dead. (Acts 5:1-6, NW) That event warns us, Never lie to Jehovah. Do not try to deal selfishly with his righteous organization. Never bring dishonesty or uncleanness into the congregation of Jehovah God. That is selfishness. The happy course of action that a real Christian takes is this: “Every day will I bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever.” (Ps. 144 [145]:2, CB) That is what all of us who have come into Jehovah’s New World society must do. Do not try to mar the glory of Jehovah’s kingdom and his organization by doing something like Achan or Ananias. Jehovah’s New World society is part of God’s holy organization. Recognize it, get into it now and serve with it right through his battle at Armageddon, on into his righteous new world without end, where all will love Jehovah and love their surviving neighbors.
8, 9. Dedication of one’s life to Jehovah today includes what features of worship with respect to him and his now permanently-set government?
8 When one dedicates his life to Jehovah God now it is a matter of a continual, never-ending service. It is not just doing a little bit now and then. It is not just an incidental hobby, or a pastime. But, “Every day will I bless you.” Your service to Jehovah God is your worship. You must praise his name, you must speak of his glory, you must tell others what your God has done. Bless his name, speak well of his name, show all the world that you are his servant, that you can live in happiness with love as a motive force.
9 Tell it out to the peoples of the world that Jehovah reigns and his kingdom is now a glorious, permanent government. Jesus said we should “go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded.”—Matt. 28:19, 20, NW.
10, 11. (a) Of what, and where, do all of Jehovah’s witnesses now talk? (b) Why is it urgent for them thus to talk?
10 All of Jehovah’s witnesses, whether missionaries, pioneers or congregation publishers, must talk of the glory of Jehovah’s kingdom. In Jehovah’s organization none are silent, but “in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’” (Ps. 28 [29]:9, CB) Paul did so, for he reminds us: “I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.”—Acts 20:20, NW.
11 Jesus’ apostles and other faithful followers never held back anything that they knew about their Creator or about his Son, their Leader, who took away the sin of the world. They could not do so. Where did they talk? Publicly and from house to house. Just as that method was so important for them from the first and, later, in Paul’s day, so it is our most important work during this fortieth year of Jehovah’s kingdom. You should get out there in the field, going from house to house, from home to home, meeting the people in their homes, talking to them about the glory of Jehovah’s kingdom. Are you doing that, especially now that the Kingdom, Jehovah’s permanent government, is here? It is urgent to do so, because the years left before his final battle at Armageddon cannot be too many.
12. Why and how do true lovers of their neighbors now prove themselves to be different from the world?
12 We must show the world that we are different. We cannot hide our light under a measuring basket. (Matt. 5:15, NW) We believe in loving our neighbor, not killing him with darkness. We want to see him live. We can help him with the message of life that Jehovah has given us to talk to the world. That can best be accomplished by going from door to door and studying with the people right in their own homes, so that they can conveniently ask questions and get a Scriptural answer. Just like you, they must “make sure of all things,” and we want them to believe in Jehovah’s kingdom. “When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you.”—Matt. 10:12, 13, NW.
13. (a) While preaching from house to house, how does the New World society minister constantly try to determine each home’s worthiness to be served by him? (b) Why does he recognize and respect each householder’s liberty of choice?
13 We have a wonderful message to take to the world, for all nations, kindreds and tongues. It is a peaceful message delivered by peaceful persons. You ministers are of the New World society; you are representing Jehovah God, the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. And when you go into a house let your peace be manifest to that house. If that house does not want your peaceful message and your peaceful, friendly presence, and it does not want to learn of the glorious kingdom of Jehovah God, do not rebuke it; that is, the occupant who faces you at the door and refuses to hear. Rather take back your peace. Promptly and graciously leave if he has no ear to hear. There is no reason to scold and say, “You’re going to die at Armageddon!” and then abruptly walk away. Each has a right to choose whom he will serve. You brought peace, you brought a message of love, of kindness. You tried to show him the new world of righteousness. He did not want it. You take again to yourself your peaceful message and go on to the next house and talk to its occupant. Maybe some day the man in the first home you visited and who refused you will have a change of heart. Maybe the next minister calling will succeed in leaving in his home the message of peace. You have peaceful, good news for those who want it. It is precious, glorious. You are willing, yes, glad, eager, to give it to anyone who wants it. If any do not want it, you are not offended, you are not disturbed; you are going to hold it and offer it to someone else. Do not let the people who prefer and choose this old world upset you or slow you down. Instead, happily recall that “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, NW) If anyone does not want to accept the Son, Jehovah is not going to force him to live. Each may choose to accept that wonderful gift, exercise faith in Christ, and enjoy the blessings of the glorious Kingdom and its rule over this new world. But if anyone does not want the redemptive price to apply to him, he will not be compelled to accept it. The minister happily goes on to find and feed the ones who are hungry.
14. Who, only, will successfully praise Jehovah from now on, and for how long?
14 Jehovah is not going to have any selfish, unpeaceful persons in the new world to disturb its tranquillity. Such will do better to change now, while there is time, and get in line for life. Therefore, never neglect praising the name of the Most High God between now and the time of Armageddon. It is something that we are going to keep on doing and have the opportunity of doing for eternity—forever and ever.—Ps. 71:14, 15, AS.
15, 16. (a) What other good practice of Jesus’ apostles does the mature house-to-house preacher use today? (b) How and why does the Society’s headquarters also follow that practice?
15 Do not think that just your going from house to house is the end of your work of love. Unselfishly, from house to house, we carry the good message of the kingdom of Jehovah. Some hear. But look at what the apostles did. “Now after some days Paul said to Barnabas: ‘Above all things, let us return and visit the brothers in every one of the cities in which we published the word of Jehovah to see how they are.’”—Acts 15:36, NW.
16 So, after having brought the message of peace into a home and having told in that home the glories of Jehovah’s kingdom, we do not want them to forget it. Remember, you are so much more mature than those people to whom you have given their first taste of Jehovah’s truth. You have the truth settled in your mind; by it you have been made strong; your faith is powerful. Paul and Barnabas knew that. So they went back to their brothers whom they had given the truth; yes, to every one of the cities they had visited. They wanted to strengthen them in the Word of God, which, as Jesus said, is the truth. We have to follow that God-given pattern of action, and we do organizationally at the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters, because from there circuit servants and district servants are sent from congregation to congregation, so that if we see anything that is wrong in the congregation or anything that is dampening its zeal, anything that is slowing down its members, the mature visiting servants of Jehovah God can remove the hindrance and build them up again in the most holy faith.
17. How and among whom should congregational servants specially ‘declare and teach’?
17 Servants in the various congregations should always be looking after the flock of God and calling back on those who are weak in faith and teach them how to go from house to house. Look after those who are isolated and live in rural territory and who have shown interest. The congregation servant with his assistants or others should get out there to look after them when at all possible. They are other sheep, they are scattered, they must be brought together and fed. As it is written of the early congregation: “Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.”—Acts 5:42, NW.
18. Seeing today’s Kingdom realities, how are mature and maturing house-to-house preachers affected by such vision?
18 Now that we have come into this fortieth year of Jehovah’s kingdom, can we let up? No; rather, recall that over 1900 years ago Jesus was impaled; he was tortured, put to death by conspiring religionists and politicians. That certainly must have been a blow to those early followers of Jesus. It was A.D. 33 when these startling things happened. Things looked dark then for Jesus’ disciples whom he had sent to preach; but later, from Pentecost on, they had to continue to go from house to house without letup. Now today, we who have, for many years, been preaching the good news during the very last days of this system of things, are we going to let up? Slow down? Go into retirement? We cannot. Today we see the Kingdom more clearly than we did back there in 1914 or 1918 or 1931 or any previous time. We feel its power; we see its activity. So, just like Jesus’ apostles, we have to continue without letup declaring and teaching the good news of this glorious kingdom of Jehovah God. Great work is yet before us, and the New World society will do it.
19. What several modes of expression does the ancient writer of Psalm 145 urge Jehovah’s willing earthly praisers to use?
19 Psalm 145, the basis for this article, is a very “talkative” one; it is expressive; it keeps on declaring things. And if you read that psalm verse by verse you will find that you are told to extol, praise, laud, declare, meditate, speak, utter, sing, talk, and “make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of his kingdom.” Oh, how the psalmist wanted us to talk! He was anxious to talk, he wanted to say things about the glories that he foresaw away back there, thousands of years ago; but now we are right up here in that glory of Jehovah’s kingdom. We certainly should be talking about it, ‘making known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glory of the majesty of Jehovah’s kingdom.’—Ps. 145:12, AS.
20, 21. (a) Who now comprise the earth-wide host of house-to-house Kingdom proclaimers? (b) Who is leading them, and what is the highest and final effect of their continuous testifying?
20 The responsibility rests on all who are dedicated to Jehovah God to preach this good news from house to house and to keep telling this peaceful message even to the ends of the earth. Remember, Jehovah’s kingdom is here. It is the capital or ruling part of his universal organization. Into that kingdom have been taken 144,000. These are joint-heirs with Christ and will rule and reign with him a thousand years. They all are humble, obedient, loving creatures, who, while on earth, were good ministers of the Kingdom, speaking of its glorious majesty. In addition to these there are many people who will share blessings and peace under that kingdom. Today such are scattered throughout the world. But they are being gathered together into one organization. The New World society and its activity, all under the direction of the heavenly kingdom born in 1914, we now see clearly. It is not something mythical; it is a tangible reality. When Jesus Christ was on earth he proved himself worthy of being exalted to the high position of ruler and the one able to operate the new world on the principle of love. He knows what love is and expressed it in his life on earth. Because he proved his integrity to his Father in heaven even “as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake,” therefore “God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name, so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, and every tongue should openly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”—Phil. 2:8-11, NW.
21 Jesus’ faithful followers have testified and will confess, or talk to others to the effect that Jesus is Lord “to the glory of God the Father.” All true worship, even by the Son, goes to Jehovah, and that is how God wants it; and all the 144,000 will bring glory to the Father through the Son, for they will be the bride of Christ Jesus in the heavenly kingdom. (Rev. 22:9, NW) There is still a remnant of this bride class on earth, according to the 1953 Memorial report only 19,183. All these must speak of Jehovah’s glorious kingdom in vindication of Jehovah’s name; and the One who leads in this vindication is Christ Jesus, for of him we read that “the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this.”—Isa. 9:6, 7, AS.
22, 23. (a) Unfailing support for and permanent success of the now actually established sole earth-wide governing power depend upon whom? (b) Who now advertise this real, abiding government, how often and until when will they continue to do so and with what benefit to others and to themselves?
22 Jehovah, the living God, is backing up this whole arrangement. It is his will, his power, his zeal, that makes this whole thing a tangible reality. Jehovah will perform this. When we see this glorious kingdom that he has put into operation, then certainly we must talk of it. We know the need of the righteous rule and we as Christians must tell others about it all the time, “all day long.” (Ps. 145:2, AT) We must manifest ourselves as God’s people. “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.”—Matt. 24:14, NW.
23 So let us talk the right things now. Talk about this kingdom, Jehovah’s permanent government, and you will gain life. You have come to know of it by oral teaching, and you can stay in the way of life. How? “Let anyone who is being orally taught the word share in all good things with the one who gives such oral teaching.” (Gal. 6:6, NW) You can do that by accompanying the oral teacher in preaching, by talking, by declaring, by teaching, by extolling the glory of Jehovah’s kingdom with him. The responsibility is yours “to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of his kingdom.” By your acting thus you, with the psalmist, can continually say to Jehovah: “Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.” (Ps. 145:13) If you want life, then you must also say in the words of the year’s text: “Every day will I bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever.”—Ps. 145:2, CB.
24. Is publicizing of Jehovah’s established kingdom restricted to those now engaged in doing it? Why yes or no?
24 We are not so selfish as to think this preaching work is to be done by just those who now are Jehovah’s witnesses. We are not a secret, restricted or closed society or organization. We call to the whole world whom we are orally teaching, to whom we talk, to come and have part with us in these good things, partake with us of the peace and learn of Jehovah’s purposes so that each “sheep” too may be his true worshiper and preacher. We are not trying to get anyone to join anything; but we certainly want to see people get life. We do not want to die, and we do not want others to die; we want them to live; we want others to recognize the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God. So why, then, should not we in all of our oral teaching want them to come with us and talk, just as we are talking?
25, 26. In fulfillment of what ancient prediction, and how, practically, is genuine welcome to more and more Kingdom proclaimers now being expressed?
25 There must be no letup now in this preaching work that we are doing. And there will be no letup in preaching the good news, for “the spirit and the bride keep on saying, ‘Come!’” So “let anyone hearing say, ‘Come!’ And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.”—Rev. 22:17, NW.
26 We cannot be selfish in this matter. Go to your neighbors, your relatives, from house to house, and say ‘Come! and take of this water of life, without any cost, without any price. Take it free.’ More and more let each of us “make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of his kingdom.”