Delivering Satan’s Death Notice
“How art thou fallen from heaven, . . . Yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit. Jehovah of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely, . . . as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”—Isa. 14:12, 15, 24, Am. Stan. Ver.
1. Who have been chosen to deliver Jehovah’s message against Gog of Magog, and why these to the exclusion of others?
AS THE previous article stated, Jehovah’s witnesses, of all people, are the ones commissioned by God to deliver his special message just prior to this world’s end. The message is one of doom directed against Gog of Magog, that is, Satan the Devil, and against his allies. And there are very good reasons why Jehovah God in these “last days” passed over all others and chose what at the time was a small and obscure group of people to speak in his name and by his authority as his witnesses. Whom else can God trust to speak for him? Admittedly he cannot use agnostics and atheists, who say there is neither a Jehovah God nor a Satan the Devil. He cannot use the pagan-worshiping heathen, who have never heard of Him and who prefer to serve a multitude of false gods. Most certainly He will not use the self-seeking, proud and haughty rulers of this world who, like Pharaoh of old, sneeringly say: “Who is Jehovah?” Jehovah uses only those faithful and loyal to him, men and women of proved integrity, and for this reason he refuses to use the clergy of Christendom, since out of fear of men or for some other selfish reason they compromise with and are friends of God’s very enemies.a
2. (a) What high qualifications do Jehovah’s witnesses meet? (b) Name a few of those in the past that displayed similar characteristics, and describe the source of their strength.
2 Jehovah’s witnesses, on the other hand, meet the exacting qualifications set by the Almighty Jehovah for those who are privileged to deliver his highly important message against Gog of Magog. These witnesses are fully obedient to Jehovah under all circumstances and especially under difficult situations when put to the test by the adversary. They are fearless of the Devil and his dupes. They are stouthearted and courageous, having implicit trust in and reliance on the Divine Power that backs them up. (Deut. 31:6, 7; Josh. 1:6, 9, 18; Ps. 27:14; 31:24; Hag. 2:4; Zech. 8:9, 13; 1 Cor. 16:13; Eph. 6:10; 2 Tim. 1:7) They are not pusillanimous cowards, recreant “sissies,” or weak-kneed poltroons, for such types of craven individuals are an abomination in Jehovah’s sight. (Deut. 20:8; Judg. 7:3; Eph. 4:14; Jas. 1:6-8; Rev. 21:8) The qualities displayed by Jehovah’s faithful witnesses today are the same as those possessed by Jehovah’s representatives in the past—upright men and women of action like Gideon and Deborah, Barak and Jael, Jephthah and Rahab—“who through faith defeated kingdoms in conflict, . . . from a weak state were made powerful, became valiant in war, routed the armies of foreigners.” (Judg. 4:4-9; Heb. 11:31-34, NW) But not in their own strength or through their own craftiness and ability did they come off more than conquerors. It was not because of natural strength of mind or body but by Jehovah’s spirit that they were able to endure the trials and sufferings that came upon them.—Zech. 4:6.
3. How did David measure up to the requirements as a spokesman and witness for Jehovah?
3 David is another good example of one having the desirable qualities Jehovah approves in his witnesses. He was the youngest and apparently the most obscure one of the family, considered by his elders fit only to be a keeper of the sheep out in the wilderness, while his older brothers, wise and important in their own eyes, looked after what they considered the more honorable affairs. But “Jehovah seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looketh on the heart.” So Jehovah passed by these brothers that thought so highly of themselves and their personal qualifications. David, though but a youth, undeveloped and small of stature when measured alongside a mighty man of war like Saul, was nevertheless equipped with those essential qualities that make for success as one of Jehovah’s witnesses. (1 Sam. 16:3-13, AS) He loved righteousness and had a perfect hatred for those that blaspheme and reproach Jehovah God. When faced with overwhelming dangers his full confidence and trust was in the unlimited power of the Most High God. Note how this beloved witness of Jehovah delivered the death notice to that overtowering and frightening representative of the Devil, the giant Goliath. “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a javelin: but I come to thee in the name of Jehovah of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will Jehovah deliver thee into my hand; and I will smite thee, and take thy head from off thee; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day unto the birds of the heavens, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that Jehovah saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is Jehovah’s, and he will give you into our hand.” With those challenging words David eagerly dashed forward, felled the monster with a well-aimed slingstone right between the eyes, and with Goliath’s own sword cut off his ugly head!—1 Sam. 17:45-47, AS.
4. Explain why Jehovah’s witnesses are the only ones capable of delivering Satan’s death notice.
4 The inspired apostle Paul wrote: “Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil; because we have a fight, not against blood and flesh, but against the [non-flesh-and-blood] governments, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. On this account take up the complete suit of armor from God.” (Eph. 6:10-13, NW) Search the world over and you will find no other group of people aside from Jehovah’s witnesses that have put on such “armor from God.” Thus equipped they are the only group of people that are capable of standing up against and battling the Devil and his demon forces. Jehovah’s witnesses, therefore, are fully qualified and are able and willing to deliver Jehovah God’s message against Gog of Magog and his hordes, and this the history of the past thirty-five years shows they have been doing.
5. What challenging proclamation was hurled into the face of Gog and his allies at Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1922?
5 As long ago as September 10, 1922, more than 10,000 of Jehovah’s witnesses in convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, adopted a Resolution that said in part: “We as [God’s] witnesses hold and testify as follows, to wit: . . . That Satan, long the god of this world, has deceived the statesmen, financiers and the clergy, by inducing them to believe that by international agreement or other combined efforts they can bring the desire of all nations; That all the world’s present organization constitutes the visible part of Satan’s empire or organization, and that Satan’s empire must now fall before the forward march of the King of glory; That all international conferences and all agreements or treaties resulting therefrom, including the League of Nations compact and all like compacts, must fail, because God has decreed it thus; . . . We further hold and testify that this is the day of God’s vengeance against Satan’s empire visible and invisible.” More than 45,000,000 copies of this challenging proclamation were hurled into the face of Gog of Magog and his visible allies throughout the world. A stunning blow indeed, but only the beginning of a long series of such plaguing denunciations from Jehovah by the mouth of his witnesses.
6. The following year what “Warning” was served on Gog’s earthly allies?
6 The following year (1923) on August 25, in Los Angeles, California, another convention of Jehovah’s witnesses unanimously adopted another fiery resolution entitled “A Warning.” It was one of the strongest denunciations ever delivered against “those who pretend to be Christians, but do not believe in the Bible as God’s inspired Word of truth, who repudiate the doctrines of the fall of man and his redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ, which class is made up of apostate clergymen and ‘the principal of their flocks’, who are worldly men of strong financial and political influence, which class exercises the controlling influence and power in the denominational organizations.” These are the ones under Gog’s influence and control who “have with selfish design,” the resolution declared, “invaded the schools, colleges, seminaries and universities with their God-dishonoring doctrines of higher criticism and evolution, [and] have led the people into gross error and destroyed the faith of multitudes in the inspired Word of God.” Millions of copies of this resolution, together with the supporting argument entitled “All Nations Marching to Armageddon,” were freely distributed throughout the earth.
7. What satanic conspiracy was specifically mentioned in the 1924 “Indictment”?
7 In July, 1924, at another international assembly of Jehovah’s people, in Columbus, Ohio, a resolution designated “Indictment” was adopted and later, in printed form, distributed to the ends of the earth. Among other things it said: “We believe and hold that it is God’s due time for his displeasure to be expressed against wicked systems that have blinded the people to the truth. . . . We present and charge that Satan formed a conspiracy for the purpose of keeping the peoples in ignorance of God’s provision for blessing them with life, liberty and happiness; and that others, to wit, unfaithful preachers, conscienceless profiteers, and unscrupulous politicians, have entered into said conspiracy, either willingly or unwillingly; That unfaithful preachers have . . . willingly made commercial giants and professional politicians the principal ones of their flocks. We present and charge that the clergy have yielded to the temptations presented to them by Satan and, contrary to God’s Word, have joined in said conspiracy.”
8. Again, in 1925, the responsibility for mankind’s deplorable conditions was fixed upon whom?
8 Again Jehovah’s witnesses, at a big convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 29, 1925, sent out a “Message of Hope” addressed “To All Peoples of Good Will,” which said in part: “For centuries man has been the victim of oppression, war, famine, sickness, sorrow and death. . . . The causes for this deplorable condition are that man by reason of original sin fell from perfection; and that Satan the enemy of God and all righteousness is the invisible ruler or god of this evil world and by his various agencies has turned the minds of many peoples away from God and from his truth. The greatest crisis of the ages is impending and about to fall, because the old world has ended and Satan’s lease of power is done. Knowing this, and that his time is short, the Devil is trying to overwhelm the peoples with a great flood of false and deceptive doctrines and to turn their minds completely away from Jehovah.”
9. What fearless warning was sent forth from London’s Royal Albert Hall as “A Testimony to the Rulers of the World” in 1926?
9 With these yearly denunciations of Gog of Magog coming in such close succession the Lord’s witnesses hardly had time to distribute one to earth’s far corners before another blast against Gog was sent forth. So it was, only ten months later, “A TESTIMONY TO THE RULERS OF THE WORLD” in the form of another resolution was adopted by Jehovah’s faithful witnesses assembled in Royal Albert Hall, London, England, in May, 1926. It read in part: “World powers are designated in the Scriptures under the symbol ‘beast’ for the evident reason that they are the result of the combined effort of the commercial, political and ecclesiastical leaders of men and are influenced and dominated by Satan, the god of this world, and have been, and are, military, harsh, cruel and oppressive, and manifest the spirit of Satan, their invisible ruler, or god; . . . divine prophecy now fulfilled, and in the course of fulfilment, bears testimony to the fact that Satan’s lease of power is done, and that the old world has ended, . . . by reason of the blinding influence of Satan the minds of the rulers and the ruled are turned away from the true God, and the evil forces are gathering the whole world unto the great battle of the Lord God Almighty; that there is now impending a time of trouble such as the world has never known, during which conflict Satan’s powerful organization shall fall never to rise again.”
10. What historic event occurred in 1927 to give impetus to this message of doom being delivered against Gog of Magog?
10 The power of the printing press aided greatly in making known these divine pronouncements as millions upon millions of printed copies were widely circulated in many languages. Now, in 1927, a new force was added to this message against Gog of Magog, namely, the power of radio broadcasting. History was made in Toronto, Canada, in July of that year when an address entitled “Freedom for the Peoples” was broadcast over the largest hookup of radio stations up until then. Fifty-three stations from the Atlantic to the Pacific, plus shortwave facilities, were used. On that occasion another important resolution was broadcast that, to quote a portion, declared: “As Christians and witnesses to the name of Jehovah God we deem it our privilege and duty to call your attention to the following vital facts: . . . That the invisible ruler of the nations of ‘Christendom’ or ‘organized Christianity’, so called, is Satan the Devil, who has fathered the scheme of forming ‘organized Christianity’ to deceive the people and to keep them in subjection to himself and his agencies. . . . That the kings and rulers of the earth, to wit: those constituting the said unholy alliance, have been duly notified that God has set his King upon his throne and that his kingdom is at hand; but they refuse to understand or to take heed, and they walk on in darkness. Therefore God has decreed and declared that there shall come upon the world a time of tribulation such as never was known; and that during that trouble ‘Christendom’ or ‘organized Christianity’, so called, and all of Satan’s organization shall be destroyed.”
11. What was the occasion when the history-making “Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah” was adopted in 1928?
11 The following year another milestone in history was reached. “The most extensive and expensive radio hookup in history,” to quote the New York Times, in which 107 radio stations covering the United States and Canada, and shortwave channels carrying the message to foreign lands, was arranged for August 5, 1928. This sensational hookup used 33,500 miles of telephone lines and 91,400 miles of telegraph lines, with more than 500 telephone experts superintending the network. What was the occasion? The broadcasting once again of Jehovah’s message against Gog of Magog! It was in the form of a resolution entitled “Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah.” Jehovah’s people assembled in international convention in Detroit, Michigan, the resolution said, “do declare themselves against Satan and wholly for Jehovah of hosts, and emphatically announce further these vital truths, to wit: . . . That Satan the Devil has caused strife amongst the nations and is responsible for all the cruel wars, wicked murders, all heinous crimes and other corrupt acts that have been committed; that until now Jehovah has not restrained Satan from the exercise of power and influence over man, . . . that for many centuries Satan has been the invisible ruler of the world, constantly defaming the name of Jehovah God and working great injury to men and nations; That Jehovah promised that in his due time he would restrain Satan and establish a righteous government in the earth that men might have an opportunity for life everlasting in happiness; . . . That because Satan will not surrender his wicked rule over the nations and peoples of the earth, Jehovah of hosts with his anointed executive officer Christ Jesus will press the conflict against Satan and all of his forces of evil, and henceforth our battle-cry shall be, THE SWORD OF JEHOVAH AND OF HIS ANOINTED; that the great battle of Armageddon soon to begin will result in the full restraint of Satan and the complete overthrow of his evil organization.” At the conclusion, the resolution was enthusiastically adopted by a vote not only by the visible audience of upward of 12,000, but also by the far-greater number in the unseen radio audience.
12. In 1931 what two great truths were called to the attention of “The Rulers” and “The People,” and how was this message further expanded throughout the earth?
12 Again Columbus, Ohio, this time July 26, 1931, and again a warning was sounded, addressed “TO THE RULERS AND TO THE PEOPLE.” It said in part: “BE IT KNOWN: That there is but one true and Almighty God, whose name is Jehovah, the Most High; that there is but one Redeemer of man, whose name is Christ and whom God has anointed and installed as King of the world; and that his Kingdom is now come, and is the hope of the peoples of the world. That Satan, the Devil, is the great enemy of God and of man. For centuries he has been the invisible ruler of the world, and has brought great reproach upon the name of God and has led men into degradation; that the condition of suffering and distress now in the earth is due to the wickedness of Satan and his agents; that the time has come, as God declares, when Satan’s rule shall for ever end; that in 1914 Satan was cast out of heaven down to the earth; that within a short time from now Jehovah by Christ will destroy Satan’s power and organization in the earth; that before so doing, however, it is the expressed will and commandment of Jehovah God that his message of warning shall be delivered by his witnesses to the rulers and to the people.” Immediately following this convention 165 other conventions throughout the world echoed the same themes of the Columbus assembly and adopted similar resolutions.
13. Has the delivering of Jehovah’s message against Gog of Magog slowed down or ceased since 1931?
13 The intervening years from and since 1931 have been filled with similar denunciations and exposé of Gog of Magog and his nefarious allies, and it is certain that this important work will not slow down or cease until it is finished at Armageddon. For example, when the “New World Society of Jehovah’s witnesses” gathered in Yankee Stadium in New York city for an eight-day assembly, July 19-26, 1953, the 112,700 at the evening session of the fifth day heard a talk entitled “New World Society Attacked from the Far North.” In that stirring forthright discourse not only were Gog and his allies identified but also the strategy they will use in their last all-out attack upon the Lord’s faithful people was revealed and described in detail. It was certainly another timely warning from Jehovah, for the whole world to hear; therefore it was later published in the October 1, 1953, issue of the Watchtower magazine, which issue had a circulation of 1,650,000 copies in thirty-nine languages. And now that message continues to go forth in the book You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World, released in English in 1955, the first edition of which was one million copies, and the twentieth chapter of which is entitled “Awaiting the Attack by Gog of Magog.”
14. What effect has this warning message had upon Gog and his allies?
14 But over the years what has the delivering of this caustic message against Satan the Devil accomplished or what purpose has it served? First of all, never lose sight of the all-important fact that this is Jehovah’s message that he long ago purposed should be delivered against Gog of Magog in these closing years of Satan’s wicked rule. “Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, except he reveal his secret unto his servants the prophets. . . . The Lord Jehovah hath spoken; who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:7, 8, AS) Of course Jehovah is under no obligation to warn the wicked of their error, but because of his long-suffering with these vessels of wrath that are only fit for destruction Jehovah warns such of their impending execution even though the message only hardens their already stony hearts. That is what happened in Pharaoh’s case, and he was a fitting picture or type of the Devil. This exposure of Gog’s global operation infuriates this wicked one and he schemes how to silence Jehovah’s witnesses for making these things known. This is why he causes his earthly agencies to heap so much persecution and suffering upon them in an effort to hinder and stop their preaching activity. We may confidently expect that Gog of Magog in his maddened desperation will in the future attempt to make even greater efforts to wipe out Jehovah’s faithful witnesses completely. That final desperate attack, however, will mark the beginning of Armageddon.
15. What effect has the opposition to this message had upon Jehovah’s witnesses, and what assurance is there that this message will continue to be preached until Armageddon?
15 So the proclaiming of this message under these adverse conditions serves a good purpose in that it puts the message-bearers to a test. Will they obey Jehovah God and continue to proclaim God’s ordained message or will they water it down, sugar-coat it with compromise, or will they quit altogether and run for cover? Will they stick to the organization Jehovah is now using in the earth or will they attempt to break away from the theocratic organization and set up one of their own design and making? Here and there an isolated individual who stops walking in the counsel of Jehovah may drop out and turn back, as Lot’s wife did, but the organization as a whole will not fail in its dedicated purpose, because Jehovah’s purposes never fail. Jehovah’s faithful witnesses will stand the enemy’s fire and will thus prove their integrity under the test. There is no doubt, then, the message of warning against the Devil and all those under his cruel rule will continue until the “cities” or organizations of this old system of things are no more to be found.
16. The serving of Satan’s death notice has had, and will yet have, what effect upon people of good will?
16 Many people of good will are deceived by Satan and are held by him as captives against their own will. So the sounding of this warning message serves another very good purpose. Its loud and continuous proclamation awakens these people of right heart condition, opens their blind eyes, and leads them out of the Devil’s captivity into the glorious freedom of the truth, thus enabling them to escape the execution of Jehovah’s judgment that will fall upon the Devil’s organization in the near future. More than a half million of such lovers of righteousness have already fled for safety in these comparatively few short years since this proclamation began. Here, then, is tangible evidence that the delivering of this message of warning has not been in vain, but rather has been attended by overwhelming prosperity and success. As the Proverb says, “a trustworthy envoy insures success.” And again it is written: “Like a draught of snow-cooled water in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the spirit of his master.” (Prov. 13:17; 25:13, AT) The Master Jehovah has in turn smiled with approval upon his trustworthy witnesses and their work, and has indeed refreshed and sustained them over the years. No doubt a great multitude of other people of good will must yet hear and flee to safety as this proclamation continues a little longer.
17. Why is it necessary to emphasize the urgency of the times?
17 The urgency of the times cannot be emphasized too strongly. The time is short, much shorter than when this proclamation began, and there is no time to lose. Armageddon draws on apace. It is now almost forty years since Satan was cast out of heaven down to this earth. The climax of all ages is fast approaching. Jehovah’s Word and name are about to be completely vindicated. The one that challenged Jehovah’s universal sovereignty in the first place, he who boasted he would be “like the Most High,” is about to be brought down to the pit, the abyss. (Rev. 20:1-3, NW) Just think of it—the one responsible for this world’s ignorance, superstitions and fears, the one responsible for mankind’s fallen condition of sin, sickness, sorrow and death, the one responsible for all the wickedness in the earth, all the wars and famines, the delinquency and immorality, the crimes and calamities and woes, yes, man’s greatest enemy, Satan the Devil, will shortly be abyssed for a thousand years!
18. Do you count it a privilege to be one of Jehovah’s witnesses today? Why so?
18 What a privilege, then, you witnesses of Jehovah have! In the long line of witnesses extending from Abel’s day on down to now it is your privilege to be standing among those who are now delivering Satan’s death notice! Do not neglect so rare and so sweet a privilege! Do not delay and do not retard serving this weighty and urgent notice. Remember, Jehovah’s blessing and prosperity will continue upon all those who obey his will and serve his purpose and faithfully deliver this divine message, for ‘surely as Jehovah has purposed, so shall it stand.’—Isa. 14:24, AS.
a See page 462, paragraph 9.