Do You Remember?
How carefully have you read recent issues of The Watchtower? Check yourself to see if you recall these significant points.
● When Jesus Christ said, “Happy are those who mourn” (Matt. 5:4), did he mean just any mourners at all?
No. Mourners who are happy are those mourning because of inherited sinfulness, or due to unrighteous conditions. The good news that God’s Son takes away the sin of the world and that God’s kingdom will remove wickedness and causes of mourning makes them happy.—Pp. 259, 260.a
● In what ways can an overseer show compassion for the sick?
By visiting so as to upbuild them spiritually, by writing a letter or sending a get-well card, or by calling them on the telephone.—Pp. 268, 269.
● What are some of the essentials to balance in Jehovah’s service?
Guarding the heart by daily Bible study; keeping free from anxiety, growing steadily; willingly doing Jehovah’s work; praying; trusting Jehovah; preaching the Kingdom good news.—P. 299.
● Why was the Protestant Reformation no restoration of true worship?
Protestantism retained the basic doctrines of the Catholic church, in organizational structure it maintained the clergy-laity division and its method of preaching does not follow the general-priesthood principle of the early Christians.—Pp. 308, 309.
● The number of the symbolic “wild beast,” which is 666 according to Revelation 13:18, emphasizes what?
It emphasizes the inadequacy, imperfection and deficiency of the human political organization.—P. 343.
● By what four lines of identification can it be determined that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
Lineage, place and manner of birth, nature of his work and chronology.—Pp. 377-381.
● What was the balsam of Gilead?
It was a precious, perfumed medicinal oil. It well pictures the comfort depressed Christians can receive from prayer, association with fellow Christians, study of God’s Word and seeking to bring this spiritual balsam to others.—Pp. 381, 382.
● How will prior study of God’s Word aid us to make right decisions under trying conditions?
Through it we will have God’s mind on a matter in harmony with his spirit and we should resolve to carry out his will, come what may.—P. 399.
● What is the “vine of the earth” mentioned in Revelation 14:18?
The Devil’s visible system of government over mankind.—P. 407.
● Did Judge Jephthah literally offer his daughter up as a burnt offering to Jehovah?
No. It is reasonable to conclude that Jephthah intended that the one meeting him upon his return from battle against the sons of Ammon be wholly dedicated to God’s service.—Pp. 413, 414.
● What is pictured by the water in the “glassy sea” of Revelation 15:2?
It pictures the truth of God’s Word.—P. 440.
● Who are the mild-tempered ones referred to in Matthew 5:5, who will inherit the earth?
Jesus Christ and his 144,000 anointed followers.—P. 451.
● What is symbolized by the four living creatures of Revelation 4:6, 7?
They symbolize Jehovah’s organization, made up of creatures having God’s principal attributes of justice, power, love and wisdom.—P. 471.
● How can a person come into possession of the peace that is a fruit of God’s spirit?
By making peace with God, exercising faith in Christ’s ransom, making a dedication to God, being baptized and letting oneself continue to be taught by Jehovah.—Pp. 489-491.
a All references are to The Watchtower for 1966.