Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points.
● What are some of the tactics that Satan the Devil uses to draw God’s dedicated people away from the true faith?
He tries to tempt them to have illicit relations by playing upon their sex impulses; he also uses materialism and bad associations.—Pp. 534, 535.a
● What are the ways in which a person can use God’s name, Jehovah, in a worthy way?
He can use it in his prayers. When he reads the Bible or any related material in which God’s name appears he can read it aloud. He can use it in conversation with others and in the field ministry.—P. 552.
● Why is it practical for Christians not to seek vengeance upon those who may persecute them?
Because there is always the hope that a persecutor may someday learn the facts about the ones whom he is persecuting, and if he has a good heart, he may also take up pure worship.—P. 559.
● How is the statement at John 7:39 that “as yet there was no spirit” to be understood?
It means that at that time none of Jesus’ disciples had been anointed with the holy spirit and called to heavenly life.—P. 575.
● To what divine provision did the scarlet cord that Rahab the harlot tied to the window of her house point (Josh. 2:21)?
It pointed to Jehovah’s provision for the salvation of the “great crowd,” which provision centers in Jesus’ sacrifice.—P. 594.
● According to Jesus the sabbath-day law that Jehovah gave to Israel pointed forward to what (Matt. 12:8)?
It pointed forward to the thousand-year reign of Christ, the seventh in a series of thousand-year periods or millenniums.—P. 623.
● Did Moses actually see Jehovah God’s form on Mt. Sinai in 1513 B.C.E. (Ex. 34:6)?
No, he just saw the afterglow of the passing manifestation of Jehovah’s glory, and this only after Jehovah had taken special precautions to insulate Moses against being hurt or killed.—P. 652.
● How can The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures serve as a safeguard against error today?
A Bible student can learn the literal meaning of expressions in the original Bible Greek by referring to the interlinear translation and thereby check up on those who claim to know Greek as to whether a matter is true or false.—P. 696.
● What is a basic requirement for genuine success in marriage?
It is to consult regularly the counsel of the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God, as found in his holy Word, the Bible, and for both marriage partners to apply it in their lives.—P. 739.
● Does Jesus’ command at Matthew 28:19 indicate that certain dedicated persons are baptized as members of the “little flock” while others are baptized as members of the “great crowd”?
No, they are baptized as disciples of Jesus Christ, and God in due time can be expected to indicate to each baptized Witness whether he has been assigned to the “little flock” or to the “great crowd.”—Pp. 756, 757.
a All references are to The Watchtower of 1969.