Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you will remember the following points:
● Who is “the Chief Agent of life”?
Jesus Christ.—P. 527.a
● Who Scripturally is to take the lead in a home?
The husband.—P. 549.
● What does the word “sin” as used in the Bible literally mean?
To “miss the mark,” that is, the “mark” of perfect obedience to God.—P. 572.
● What is the yoke to which Jesus referred when he said, “Take my yoke upon you”?—Matt. 11:29.
It is the “yoke” of complete dedication to God as a disciple of Jesus.—P. 593.
● Why could Jesus say in his day that the “kingdom of God has drawn near”?
Because he, God’s appointed one to rule in that kingdom, was there.—P. 621.
● When was the doctrine of the Trinity introduced to those professing to be followers of Christ?
In the fourth century, after Jesus’ death.—P. 643.
● Why was Eve’s original sin not the seduction of Adam?
God had commanded Adam and Eve to have children before they sinned.—P. 645.
● What two time periods are meant by the expression “year of goodwill,” at Isaiah 61:2?
From the Messiah’s appearance in 29 C.E. until the siege of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., and from 1914 C.E. until the “great tribulation” begins.—Pp. 659-661.
● What does Jesus’ statement, “Salvation originates with the Jews,” mean for Christians?
That the channel for passing salvation to non-Jews has been through the Jewish remnant who accepted the Messiah in 33 C.E.—P. 681.
● What in the first century C.E. and what today has fulfilled the prophecy at Matthew 24:15 about the “disgusting thing”?
In the first century it was the “encamped armies” of the Romans surrounding Jerusalem; today it is the United Nations.—Pp. 719, 722.
● When Jesus told his disciples, “You will be witnesses of me,” (Acts 1:8) did he mean that they were to cease being witnesses of Jehovah?
No! Their being witnesses of Jesus was to show that Jehovah had not lied but had raised up his Messiah, and so they continued also being witnesses of Jehovah.—Pp. 749, 750.
a All references are to The Watchtower for 1970.