Benefits That Accompany Faith in the Creator
1. What kind of future does the teaching of evolution offer to the individual?
THOSE who profess to believe in evolution have a very bleak future. They speak of man’s evolving, developing over the ages into a finer specimen of life than he was in the past. But, as far as the evolutionist personally is concerned, what does his belief offer him? He well knows that as he grows older his health and strength fail, and, in time, death will claim him. The belief to which he holds offers no alternative.
2. In what situation do those who claim to believe in both God and evolution find themselves?
2 Any who claim to believe in both God and evolution are likewise without a solidly based hope. They say that God used evolution as a means to produce all the living things on this globe. But, in so doing, they reject the Bible. Without it as a guide, they have no revelation of the divine will. They do not know why they are here, what moral standard should guide them, or what the future holds. Asked to give reasons for what they champion as moral, they have only their own opinion to which to turn, and that is molded by the society in which they live.—Jer. 8:9.
3. How is the person who believes in the Creator and his Word the Bible in a far better position?
3 On the other hand, the person who has faith in the Creator and the Bible as His inspired revelation to mankind has a very different view of life. He does not spurn the counsel from God’s Word, but enjoys the rich blessings that come with living in accord with what is written at Proverbs 3:5, 6: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”
4, 5. (a) Why is the answer that the Bible gives concerning the origin of the universe one that makes sense? (b) But how did evolutionist Charles Darwin find that he had to handle this subject?
4 If you are a person who believes in the Creator, you are not left in the dark as to the origin of the universe. That is not an issue that has to be dodged. You can with conviction quote the explanation in the first words of the Bible. (Gen. 1:1) And you can confidently point to both heavens and earth as overwhelming evidence that they are, indeed, the work of One who is almighty, One whose knowledge and wisdom far exceed that of any man. You will not find yourself in the awkward position of evolutionists such as Charles Darwin, whose Autobiography states: “Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason and not with the feelings, impresses me . . . This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting, I feel compelled to look to a First Cause.”
5 Yet, with all the facts and rules of reason pointing to a Creator, he rejects such a conclusion and accepts a viewpoint that he himself has acknowledged as an “impossibility,” saying: “But then arises the doubt—can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted when it draws such grand conclusions?” When anyone reasons in such a way, he demonstrates in his own case the truthfulness of the scripture that says: “The senseless one has said in his heart: ‘There is no Jehovah.’”—Ps. 14:1.
6. (a) Why does one who believes in creation have a definite advantage over the evolutionist in understanding the universe in which he lives? (b) So, how does it prove true that the acquiring of both true knowledge and wisdom start with “the fear of Jehovah”?
6 But one who believes in the Creator is in position to use his mind with satisfying results that otherwise are totally impossible. Why? Well, if the universe were the product of mere mindless evolution, then it did not result from intelligent design; and nothing that would appeal to a rational mind could be learned from a study of that which is itself completely irrational, could it? And, even though the universe truly is the product of an intelligent Creator, as the facts show, those who attempt to understand it while endeavoring to leave Him and his purpose out of account meet with constant frustration, because they start with a wrong premise and endeavor to relate all that they learn to a theory that is totally unsound. The result is constant misinterpretation of what they observe and misuse of the information that they glean. Is that not evident in the way man’s environment is being ruined? It is true as the Bible proverbs state: “The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge,” and, “The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom.” (Prov. 1:7; 9:10) Coming to know Jehovah, and having a reverent fear of Him, must be the starting point if one is to understand and wisely act in harmony with His works.
7. (a) To what frustration among youth has the teaching of evolution contributed? (b) Why do we exist, and how can we find genuine fulfillment in life?
7 A person with such godly fear does not suffer from the frustration so common among the youth of our day because they feel that ‘life has no meaning.’ One who has come to know the Creator agrees fully with the declaration recorded in the Bible: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” (Rev. 4:11) When a person with that outlook is deeply moved by a beautiful landscape or the gorgeous colors of a sunset, when his spirits are lifted by the song of a bird, he does not view it all as meaningless. He gives thanks to Jehovah for the works of His hands. The evidences of the Creator’s love that he experiences every day of his life move him to help others to know and love the One who has so generously provided for all his creatures. (Matt. 5:45; Acts 17:26-28) It is in knowing and doing God’s will that he finds genuine fulfillment in life. He does not selfishly build his life around only his own needs and desires, as if he were personally responsible for everything that he is and has. Rather, his thoughts are directed toward God. Wrote the Bible psalmist: “Serve Jehovah with rejoicing. Come in before him with a joyful cry. Know that Jehovah is God. It is he that has made us, and not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasturage. . . . Give thanks to him, bless his name. For Jehovah is good; his loving-kindness is to time indefinite, and his faithfulness to generation after generation.”—Ps. 100:2-5.
8. How does the Bible, rather than evolution, show itself to be in harmony with what is actually happening to man biologically and morally?
8 Those who believe in God and his Word are not oblivious to the troubles that surround them in the world. They have their share of sickness, and, with others, they feel the effects of the soaring rate of crime. But this does not embitter them toward God. They do not profess to believe that man is evolving, moving upward biologically and morally, while all the evidence is to the contrary. Rather, they know from the Bible—and the events of our day agree—that mankind is going downward.
9. (a) What explanation does the Bible give for the constant downward trend of man? (b) Does it point to any hope for the future?
9 The same portion of the Bible that tells about creation also explains the reason for this condition among men. First, a spirit son of God corrupted himself by allowing his mind to dwell on wrong desires, craving the glory that belongs only to God. To satisfy his desire, he induced the first woman, Eve, and, through her, Adam, to violate God’s plainly stated law. Though God had made man upright, he did not make him a robot. Not due to any physical flaw or mental inability to grasp the seriousness of the situation, but because of his own lack of appreciation for all that God had given him, Adam disobeyed God. (Genesis chaps. 2, 3; Deut. 32:4, 5) Thus, through the forefather of us all, sin entered the world and, as a result of it, the sickness and deterioration that lead to death. Alienated from God, upon whom all life depends, man could go only downward. Also, the continued influence of the one who had made himself Satan the Devil when he urged the first human to sin would only worsen the situation. (Rom. 5:12; Rev. 12:9) This Scriptural explanation of matters makes sense; it fits the facts that are evident everywhere in our day. Furthermore, the Bible tells in detail about the means by which God will bring wickedness to an end and open up the opportunity for eternal life under righteous conditions for those who find pleasure in doing his will.
10. Where can sound guidance be found to protect one against the pitfalls of life?
10 At present, however, unrighteousness is found on every hand. Where can sound guidance be found to protect one from the pitfalls that so easily lead to ruin? The Bible provides help from mankind’s Creator himself. “How will a young man cleanse his path?” asks the psalmist. Then, addressing himself to God, he replies under inspiration: “By keeping on guard according to your word. In my heart I have treasured up your saying, in order that I may not sin against you. Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” (Ps. 119:9, 11, 105) The benefits of following that Word closely are emphasized by a comparison of what it says with the fruitage of philosophies that are oriented around evolution.
11, 12. How did belief in evolution prove to be a factor contributing to both world wars?
11 This generation has seen two world wars, and belief in evolution was a factor that led to both of them. Does that sound strange? In discussing the effect of Darwin’s thesis in support of evolution, H. G. Wells in The Outline of History says: “The Darwinian movement took formal Christianity unawares, suddenly. . . . The new biological science was bringing nothing constructive as yet to replace the old moral stand-bys. A real de-moralization ensued.” Then, showing the connection of this with the attitude toward war, he continues: “Prevalent peoples at the close of the nineteenth century believed that they prevailed by virtue of the Struggle for Existence, in which the strong and cunning get the better of the weak and confiding. . . . Man, they decided, is a social animal like the Indian hunting dog . . . so it seemed right to them that the big dogs of the human pack should bully and subdue.” In full accord with evolution’s concept of survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence, they plunged into a war unequaled in history till that time.
12 Not only atheistic evolutionists, but also those who try to cling to some semblance of piety by saying that they are Christian evolutionists, are thus influenced. Philip G. Fothergill in his book Evolution and Christians notes: “From scientific evolution there can arise an evolutionary philosophy, and by false extension, an evolutionary ethic, which may determine a non-Christian’s outlook on morality, and if allowed to permeate Christian thought may subtly undermine Christian belief. . . . Wood Jones maintained that the rise of the mentality which induced the tragedy of 1914, and later Nazism and its evil excesses, could be traced in great part to the effect of a certain type of Darwinian teaching.”
13. Explain how that fruitage of evolution contrasts with what results with belief in the Word of mankind’s Creator.
13 Such violent fruitage of evolution stands in sharp contrast to the upbuilding guidance of the Word of mankind’s Creator. Drawing on that same Bible book that tells about creation, the apostle John writes: “This is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should have love for one another; not like Cain [a son of Adam], who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother.” (1 John 3:11, 12) And to his disciples, Jesus Christ said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34, 35) The benefit of enjoying life with such associates is something that accompanies faith in the Creator.
14. (a) In what ways does evolutionary thinking influence conduct on city streets? (b) When parents accept evolution, with what serious problems may they find that they are confronted?
14 Not all the violence demonstrated in this century was in the two world wars, nor even in smaller wars. The same “survival of the fittest” philosophy is reflected in the animalistic assaults that characterize street crime. This thinking reaches right into the home and disrupts family ties. When parents go along with the teaching of evolution, and thus infer that life has no meaning, on what basis can they tell their children that they should not ruin their lives with narcotics and loose living? How can they convince them that they should not end it all, if they choose, by suicide? Even parents who may say that they believe in God face this problem if they accept evolution. Why? Because it is the Bible that contains the principles for right living, and by endorsing evolution they reject the Bible.
15. How does belief in the Creator safeguard the family?
15 Those who believe in the Creator are protected from such a situation. They know that God made our first parents, that He is the One who sets the rules for proper conduct in the family, and that all are accountable to Him. (Prov. 15:3; Jer. 16:17) To parents God has given the responsibility to instruct their children in His way and to build up in them appreciation for the “wonderful things that he has done.” (Ps. 78:4) Children are required by God to be obedient to their parents, not merely because their parents are bigger or stronger, but because “this is righteous” in the eyes of God. (Eph. 6:1; Prov. 23:22) The result is a home where love and respect draw family members together and where problems that may arise can be dealt with on the basis of authoritative counsel that is respected by all.
16. Against what situation as to sexual morality are evolutionists left without safeguards, but what wholesome guidance does the Bible provide?
16 One’s viewpoint toward sexual morality is also influenced by his belief as to the origin of man. The believer in the Bible knows that God’s law forbids adultery, fornication and abortion, and respect for that law is a genuine protection for him in many ways. (Heb. 13:4; Rom. 13:9, 10; compare Exodus 21:22, 23.) Catholic priest Raymond Nogar, though himself going along with the worldly philosophy of evolution, acknowledges that the trend of thinking among evolutionists “touches immediately upon man’s philosophy of life, his morals, his religion,” and that as a result changes are taking place.a Why so? Because even churchmen who accept evolution do so by classifying the Bible as “unscientific.” When people come to believe that the first book of the Bible is not to be taken seriously, then they do not take the rest seriously either. Even the governments of men are removing legal restrictions on adultery, abortion and homosexuality. And since men who reject belief in creation acknowledge no authority higher than themselves and their government, they are thus left open to the disease, frustration and insecurity in which such conduct results. Taught from youth that he is simply a descendant from a beast, man often acts that way.—Rom. 1:22-27.
17. To what other degrading trap does evolution lead, but how does the Bible make available the needed protection?
17 Since evolution results in rejection of God and the righteous standards of his Word, it comes as no great surprise that it also lays its adherents open to yet another trap, against which Bible believers are safeguarded. What is that? Alfred R. Wallace, who was a disciple of Darwin, was a spiritist, according to evolutionist Ernst Benz. And he says: “It is significant that the founder of parapsychology . . . writes: ‘It is Darwinism which leads us to mysticism.’” Also: “Julian Huxley . . . deliberately turns to Buddhist ideas and forms of meditation and expects an increase of parapsychic capacities of man.”b In their desire to become something more than man now is they thus make themselves vulnerable to the control of superhuman spirits. The Bible does not leave one in the dark as to the source of such powers. It firmly warns against involvement in mysticism, identifying the Devil and the demons as its source. (Acts 16:16-18; Eph. 6:10-13) Thus, God’s inspired Word provides the guidance that all men need as protection against the degrading practices that surround them, and to enable them to use their lives in full harmony with the will of their Creator.
18. What future did an evolutionist of the past century envision for the human race, but how have his expectations proved wrong?
18 Though the theory of evolution holds out no hope that any individual now living will benefit from the changes that future generations may see, some of its advocates see a glowing future for the human race. Alfred Wallace is quoted as saying of the man that he envisioned that evolution would develop: “While his external form will probably ever remain unchanged, except in the development of that perfect beauty which results from a healthy and well-organized body, refined, and ennobled by the highest intellectual faculties and sympathetic emotions, his mental constitution may continue to advance and improve till the world is again inhabited by a single homogeneous race, no individual of which will be inferior to the noblest specimen of existing humanity. Each one will then work out his happiness in relation to that of his fellows; perfect freedom of action will be maintained, since the well-balanced moral faculties will never permit any one to transgress on the equal freedom of others.” All this, keep in mind, is seen as a result of evolution, not because of divine intervention in human affairs. But do the developments of the past fifty years give sound reason for believing that this is the direction that man, by himself, is heading? The writer just quoted died in the year 1913, so he did not see the events that burst upon the world in the following year. The facts of our day refute his claims.
19. What kind of future do advocates of evolution in our own time see, and how does such an outlook affect men?
19 In contrast with the above view, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, during 1969 and 1970, featured the theme “Can Man Survive?” This museum, which gives prominence to displays advocating evolution, acknowledges in its Calendar of Events sheet for March 1970: “A rapidly increasing human population coupled with the impact of an undisciplined technology has brought man—and his environment—to the edge of disaster and has placed the survival of the species in doubt.” What they now see for the future looks dim, and, of course, when there is no solidly based hope for the future men readily become mentally unbalanced. This is a fruitage of belief in evolution.
20. Why are their predictions for the future wrong?
20 Of course, all this leaves God out of account, and without him there can be no true knowledge. We can be grateful that the future does not depend on mindless evolution or on the type of person of whom Psalm 10:3, 4 says: “He has disrespected Jehovah. The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; all his ideas are: ‘There is no God.’”
21, 22. (a) What has mankind’s Creator declared to be the future of the human race? (b) How will he bring about these conditions, and who may expect to share in them?
21 The future of the human race rests, not in the hands of wicked men, but with Jehovah, who is a lover of righteousness. As “the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, . . . the One who firmly established it,” he did not make it to be a desolate waste but to be inhabited. (Isa. 45:18) With confidence appropriate to the One upon whom all life depends, he declares: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”—Ps. 37:10, 11.
22 He has provided a completely new administration to oversee the affairs of humankind. (Eph. 1:8-10) Earth’s new ruler will be the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who shared with his Father in making the earth itself and the first humans, Adam and Eve. Jesus is one who himself came to earth and lived as a man, and so understands the problems of mankind. With loving concern his administration will provide benefits, not only for those who happen to be alive at the time his millennial reign begins, but also for those who have been claimed by death. Under his rule mankind will advance mentally and morally, but this will not be as a result of man’s own great achievements nor as the result of mindless evolution. It will result from application of the benefits of Christ’s ransom and from education in the will of God. “The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.” (Isa. 11:9) Confident expectation of such a marvelous future is the portion of those who have faith in the Creator and who live in harmony with his inspired Word the Bible.
a The Wisdom of Evolution, p. 13.
b Evolution and Christian Hope, pp. 78, 80.