Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you will doubtless recall these points:
● While ministerial servants are not charged with the responsibility of teaching fellow believers, why must their conduct be exemplary?
Their fine conduct removes the basis for any legitimate accusation’s being made about the congregation as to the men whom it entrusts with responsibility.—P. 21.a
● What is the symbolic mark mentioned at Ezekiel 9:4?
The mark is that which identifies one as a worshiper of Jehovah, one’s having a Christlike personality.—Pp. 49, 50.
● In Jesus’ illustration about the sower, what is meant by bearing fruitage? (Matt. 13:18-23)
This refers to making expressions about God’s kingdom, the fruitage being a manifold reproduction of the “word of the kingdom.”—P. 91.
● How does one come into a proper relationship with Jehovah?
By repenting of his former course of life, completely rejecting it and turning around to live in harmony with God’s will, petitioning God for a good conscience and then symbolizing this request by water baptism.—Pp. 120, 121.
● In marriage how does a loving person ‘not look for his own interests’? (1 Cor. 13:5)
By thinking first of the feelings of one’s mate, considering the circumstances and then doing what is most advantageous for the happiness and welfare of the mate.—P. 132.
● Why, according to Isaiah 53:10, did Jehovah ‘take delight in crushing his Son’?
This crushing, which terminated in Jesus’ death, had a lofty purpose in view, namely, the deliverance of mankind from sin and death. Jehovah rejoiced in the good that would result, not in his Son’s suffering.—P. 175.
● Why does the appointment of men to serve as elders in a Christian congregation put the humility of all associated under test?
Men who are not appointed need humility to recognize their limitations; those who are appointed need humility to give due consideration to the suggestions of others and work unitedly as a body of elders. All need humility to cooperate with the elders, assisting them in the accomplishment of their work.—Pp. 202-204.
● What benefits come from avoiding sexual immorality?
It aids one to preserve a clean conscience before God and all persons and protects one from such things as venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies, jealous fights and, possibly, even murder; also one is much more likely to have a successful marriage.—Pp. 218-221.
● What is the “new earth,” and who will serve as its foundation?
The “new earth” is a new and righteous human society on this very planet; the “great crowd” of Armageddon survivors will be the basis for this society organized under the “new heavens.”—Pp. 238, 240.
a All references are to The Watchtower for 1972.