Questions From Readers
● Does Jesus Christ know when the “great tribulation” will begin?
He may, but we cannot say definitely that he does.
Jesus foretold a “great tribulation” that will wipe out the wickedness we see around us. As to the time for this destruction, Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”—Matt. 24:3, 21, 36-42.
Hence, when he was on earth as God’s king-designate, Jesus Christ did not know the set date for the beginning of the “great tribulation.” He died and was raised to heavenly life at the right hand of God, awaiting the granting of full authority to rule and to ‘dash to pieces’ the nations. (Ps. 110:1; 2:6-9) Fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that he received that authority in 1914 C.E.; his “presence” began then. Ours, thus, is the generation to experience the “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:34; Rev. 11:15-18) Jesus also knows that, just as he knows how far along we are in human history since the creation of Adam and Eve.
What is Jesus now doing? Revelation 6:1-8 shows that in 1914 C.E. he “went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.” Mankind’s wars, food shortages and pestilences prove that this is the time when he is moving toward the completion of his conquest.
Jesus will lead the heavenly armies in the “great tribulation.” We are now deep into the period known as the time of the end, so God may already have made known to Christ the full battle strategy and schedule. But if Jesus has not yet learned the “day and hour” to “complete his conquest,” he soon will learn it.