Insight on the News
Slavery to Satanic Forces
● A former instructor of transcendental meditation says that it brought him into “slavery to occult, satanic forces,” reports the Toronto “Star.” When he struggled to leave the practice, after seven years of meditating, sometimes for 16 hours a day, he admitted that he experienced “withdrawal symptoms” worse than those experienced by alcoholics or drug addicts.
Regarding the results of his transcendental meditation, the former Toronto businessman explained: “You think you are controlling other, hidden forces in the universe. But, frighteningly, I now believe they are actually controlling you.” He said that his mind was “wiped so clear” by the prolonged meditation that the idea of thinking for himself was “totally out of the question.”
In one three-month period during which he engaged in such meditation, yoga exercises and special breathing techniques, he was alarmed at the frequent attacks by invisible forces that he experienced, without warning. On occasion, he was aware of shadowy forms and faces around him.
The Bible, at Ephesians chapter 6, identifies the existence of “wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places,” Satan the Devil and his demons. God’s Word urges us to resist these “world rulers of this darkness.” “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you,” counsels James 4:7. How? By filling our minds with the protective truths in God’s Word, not by ‘wiping the mind clear’ and immersing ourselves in procedures that invite demonic forces to control our minds.—Luke 11:24-26; Eph. 6:11-18.
Modern Holocaust
● When the television series “Holocaust” was shown in the United States, many viewers expressed horror at the wanton disregard for life shown by the Nazi regime during World War II. Especially horrifying to many was the murder of innocent children.
However, there is a type of modern “holocaust” taking place that each year kills more innocents than the Nazis did in all their death camps during the entire period of World War II. This modern holocaust is the killing of unborn babies by “legal” or “illegal” abortions.
It is acknowledged that each year about one million abortions are performed in the United States, a million and a half in Japan, and an estimated five million in India. When the toll of additional millions of abortions in other countries is added, it can be seen that the taking of innocent lives is now on such a massive scale that, in numbers, it even dwarfs the victims of Nazi horror.
Nazi war criminals were called to account by international courts. So, too, many others will have to ‘render an account to God’ for this wanton disregard of human life.—Rom. 14:12; Ex. 20:13.
“Needs a New Name”
● For centuries both Catholic and Protestant religions have used the terms “Old Testament” and “New Testament” to describe the Hebrew and Greek language parts of the Bible. In this regard the “National Catholic Reporter” said recently: “The term ‘Old Testament’ inevitably creates an atmosphere of inferiority and outdatedness,” and so “needs a new name.”
That is true, for God’s Word states: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.” (2 Tim. 3:16) So the Bible is one complete work. Its message is consistent from beginning to end. The Hebrew Scriptures form the foundation for the Greek Scriptures. Both parts include prophecies being fulfilled in our day, or that are yet to be fulfilled in the future. No part is outdated, or “old.”
The Catholic publication suggests: “‘Hebrew Scriptures’ . . . is far preferable to ‘Old Testament.’” It also suggests the term “Christian Scriptures” for the Greek portion.
This view has long been held by Jehovah’s Witnesses. That is why in their “New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures,” and in all their publications, they have long used the terms “Hebrew Scriptures” and “Christian Greek Scriptures” for those parts of the Bible.