Do You Remember?
Have you read recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you will doubtless recall these points:
● According to Psalm 1, what can contribute to a person’s happiness?
It is essential to reject the advice of ungodly persons and to avoid their company. On the positive side, the individual would find real pleasure in fulfilling his desire to know and to apply Jehovah’s law.—1/1 p. 28.
● How do we know that Psalm 45 is prophetic?
At Hebrews 1:5, 9, Ps 45 verses 6 and 7 of Psalm 45 are quoted and applied to Jesus Christ. There it is shown that Jehovah God serves as a “throne” for the Son, indicating that the Most High is the Source of his Son’s kingdom and the One who upholds his kingship.—1/15 p. 13.
● Why was it important for the Jews in the time of Ezra to separate from unbelieving, idol-worshiping women?
The Jewish population was relatively small. Hence, if left unchecked, the practice of marrying unbelievers could have led quickly to the Jews’ being assimilated into surrounding nations and pure worship could have completely vanished from the earth.—2/1 p. 30.
● After Israel’s defeat at Ai, what did the leading men of the nation show by ripping their mantels, prostrating themselves before Jehovah, putting dust on their heads and remaining before the Ark until the evening?—Josh. 7:6.
The ripping of the garments as well as the putting of dust on their heads were signs of mourning. In prostrating themselves before Jehovah, they acknowledged that some sin had been committed against the Most High, causing him to withdraw his blessing. By remaining before the Ark until the evening, they gave evidence of deep concern over the matter and their fear of having incurred divine displeasure. Thus they looked to Jehovah for help in finding the cause of the problem and in regaining his favor.—2/15 p. 10.
● How did the Israelites, as an engaged virgin, demonstrate love for Jehovah?—Jer. 2:2.
Before coming into a wifely relationship with Jehovah at Mount Sinai, the Israelites demonstrated an initial trust in the Most High. They responded to the opportunity of leaving Egypt and then undertook a difficult journey through an inhospitable wilderness.—3/1 p. 9.
● How does the ‘fear of Jehovah stand forever’?—Ps. 19:9.
Devoted servants of Jehovah will continue to have a wholesome fear toward their Maker for all eternity, demonstrating this by obedience to his commands. There will never be a time when such reverential fear will cease to exist.—3/15 p. 7.
● How are we to understand Moses’ words to the Israelites about their having God’s ‘commands on their hearts’?—Deut. 6:6.
The divine commands were to be not just a matter of the mind or memory but were to be appreciated at heart. Only then would the Israelites have a real love for the Creator and be in a position to instill such love in their children.—4/1 p. 4.
● Why are ‘youth and the prime of life vanity’?—Eccl. 11:10.
The days of youthful strength and vigor pass quickly, as a person does not remain young forever. Even in his prime, a youth may get sick and die. The person who ignores these hard facts about youth may fail to use his physical energies and capabilities wisely, dissipating them and thus making adult life harder for himself.—4/1 p. 10.