True Freedom Under Kingdom Rule
“The creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.”—ROMANS 8:21.
1. Who only can provide the freedoms mankind desperately needs, and why?
MANKIND desperately needs to be freed from the many distressing conditions that have prevailed for so long. But, as history has shown, it is beyond human ability to bring such freedoms. “Many are the plans in the heart of a man, but the counsel of Jehovah is what will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21) That “counsel” of Jehovah promises that “he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” (Revelation 21:4) What an inspiring outlook! How well it fits the description of the real freedom that the Bible says will come from Jehovah: “The creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God”!—Romans 8:21.
2. What is the agency Jehovah uses to bring such freedoms?
2 The agency that will bring about such marvelous freedoms is the government originated by Jehovah to rule the entire earth, the heavenly Kingdom of God. By means of it God’s will is going to take place “as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) It is that same Kingdom that very shortly “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [existing today], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.”—Daniel 2:44.
3. Why should we not be deceived by human schemes to solve this world’s problems?
3 No, God is not going to reform this corrupt world. It is far beyond recovery. So if anyone says that if some particular human scheme were to be followed, then the world would solve its problems, do not believe it. God’s Word truthfully shows, instead, that the miserable experiment of some 6,000 years of human rule independent from God is now deep into its “last days.”—2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13.
One Government
4. What will the one Kingdom government mean for mankind?
4 The rule of God’s heavenly Kingdom will mean having only one government for all the earth. Its chief Administrator will be Jesus Christ, and with him a relatively small group of other faithful servants of God taken from the earth to serve as associate rulers. Think of what one government, ruled by God’s laws and principles, will mean for the earth! All boundary lines that now divide nations into hostile factions will fall. People will be united into one grand human family, free to move about the entire earth without hindrance. No more passports, visas or border guards.—Philippians 2:9, 10; Revelation 14:4; 20:6.
5. How has the need for only one government for all the earth been recognized?
5 Some have long recognized the need for one government. In the Bulletin Today, a publication in the Philippines, columnist Gwynne Dyer relates: “A. J. P. Taylor, one of the leading historians of our age, told me recently that he believed the only hope of avoiding a catastrophic world war which would end civilization was for somebody to create a world empire. . . . Somehow or other we must get from our present condition of living in [over 150] separate sovereign states—all armed to the teeth, and all equally vulnerable to destruction—to a single world authority . . . And we must do so quickly. The pathetically weak and chronically divided state of the United Nations is a measure of how far we have to go. . . . The old slogan of the 1950s is still relevant: one world, or none.”
6. What type of administration will the Kingdom be?
6 It will be one world, under one government of God. What a blessing it will be to have an administration that will deal with everybody with kindness, justice and impartiality! Speaking of the heavenly King, Jesus Christ, the Bible prophetically says: “With righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth.” (Isaiah 11:3, 4) Yes, Christ will do what is right. He proved that while he was on earth, for he spoke the truth and exposed hypocrisy. He upheld the cause of the downtrodden and did not cater to the rich and powerful, although he did not discriminate against them either. With such a proved, capable Administrator working under Jehovah’s direction, “trueness itself will sprout out of the very earth, and righteousness itself will look down from the very heavens.”—Psalm 85:11, 12.
True Peace and Prosperity
7. Those who will be preserved alive into God’s New Order will already have done what?
7 What a joy it will be to live no longer under divided human rule committed to huge armed forces and constant wars! No more wasting of earth’s resources for destruction. Instead, those resources will be used for peaceful, constructive purposes. In fact, those whom God will preserve alive through the coming end of this present system of things will already have fulfilled the prophecy of Micah 4:3: “They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.” Who, today, among all of earth’s peoples already fulfill that prophecy? The record of modern history shows that it is Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are living testimony to the fact that earth-wide peace under God’s rule is going to be a reality because earth-wide peace already is a reality among them now!
8, 9. What will be the extent of peace and prosperity under Kingdom rule?
8 In God’s New Order peace will be extended to every part of the earth. Isaiah 32:17, 18 speaks of “quietness and security to time indefinite,” adding: “My people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residences of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places.” Imagine having such security that you will not even have to lock your doors, and that you will be able to walk anywhere at any time of the day or the night without fear of muggers or rapists. For good reason does the Bible say: “They will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:11.
9 Prosperity will accompany that peace, instead of millions dying each year from malnutrition as is the case now. Since Jesus had the power to feed thousands by miraculously increasing only a few loaves of bread and a few fishes, under his Kingdom administration he will be able to lead mankind in the fulfillment of Psalm 72:16: “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.” And since God’s Kingdom will eliminate all political barriers, as well as commercial greed and wasteful competition, earth’s bountiful produce will flow freely for the benefit of all mankind, not just a few. Thus, gone for all time will be the awful specter of children with spindly arms and legs and with bellies swollen from hunger.
Fruitful, Enjoyable Work
10. How will work in the New Order differ from that of today?
10 Today many people are unhappy because of the type of work they have to do for a living. Millions of others have no work at all, being unemployed. But in God’s New Order people will find great pleasure in work. And they will be in no danger of seeing their efforts come to nothing because of bad economic conditions, some catastrophe or war. “They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. . . . the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. They will not toil for nothing.”—Isaiah 65:21-23.
11. What will the subjects of God’s Kingdom accomplish toward this earth and life on it?
11 With such uplifting working conditions, and with people having genuine love of neighbor, the subjects of the Kingdom will accomplish, for the betterment of this earth and life on it, things a thousand times more wonderful than anything this world has ever seen. That is why Jesus could point forward to a coming Paradise. (Luke 23:43) As Isaiah foretells: “The desert will sing and shout for joy; it will be as beautiful as the Lebanon Mountains and as fertile as the fields of Carmel and Sharon. . . . Streams of water will flow through the desert; the burning sand will become a lake, and dry land will be filled with springs. . . . They will be happy forever, forever free from sorrow and grief.”—Isaiah 35:2, 6, 7, 10, Today’s English Version.
No More Sickness and Death
12. How did Jesus demonstrate the grand healing program that he will administer in Kingdom power?
12 Yet, it would be distressing to have all of that and then lose it because of getting sick, growing old and dying. But what doctors and scientists cannot now do, God will do under Kingdom rule. God created man’s body, mind and emotions. He knows what will make him well, perfect. When on earth Jesus demonstrated the healing power that he has been given by God and will use in the New Order: “Then great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they fairly threw them at his feet, and he cured them; so that the crowd felt amazement as they saw the dumb speaking and the lame walking and the blind seeing.” (Matthew 15:30, 31) In addition, with mankind being raised to human perfection under Kingdom rule, ‘death will be swallowed up forever.’ (Isaiah 25:8) Jehovah’s love will extend, too, even to those long dead, for they will get the opportunity to live in God’s New Order by being brought back to life in the resurrection. The joy then will be repeated countless times, reminding of when Jesus resurrected a young girl and the eyewitnesses “were beside themselves with great ecstasy.”—Mark 5:41, 42; John 5:28, 29.
13. What things might people choose to do in the New Order?
13 Think what you could do in a righteous New Order of peace and prosperity with a perfect mind and body—and never dying! How many things you have wanted to do, but you could not take the time or could not afford it! Think of exploring and enjoying the majestic mountains, the refreshing forests, the flower-decked fields and gardens, the fascinating animal life, the sparkling streams and lakes free from pollution, the delicious foods of different peoples. Consider the talents that men and women will develop in craftsmanship, architecture, landscaping, home decorating, artistry and music. Without a doubt, mankind will be stimulated to new heights of expression and beauty. Think, too, of getting better acquainted with the One who makes all of that possible, Jehovah God. Increased knowledge of his awesome universe with its galaxies, stars and planets will also prove fascinating. Yes, indeed, “the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.”—Romans 8:21.
Accepting the Truth
14. Why can we have full confidence in all of Jehovah’s promises?
14 Can you really believe all these promises of God? Yes, you can. You can feel as did God-fearing Joshua when he said: “Not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed.” (Joshua 23:14) Really, you can stake your life on God’s promises because what he says is the truth and will, without fail, come to pass.—Isaiah 46:9-11.
15. What attitude of this world do God’s servants reject?
15 The Bible clearly shows that there is truth, what it is, where it is and who has it. The question for each one is this: Do you really want the truth? ‘Well,’ some may say, ‘don’t most people want the truth?’ No, for Jesus said that the road to eternal life is narrow and relatively few are on it. (Matthew 7:13, 14) The vast majority of mankind today feels the way that the Bible describes at Job 21:14-16: “They say to the true God, ‘Turn away from us! And in the knowledge of your ways we have found no delight. What does the Almighty amount to, that we should serve him, and how do we benefit ourselves in that we have come in touch with him?’” But Job says, “The very counsel of wicked ones has kept far from me.” Their way of thinking is not based on the truth but is based on Satan’s lie that humans would be better off independent from God.
16. Why can we be certain that anyone who sincerely wants the truth will find it?
16 Any person who sincerely wants the truth, and who asks God to help him find it, will certainly be led to it. It does not matter where he lives or under what circumstances. Why not? Because while Jehovah uses his faithful servants on earth to preach the good news of the Kingdom before the end comes, the work of searching out truth lovers is not merely a human work. The heavenly King Jesus Christ and multitudes of his powerful heavenly forces are behind the message that is going forth throughout the world with ever-increasing power.—Matthew 25:31, 32; Revelation 14:6, 7.
17. If a person really wants the truth, what must he do?
17 An entire system of things is about to come to its finish. If you really want the truth and want to keep living, you need to demonstrate this to God and man. Take in accurate knowledge of God’s Word. Assemble with his people. “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness.”—Matthew 6:33; John 17:3; Hebrews 10:24, 25.
18. What benefits are reaped even now by those who live the truth?
18 As you do, you will reap many benefits even now. Those who learn the truth and live by it find enormous freedom mentally and emotionally, since they know why times are so bad and what the future holds. They are also freed from the futile way of life of people in this world who strive after material gain only, but who will lose it all when this system ends. (1 John 2:15-17) There is tremendous relief, too, in being freed from religious error.
19. What will you do if you have a love for the truth?
19 Do you really have a love for the truth? Then you will love the God of truth. You will love the wonderful truths he reveals about his Kingdom rule. You will love his visible organization on earth, made up of the people he is now gathering together for survival. (Isaiah 2:2-4) You will let nothing in heaven or on earth stop you from faithfully serving the God of truth who can set you free by his truth.—John 8:31, 32.
Can you answer these questions?
□ How will Jehovah bring true freedom to mankind?
□ What will one world government mean for people?
□ What living proof is there that true peace will be a reality under Kingdom rule?
□ What contrast will there be between work in this system and that in the New Order?
□ Why can we be certain that sincere truth seekers will be led to it?
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Those surviving this system’s end will already have ‘beaten their swords into plowshares’
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In God’s New Order, people will find great pleasure in the uplifting working conditions