Do You Remember?
Have you found the recent issues of The Watchtower of practical value to you? Then why not test your memory with the following:
◻ Why was Timothy such a fine example for youths to follow?
Timothy sacrificed a so-called normal life at home to become a reliable, faithful companion of Paul. He stuck with Paul through thick and thin, supporting him in the preaching work and being willing to serve wherever assigned. (Philippians 2:19, 20)—8/15, page 14.
◻ What are the qualifications for baptism?
The baptismal candidate must comprehend what is involved. He must truly want to serve Jehovah because he loves Him. He shows this by adhering to God’s moral requirements and sharing his faith with others. He also needs to make a personal dedication to Jehovah in prayer.—8/15, page 16.
◻ Why is it wrong to explore spiritism?
Exploring spiritism amounts to loving what Jehovah hates. (Proverbs 6:16-19) Actually, it is like rejecting Jehovah and siding with God’s archenemy and his supporters.—9/1, page 5.
◻ What is the “book of remembrance” spoken of in Malachi 3:16?
From the time of Abel forward, God has been noting, as if writing down in a book, those of redeemable mankind who are worthy of being remembered as to everlasting life. This “book of remembrance” is the same as “the book of life” and “the scroll of life.” (Revelation 3:5; 17:8; Matthew 23:35)—9/1, page 29.
◻ What makes a true friend so precious?
You can always turn to a true friend for help, advice, comfort, and warm companionship.—9/15, pages 3, 4.
◻ What is the death-dealing “air” of this world?
It is the general spirit, or dominant attitude of selfishness and disobedience, reflected by people alienated from God. (Ephesians 2:2; 1 Corinthians 2:12)—9/15, page 11.
◻ For a religion to be of practical value, what must it do?
It must bear good fruit. It must produce better people. It must be able to explain why things are as they are on earth today. And it should instill in people’s minds and hearts a sure hope for the future. (Matthew 7:17-20)—10/1, page 7.
◻ What did the Reformation fail to accomplish?
Some early reformers dreamed of returning to Bible standards, to pure Christianity. This dream was never realized. With the passage of time, basic doctrines of Protestant churches, whether national or otherwise, fell largely into line with those of the Roman Catholic Church.—10/1, page 25.
◻ What led to God’s adverse judgment of Moses and Aaron following the incident at Kadesh-barnea?
Psalm 106:32, 33 gives an insight into this incident, showing that Moses acted out of a bitter spirit and ‘spoke rashly with his lips.’ With angry words, he called attention to himself and Aaron rather than to Jehovah, who really could miraculously provide water. In this way Moses failed to ‘sanctify God before the eyes of the people.’ (Numbers 27:12-14)—10/15, page 31.
◻ What lofty purpose was served by God’s Law given to Israel?
The Law was given to Israel in order to keep the nation clean physically, spiritually, mentally, and morally.—11/1, page 12.
◻ What are some aids to maintaining chaste singleness?
Pray regularly for God’s spirit and his help to display its fruitage. Ponder over and apply the counsel in God’s Word. Avoid pornography and immoral entertainment. Guard your associations. Shun all unclean speech and obscene jesting.—11/15, page 20.
◻ What crucial differences are there between the cures reported in the Bible and those reported by faith healers today?
Jesus and his disciples never charged fees for their cures. Healings performed in Bible times either were instantaneous or were accomplished within a short period of time.—12/1, pages 4, 5.
◻ What are some of the benefits of singing aloud in true worship?
Our personal involvement in public worship becomes stronger. Singing gives a good witness to newcomers. Most importantly, greater praise is brought to Jehovah.—12/1, page 27.