The Benefits of a Calm Heart
MODERN medical science has long known that uncontrolled anger has a detrimental effect on the human body. Over a hundred years ago, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) said: “A man falls dead in a fit of rage, and it is said, perhaps, that he had a weak heart, which could not stand the strain imposed by his mental state. Nobody seems to think that this is but the culmination of a long series of such fits of madness, which have themselves caused the weakness in question.”
The above words come as no surprise to students of God’s Word, the Bible. Some 29 centuries before JAMA spoke out about the dangers of a bad temper, King Solomon was inspired to write: “A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.” (Proverbs 14:30) These words still hold true today.
By maintaining a calm disposition, we are spared the many illnesses that often are stress-related, such as elevated blood pressure, headaches, and respiratory problems. In addition to improved health, however, our relations with others will benefit if we strive to “let anger alone and leave rage.” (Psalm 37:8) People were naturally drawn to Jesus because of his mild temper and heartfelt concern for them. (Mark 6:31-34) Likewise, we will be a source of refreshment to others if we cultivate a calm heart.—Matthew 11:28-30.