Do You Remember?
Have you found the recent issues of The Watchtower of practical value to you? Then why not test your memory with the following questions?
◻ What is the difference between “the Lord’s day” and “the day of Jehovah”? (Revelation 1:10; Joel 2:11)
“The Lord’s day” includes the fulfillment of the 16 visions described in Revelation chapters 1 to 22 and the basic events that Jesus foretold in answer to his disciples’ question about the sign of his presence. As the high point of the Lord’s day, the fear-inspiring day of Jehovah breaks forth when he executes judgment on Satan’s corrupt world. (Matthew 24:3-14; Luke 21:11)—12/15, page 11.
◻ What are some outstanding features of the Makarios Bible?
The name Jehovah occurs more than 3,500 times in the Makarios Bible. One scholar of Russian religious literature said: “[The] translation is faithful to the Hebrew text, and the language of the translation is pure and befits the subject.”—12/15, page 27.
◻ What is “the truth” that Jesus said would set us free? (John 8:32)
By “the truth,” Jesus meant the divinely inspired information—especially information regarding God’s will—that is preserved in the Bible.—1/1, page 3.
◻ Who are the modern-day Jehu and Jehonadab?
Jehu pictures Jesus Christ, who is represented on earth by “the Israel of God,” anointed Christians. (Galatians 6:16; Revelation 12:17) Just as Jehonadab came out to meet Jehu, a “great crowd” from the nations have come out to support Jesus’ earthly representatives. (Revelation 7:9, 10; 2 Kings 10:15)—1/1, page 13.
◻ What is meant by ‘walking with God’? (Genesis 5:24; 6:9)
This means that those doing so, such as Enoch and Noah, conducted themselves in a way that gave evidence of strong faith in God. They did what Jehovah commanded them and regulated their lives in harmony with what they knew about him from his dealings with humankind.—1/15, page 13.
◻ Why should a person plan ahead for the possibility of his death?
In a sense, making such arrangements is a gift to one’s family. It shows love. It proves a desire to ‘provide for those who are members of one’s household’ even when one is no longer with them. (1 Timothy 5:8)—1/15, page 22.
◻ What did “the old covenant” accomplish? (2 Corinthians 3:14)
It provided foregleams of the new covenant and, with its repeated sacrifices, demonstrated man’s desperate need of redemption from sin and death. It was a “tutor leading to Christ.” (Galatians 3:24)—2/1, page 14.
◻ In what ways is the new covenant everlasting? (Hebrews 13:20)
First, unlike the Law covenant, it will never be replaced. Second, the results of its operation are permanent. And third, earthly subjects of God’s Kingdom will continue to benefit from the new covenant arrangement through the Millennium.—2/1, page 22.
◻ What benefits result from being grateful?
The warmth that a person experiences because of being grateful at heart contributes to his happiness and peace. (Compare Proverbs 15:13, 15.) Being a positive quality, gratitude protects one from such negative feelings as anger, jealousy, and resentment.—2/15, page 4.
◻ Into what covenants have spirit-begotten ones been taken?
The new covenant, which Jehovah makes with members of spiritual Israel, and the covenant for the Kingdom, which Jesus makes with his anointed footstep followers. (Luke 22:20, 28-30)—2/15, page 16.
◻ What three great festivals were the Israelites commanded to attend?
The Festival of Unfermented Cakes, immediately following the Passover of Nisan 14; the Festival of Weeks, on the 50th day from Nisan 16; and the Festival of Ingathering, or Festival of Booths, in the seventh month. (Deuteronomy 16:1-15)—3/1, pages 8, 9.
◻ Why is it a privilege to attend Christian gatherings?
Jesus said: “Where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20; 28:20) Also, an important way that spiritual feeding takes place is through congregation meetings and larger gatherings. (Matthew 24:45)—3/1, page 14.
◻ What is the origin of the name Nimrod?
Several scholars share the opinion that the name Nimrod was not a name given at birth. Rather, they consider it to be a name given later to suit his rebellious character after it became manifest.—3/15, page 25.
◻ How important is the family to human society?
The family is a human necessity. History shows that as the family arrangement erodes, the strength of communities and nations weakens. So the family has a direct effect on the stability of society and the well-being of children and future generations.—4/1, page 6.
◻ What are three lines of proof that the Bible is God’s Word?
(1) It is scientifically accurate; (2) it contains timeless principles that are practical for modern living; (3) it contains specific prophecies that have been fulfilled, as proved by historical facts.—4/1, page 15.