Draw Close to God
“Your Kingdom Will Certainly Be Steadfast”
IN THE course of history, many human rulers have been removed from office. Some have been voted out, while others have been forcibly deposed. What about Jesus Christ, the King of God’s heavenly Kingdom? Can anything prevent him from ruling as God’s appointed King? The answer can be found in the words Jehovah spoke to King David of ancient Israel, as recorded in 2 Samuel chapter 7.
As the chapter opens, we learn that David is embarrassed, for he, a mere human king, dwells in a beautiful palace, while the ark of God resides in a modest tent.a David expresses his desire to build a worthy house, or temple, to Jehovah. (Verse 2) But David will not be the one to build the house. Through the prophet Nathan, Jehovah tells David that a son of his will build the temple.—Verses 4, 5, 12, 13.
Jehovah is touched by David’s heartfelt desire. In response to David’s devotion and in line with prophecy, God makes a covenant with David that He will raise up someone in David’s royal line who will rule forever. Nathan conveys God’s solemn promise to David: “Your house and your kingdom will certainly be steadfast to time indefinite before you; your very throne will become one firmly established to time indefinite.” (Verse 16) Who is the permanent Heir of this covenant—the One who will rule forever?—Psalm 89:20, 29, 34-36.
Jesus of Nazareth was a descendant of David. When announcing Jesus’ birth, an angel said: “Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule as king over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom.” (Luke 1:32, 33) So the covenant with David finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Hence, he rules, not by human choice, but through a solemn promise of God that gives him the right to rule forever. Let us remember that God’s promises always come true.—Isaiah 55:10, 11.
There are two valuable lessons to learn from 2 Samuel chapter 7. First, we can be confident that nothing and no one can prevent Jesus Christ from ruling. Thus, we can be sure that he will carry out the stated purpose of his rule, namely, to accomplish fully God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:9, 10.
Second, this account teaches us a heartwarming lesson about Jehovah. Recall that Jehovah saw and valued the intention of David’s heart. It is reassuring to know that Jehovah appreciates our devotion to his worship. In some cases, circumstances beyond our control, such as declining health or advancing age, may prevent us from fulfilling all that our heart yearns to do in serving God. If so, may we draw comfort from the fact that Jehovah sees even the intentions of a heart that is filled with devotion to his worship.
a The ark of the covenant was a sacred chest that was built at Jehovah’s direction and according to his design. It represented Jehovah’s presence in ancient Israel.—Exodus 25:22.