What Will the Memorial Move You to Do?
1 What a heartwarming occasion the Memorial is! It does us so much good to spend that time concentrating our thoughts on the one whom God has made our Lord and Savior, reviewing what God has done for us through him. As we sit there we may think of this great earthly globe turning on its axis and how congregations to the east of us have already met together, while those to the west of us will soon be doing the same, so that God’s people spread over the face of the earth are all doing the same thing as we are doing, all on the same night. It draws us together in a special way.
2 And what is it that stays with us after the Memorial celebration ends? True, we feel very elated when the number present is large, as it so often is. Just think, last year more than 3,226,000 persons attended world wide. This is so encouraging, for it indicates God’s blessing on us. But, stimulating though such a big attendance may be, the main thing in our memory should be, and undoubtedly is: what our Lord Jesus Christ did in fulfillment of his Father’s purpose. We met together ‘in remembrance of him.’—1 Cor. 11:24, 25.
3 So we sincerely want our tongues to be among those that “openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil. 2:10, 11) During April how can we be sure of doing this?
4 Daily we want to live good clean, wholesome lives, demonstrating that we do, indeed, know God’s Son and imitate him. We want to show love for our mates and families in all ways, but, above all, in spiritual things. And, “as long as we have time favorable for it,” we want to work “what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.” (Gal. 6:10) We want to use our tongues to upbuild our brothers and sisters, encourage them in right works, so that their tongues continue acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord. Visit them, converse with them, invite them to share with you in meeting together and in declaring the good news of God’s kingdom together. Show the same warm love for them that God’s Son showed for his disciples.
5 Certainly we also want to remember God’s Son by showing compassion like his for those on the outside, those not “related to us in the faith.” Today as never before they are truly “sheep without a shepherd.” (Matt. 9:36) How good to have the fine special issues of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines to bring to them right in their homes or anywhere else where we have opportunity to talk with them. And how much easier it is for us to interest them because of having such timely material as the article on the “Restoration of All Things of Which God Spoke” in The Watchtower and the Awake! material on “Earth’s Future—Garbage Dump or Garden Home?”
6 Some of these persons now study with us in home Bible studies. They indicate they want to become part of God’s great family, to be under the headship of our Lord. Since the start of the service year last September, thousands of such persons throughout the land have spent as much as six months in Bible study. Are they now ready to use their tongues in acknowledging Christ Jesus as Lord to still others? Doubtless many will welcome your invitation to join with you in sharing the word of life with others.
7 What of those who are not yet ready? We who study with these may be reminded by the Memorial to discuss the meaning of Christian discipleship so that they appreciate how the truths they learn should be affecting their lives and activity. If their hearts respond, then in the near future they too may be ready to ‘make public declaration with their mouths for salvation.’ (Rom. 10:9, 10) We realize that the “time favorable” for doing this steadily grows shorter.
8 Yes, we want to remember our Lord Jesus Christ every day of our lives and this special night of remembrance refreshes us and renews our determination to follow his lead. We rejoice to realize that he is actively guiding and directing us in our disciple-making work, for we know this spells certain success for our efforts. May the way we spend our time this month reflect our remembrance of him.