Demonstrate a Living Faith
1 In discussing the subject of faith, James asked: “You believe there is one God, do you?” He then said: “You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder.” (Jas. 2:19) The Greek word for “to believe” is the same as “to put faith in.”—Jas. 2:23.
2 Thus, the demons believe there is a God and are in fear of him, but they have not obeyed him. Likewise, even though we believe in God, if we do not obey God, such a “faith apart from works is inactive.” (Jas. 2:20) Our faith should be like Abraham’s, which was perfected by his works.—Jas. 2:21, 22.
3 In October we want to demonstrate our living faith by works in the field service. To aid us, Jehovah has generously provided an effective instrument to use in the subscription campaign—the October 8 issue of Awake! with the captivating theme: “A Book That Can Put Bread on Your Table.” (See Presenting the Good News.)
4 Despite good intentions, we can become irregular in our field service activity. How can we avoid this potential pitfall? By imitating Jehovah. James describes Jehovah as “the Father of the celestial lights,” with whom “there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow.” (Jas. 1:17) He is a God of order, unchangeableness, and dependability. In order to get things done at home, in school and on our secular jobs we adhere to a regular routine. There is no question about the wisdom of having things scheduled. We can follow Jehovah’s orderly example by establishing a weekly schedule that sets aside definite periods of time to show our faith by works in the field.
5 For example, in October why not work out a family schedule that allows you to share in the field service for three hours or more a week, or, if possible, to auxiliary pioneer? Being an auxiliary pioneer would mean spending, on the average, only two hours daily helping those in our territory spiritually. Some brothers and sisters auxiliary pioneer often, some every month. One brother recently wrote the Society: “Auxiliary pioneering has given me a new appreciation of the field service. I’m more careful to follow through on interest located and I am much more effective in helping people. Auxiliary pioneering has really helped me to enter more fully into the spirit of harvesting.”—Matt. 9:35-38.
6 Do you feel the need to spend more time in doing things with your family? Why not arrange for your whole family to enjoy the field service together. As your children see their God-fearing parents in action, they will be helped to demonstrate their faith, not only while sharing in the field service, but also when in school.
7 Peter encouraged older men to become examples to the flock. (1 Pet. 5:3) During October, as elders and ministerial servants zealously take the lead in the field service and joyfully work with their fellow publishers, the congregation will imitate their faith. When an elder apologized for not being able to work with a sister due to his working with others and time running out, she said: “That is okay. I could see you working across the street and that was enough for me.” The body of elders will organize field service activity for the congregation so that everyone can share as fully as possible in declaring his faith. In this way we will be used by Jehovah to help save the lives of deserving ones whom we search out. The month of October affords all of us an excellent opportunity to prove that our living faith in Jehovah moves us to become ‘doers of the work,’ which results in happiness.—Jas. 1:25.