Keep Doing It More Fully
1 When the apostle Paul and his companions preached the “good news of God” among the Thessalonians about the year 50 C.E., many accepted it as “the word of God” and acted on what they learned.—1 Thess. 2:8, 13; Acts 17:1-4.
2 Paul instructed these believers on “how [they] ought to walk and please God.” After receiving news of their continuing steadfast, he encouraged the members of that infant congregation to keep on obeying the truth with even greater zeal and determination. Yes, he wanted them to “keep on doing it more fully.”—1 Thess. 4:1.
3 Drawing on the exhortation given to the Thessalonians, we, too, want to strive to give fuller expression to our faith by zealous Kingdom activity. We must keep walking in the truth ourselves while preaching the message that can mean life to others. (John 17:3; 1 Tim. 4:16) During October we will again be inviting our neighbors to feed regularly on the fine information appearing in The Watchtower and Awake! by subscribing for these magazines.
4 Fine suggestions on how to be more effective in obtaining subscriptions were given in the April 1983 Our Kingdom Ministry insert. A review of that insert could prove to be helpful now. We obtained more subscriptions in April 1983 than during both April and May 1982! The 102,001 new subscriptions obtained in October 1983 exceeded the total for the previous October by over 21,000. What blessed results come from the extra effort made to get the only message of genuine hope into the homes of more people!
5 Would it not be wise to continue applying the excellent suggestions we have received on obtaining subscriptions? Ask yourself: ‘Do I have a negative or a positive attitude about offering the subscriptions at every appropriate opportunity? Do I prejudge whether the individual would like to have or could afford the subscriptions, or do I let the person himself decide? Do I start out offering just two individual magazines and then the subscriptions if unusual interest is shown? Or do I find it better to offer the subscriptions first? Have I offered subscriptions to fellow workers, in street witnessing, on my magazine route, to neighbors and relatives, in addition to making positive door-to-door presentations?’
6 An enthusiastic presentation of the subscriptions springs from a heart that has been touched by the fine information appearing in the magazines. Our School Guidebook accurately observes that enthusiasm results from being “firmly convinced that your audience needs to hear what you have to say.” (sg p. 163 par. 1) That is also true of information we want them to read. So take into consideration the various kinds of people you will likely meet in your territory and select points that may help them see the need to receive the magazines regularly.
7 Some publishers have found it helpful to fill out the subscription blanks on the initial call for those promising to subscribe later. This must be followed up by dependably calling back at the agreed-on time. So keep an accurate house-to-house record.
8 Realizing that at times just one article from our magazines has helped individuals start on the path to life, we surely want to ‘keep doing more fully’ the vital work of sharing the good news by positively inviting others to subscribe. Have you set a personal subscription goal for October? In time we want to introduce the subscriber to the Live Forever or United in Worship book and explain the home Bible study arrangement. As Proverbs 3:27 says, “Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing.”