Keeping Pace With Theocratic Increase
1 In Nehemiah’s day, there was need for construction because the defensive walls of Jerusalem were in ruin. Nehemiah provided decisive leadership, and the people responded, saying, “Let us get up, and we must build.”—Neh. 2:18.
2 Today, in like manner, Jehovah’s people are responding to the need for constructing and renovating Kingdom Halls. Hundreds of Kingdom Halls are in great need of renovation, and hundreds of new halls need to be built to accommodate the rapid expansion of Jehovah’s organization. Just as Nehemiah organized the work to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, so “the faithful and discreet slave” has organized a building program today by instituting the Society Kingdom Hall Fund and appointing Regional Building Committees.—Matt. 24:45.
3 The Society Kingdom Hall Fund arrangement has experienced Jehovah’s blessings. In the six years of its operation, it has supported construction of new Kingdom Halls that otherwise would not have been built because of the lack of sufficient funds. The fund has now been made available to assist in the construction of 649 new Kingdom Halls, accommodating 960 congregations. The generous contributions of the brothers have enabled the Society to distribute funds to congregations having the greatest need. This response in support of theocratic increase has been heartwarming.—1 Thess. 4:9, 10.
4 Regional Building Committees have also experienced Jehovah’s blessings. Currently, 65 Regional Building Committees are operating in the United States. Hundreds of projects involving construction of new Kingdom Halls or renovations of existing buildings were completed last year.
5 The brothers serving on the Regional Building Committees are to be commended for the diligent efforts put forth to meet the growing demand for Kingdom Halls. The Society has provided guidelines to assist in reviewing construction plans. Thus, these committees are in a fine position to assist the local elders in planning a Kingdom Hall that will be modest and functional and that will wisely use dedicated resources. It would be good for bodies of elders to weigh all factors carefully, benefiting to the full from the observations of the experienced elders appointed to serve on the Regional Building Committees.—Luke 14:28-30.
6 While many Kingdom Halls have already been constructed, there is much more to be accomplished in order to keep pace with theocratic increase. Some of the newly constructed Kingdom Halls already have three or four congregations meeting in them. This means that soon another hall will be needed to accommodate the growth in these areas. Many other congregations are patiently waiting for funds to become available to care for present needs. Our continued support of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund is obviously needed.
7 It is Scriptural to give financial support. The Hebrew word translated “contribution” means “sacred portion.” (Ex. 25:2, Reference Bible, footnote) Christians correctly desire to contribute their time, energy, and material possessions for advancing Kingdom interests. We do not enrich Jehovah with our contributions to his work, but in this way we show our love for him, and he blesses those who contribute voluntarily.—1 Chron. 29:14-17; Prov. 3:9.
8 Paul wrote at 2 Corinthians 8:12: “For if the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have.” All can be encouraged to set aside something regularly according to their ability and desire. (Compare 1 Corinthians 16:1-4.) Tertullian wrote of the early Christian congregation: “Every man once a month brings some modest coin—or whenever he wishes, and only if he does wish, and if he can; for nobody is compelled; it is a voluntary offering.” Unlike many religions today that pass a collection plate to demand contributions, all material offerings in the Christian congregation are voluntarily given from the heart. (2 Cor. 9:7) In this regard the December 1988 Our Kingdom Ministry commented: “Many congregations and circuits have assisted regularly by passing resolutions authorizing that funds be contributed to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund. . . . Even though a congregation follows this procedure, a Society Kingdom Hall Fund contribution box conveniently located in the Kingdom Hall will enable individuals desiring to do so to make voluntary contributions to the fund.” When acknowledgments of past contributions are read to the congregation, all are reminded of the share they may personally have.
9 Our continued support of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund as circuits, congregations, and individuals is necessary to keep pace with theocratic increase. Your generous support of this arrangement and the volunteered time and skill of thousands who have assisted with the construction and renovation of Kingdom Halls are sincerely appreciated. Yet, there is a need to quicken our pace to meet the need for more Kingdom Halls.
10 One congregation wrote: ‘We want to thank you brothers for showing your faith and confidence in us by lending us the money to finance this project. In addition, we would like to thank you for Regional Building Committees, and we sincerely appreciate the gifted brothers used in connection with our building project.’
11 Another congregation said: ‘When we formed the isolated group in May 1985, we began meeting in the home of a sister. Most baptized brothers stood at the meetings. As our attendance rose, there was no room even to stand. The congregation would like to convey their heartfelt thanks to you brothers for acting quickly and taking an interest in our needs. This too was a blessing from Jehovah in response to our prayers. The congregation is simply thrilled to be in this fine new Kingdom Hall.’
12 We have the record of what was accomplished in Nehemiah’s day. Despite opposition from enemy nations, the Israelites followed Nehemiah’s courageous lead, and with Jehovah’s blessing they completed the walls of Jerusalem in just 52 days. Nehemiah 4:6 says “the people continued to have a heart for working.” So today, under the direction of the faithful and discreet slave, great construction work is being accomplished, and Jehovah’s modern-day organization has “continued to have a heart for working.” We join you in praying for Jehovah’s rich blessings as we endeavor to keep pace with theocratic increase.