More Brothers Are Needed in the Pioneer Service
1 Paul urged us ‘always to have plenty to do in the work of the Lord.’ (1 Cor. 15:58) For many, this means taking up the pioneer service. This past September, more than 5,000 were added to the pioneer ranks!
2 Presently the greater number of those serving as pioneers in this country are sisters. (Ps. 68:11) What a joy it would be for the congregation if more brothers could join the ranks of full-time servants! (Ps. 110:3) It is understandable that many brothers have to care for heavy secular and family obligations. Others also work hard to care for the spiritual needs of the congregation. We appreciate these men who are exerting themselves in behalf of the Kingdom.—1 Tim. 4:10.
3 Even so, could more of you brothers take up pioneer service? If your wife is pioneering, can you join her? If you are retired, would you not agree that there is no more satisfying way to spend your time than in the full-time ministry? If you are just finishing school, have you given serious and prayerful thought to taking up the pioneer service as a stepping-stone to additional privileges of service?—Eph. 5:15-17.
4 One brother sold his prosperous business and took part-time work so that he could pioneer. With his fine lead, three of his four children became pioneers as soon as they finished school. The fourth was eager to join them. This brother and his family have been richly blessed.
5 A Large Door Is Open: Pioneer service can open “a large door that leads to activity.” (1 Cor. 16:9) Brothers who are pioneers may be used extensively in the congregation. Zealous field activity adds to their spiritual stature and contributes to their theocratic progress. Pioneering can open up the way to added privileges of service. After the first year of pioneering, there is the blessing of attending Pioneer Service School. Single ministerial servants and elders may reach out to attend the Ministerial Training School. Married couples who are qualified may apply for Gilead School. Brothers may eventually qualify for the traveling work. Yes, the pioneer ministry opens the door to these greater privileges of service in Jehovah’s organization.
6 Brothers who can make room for regular pioneer service may experience the greater happiness that comes with increased giving.—Acts 20:35.