Do Not Hold Back
1. What takes courage, and why?
1 Have you ever held back from witnessing at school because you were afraid that you would be ridiculed? It certainly takes courage to speak up, especially if you are shy. What will help you?
2. When it comes to witnessing at school, how is good judgment involved?
2 Use Good Judgment: Although school can properly be viewed as your personal territory, remember that you are not expected to initiate spiritual conversations with everyone as you would when preaching from house to house. Use good judgment to determine when to speak. (Eccl. 3:1, 7) The subject of a class discussion or school assignment may give you an opportunity to express your faith. Or a fellow student may ask you why you do not participate in certain activities. Some Christians have informed their teachers at the beginning of the school year that they are Jehovah’s Witnesses and given the teachers literature that explains our beliefs. Others have left literature out on their desk so as to prompt questions from schoolmates.
3. How can you prepare to give a witness at school?
3 Be Prepared: If you prepare, your confidence will increase. (1 Pet. 3:15) So try to anticipate questions that may arise, and think about how you could respond. (Prov. 15:28) If possible, keep your Bible and a few publications, such as the Reasoning book, Young People Ask books, and material on creation at school, so that you can refer to them when needed. Ask your parents to include practice sessions during your family worship.
4. Why should you continue witnessing at school?
4 Be Positive: Do not assume that your schoolmates will always ridicule you when you mention the truth. Some will likely admire you for your courage and may even listen. But do not be discouraged if no one responds. Jehovah will be pleased that you tried. (Heb. 13:15, 16) Continue asking him to help you to ‘keep speaking with all boldness.’ (Acts 4:29; 2 Tim. 1:7, 8) Imagine how thrilled you will be when someone does listen. That person may even end up becoming a fellow servant of Jehovah!