Sample Presentations
To start Bible studies on the first Saturday in May
“Do you see religion as a force for love and peace or for hatred and violence? [Allow for response.] Let me show you something interesting on the subject.” Hand the householder the May 1 Watchtower, and consider together the material under the first subheading on page 16 and at least one of the scriptures. Offer the magazines, and arrange to return to discuss the next question.
The Watchtower May 1
“Many believe it’s good for religion to be involved in politics, whereas others feel that religion and politics shouldn’t mix. What do you think? [Allow for response.] Notice how Jesus reacted when people wanted him to become involved in the politics of his day. [Read John 6:15.] This magazine explains why Jesus responded the way he did and discusses the best way that Christians can help their community.”
Awake! May
“Almost everyone we speak to has been dealt with unfairly at one time or another. Do you think there is a solution for injustice? [Allow for response.] Notice this prophecy about a ruler who will end injustice. [Read Psalm 72:11-14.] This magazine discusses the Bible’s promises for a more just tomorrow.”