Increased Opportunities to Laud Jehovah
1. What new arrangement will help us to “laud Jehovah very much”?
1 This past March, a new arrangement went into effect, giving publishers the opportunity to auxiliary pioneer with a 30-hour requirement each March and April and during the month of the circuit overseer’s regular visit. If the visit of the circuit overseer spans two months, publishers who apply for the 30-hour requirement may choose one month or the other to auxiliary pioneer. All auxiliary pioneers may attend the entire meeting that he has with the regular and special pioneers. This means that if the 50-hour requirement is out of reach for us, we can still “laud Jehovah very much” as auxiliary pioneers up to four times a year with the 30-hour requirement!—Ps. 109:30; 119:171.
2. What will those who auxiliary pioneer during the visit of the circuit overseer enjoy?
2 During the Circuit Overseer’s Visit: Now many more will be able to auxiliary pioneer during the visit of the circuit overseer and enjoy the interchange of encouragement that comes from working with him in the ministry. (Rom. 1:11, 12) Many auxiliary pioneers will likely arrange to take a day off during the week in order to work with the circuit overseer. Those who work secularly during weekdays can ask him if he will work with them on Saturday or Sunday. In addition, how encouraging it will be for the auxiliary pioneers to attend the pioneer meeting along with the regular and special pioneers!
3. Why is the Memorial season an excellent time to auxiliary pioneer?
3 During March and April: Those who took advantage of the former arrangement to auxiliary pioneer with the 30-hour requirement one month during the Memorial season can now double their “sacrifice of praise”! (Heb. 13:15) Both March and April are excellent months to expand our ministry as auxiliary pioneers. Each year during those months, we participate in an enjoyable campaign to invite others to attend the Memorial. In addition, because many expand their ministry during the Memorial season, we can work with a variety of publishers. After the Memorial, we follow up on the interest shown by those who attended and build enthusiasm for the special public talk. Will your heart motivate you to take advantage of these additional opportunities to auxiliary pioneer?—Luke 6:45.