PSALMS 11-15
Song 139 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)
1. Picture Yourself in God’s Peaceful New World
(10 min.)
Social disorder breeds the violence we see today (Ps 11:2, 3; w06 5/15 18 ¶3)
We can trust that Jehovah will soon put an end to violence (Ps 11:5; wp16.4 11)
Reflecting on Jehovah’s promise of salvation can help us to wait patiently for our deliverance (Ps 13:5, 6; w17.08 6 ¶15)
TRY THIS: Read Ezekiel 34:25, and take a moment to picture yourself in the peaceful setting described there.—kr 236 ¶16.
2. Spiritual Gems
(10 min.)
Ps 14:1—How might this text indicate a threat even for Christians? (w13 9/15 19 ¶12)
What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 13:1–14:7 (th study 2)
4. Starting a Conversation
(2 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Invite the person to the Memorial. (lmd lesson 5 point 3)
5. Starting a Conversation
(1 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. Invite the person to the Memorial. (lmd lesson 3 point 4)
6. Starting a Conversation
(3 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. A person shows interest in the Memorial invitation. (lmd lesson 7 point 4)
7. Making Disciples
(5 min.) lff lesson 13 summary, review, and goal. Use an article from the “Explore” section to help your student understand God’s feelings toward false religion. (th study 12)
Song 8
8. “Wisdom Is Better Than Weapons of War”
(10 min.) Discussion.
Acts of violence are increasing throughout the world. Jehovah knows that the violence we see and experience can cause us much anxiety. He also understands our need for protection. One way that he protects us is through his Word, the Bible.—Ps 12:5-7.
The Bible contains wisdom that is “better than weapons of war.” (Ec 9:18) Consider how the following Bible principles can help protect us from becoming victims of violence.
Ec 4:9, 10—Avoid being alone in unsafe areas and situations
Pr 22:3—Remain aware of your surroundings when in public
Pr 26:17—Do not get involved in arguments that do not concern you
Pr 17:14—Leave the area if violence seems imminent. And stay away from crowds that assemble to protest
Lu 12:15—Never risk your life to protect your possessions
Play the VIDEO Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless—Enoch, Not Lamech. Then ask the audience:
How did Enoch’s example affect the father’s decisions and conduct in the face of violence?—Heb 11:5
In some situations, a Christian may feel the need to take reasonable measures to defend himself or his property. If so, he would do everything in his power to avoid taking a human life and becoming bloodguilty.—Ps 51:14; see “Questions From Readers” in the July 2017 issue of The Watchtower.
9. Memorial Campaign to Begin Saturday, March 2
(5 min.) Talk by an elder. Outline local arrangements for the campaign, special talk, and Memorial. Remind publishers that they may choose to auxiliary pioneer with a 15-hour requirement during the months of March and April.
10. Congregation Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 6 ¶9-17