Yeartext for 1985
“Fully accomplish your ministry.”—2 Tim. 4:5.
All of us who have dedicated our lives to Jehovah as his witnesses have been assigned a share in the ministry of the Word of God. We are eager to be “at this ministry,” as counseled by our fellow witness Paul. (Rom. 12:7) And what a fine privilege and responsibility this is! Given the unique time in which we live, the rapid developments leading to the greatest crisis in human affairs, and the urgent need for a warning and a hope for survival to be extended to people, we alone have the information that can turn many to righteousness. So being “at this ministry” means shedding abroad at every opportunity the light of Kingdom truth.—Dan. 12:3.
Each of the prophets and apostles was a faithful minister of Jehovah. Jeremiah’s long and loyal service comes to mind. No threat or persecution brought upon him by enemies of the truth could divert him from his commission to witness to great and small. Ezekiel, for his part, demonstrated a readiness to do anything that Jehovah commanded, regardless of what ridicule it brought upon him. (Jer. 1:18, 19; Ezek. 3:7-9) The apostle John continued active in a most unpopular cause and through many trials that culminated in the privilege of writing down the words of the glorified Christ. (Rev. 1:9-11) Others, listed in Heb chapter 11 of the letter to the Hebrews, gave undeniable testimony to their faithfulness in the ministry by enduring trials patiently.
And now, what about Jehovah’s Witnesses in this year 1985? Neither smug indifference on the part of many nor harassment and obstacles placed in our way by religious and political enemies of truth shall we allow to interfere with the work that has been assigned us by the Most High over all the earth. We know that our God calls for self-sacrifice, for setting aside our own selfish will and any personal ambitions we at one time might have entertained. Our foremost reason for living today is to put the interests of God’s Kingdom and its proclamation first. We keep in mind the apostle Paul’s excellent advice, namely, to “keep watching the ministry which you accepted in the Lord, that you fulfill it.”—Col. 4:17.
Thus, Jehovah’s people move forward into another year in which our God has provided yet a little more time for ‘the desirable ones of all the nations’ to heed his message and find safety in the theocratic organization. (Hag. 2:7) This great work deserves all the time and effort we can muster, for it is truly life giving.
We know that ours is a precious ministry, a privilege never to be repeated, one that involves God’s holy name and the possibility of everlasting life for fearers of Jehovah. So the words of the apostle must be uppermost in our minds: “Fully accomplish your ministry.”—2 Tim. 4:5.