Tuesday, January 7
Jehovah is our Lawgiver.—Isa. 33:22.
Jehovah has consistently conveyed clear laws to his people. For example, the first-century governing body identified three ways in which Christians must remain firm: (1) by rejecting idolatry, worshipping only Jehovah, (2) by respecting the sanctity of blood, and (3) by adhering to the Bible’s high moral standards. (Acts 15:28, 29) How can Christians today maintain a firm stand in these three specific ways? By worshipping and obeying Jehovah. He commanded the Israelites to give him exclusive devotion. (Deut. 5:6-10) And when tempted by the Devil, Jesus clearly indicated that we must worship only Jehovah. (Matt. 4:8-10) Therefore, we do not worship religious idols. We also do not idolize humans—whether they are religious leaders, political rulers, or stars in the world of sports and entertainment—treating them like gods. We worship only the one who “created all things.”—Rev. 4:11. w23.07 14-15 ¶3-4
Wednesday, January 8
By fearing Jehovah one turns away from bad.—Prov. 16:6.
Satan’s world is obsessed with immoral sex and pornography. (Eph. 4:19) So we must cultivate godly fear and turn away from bad. In Proverbs chapter 9, we read about wisdom and foolishness, personified as two women. Each is described as extending an invitation to the inexperienced—those “lacking good sense.” Each says, as it were, ‘Come into my house and have a meal.’ (Prov. 9:1, 4-6) But there is a vast difference in the results, or outcomes, presented. Consider the invitation from the “stupid woman.” (Prov. 9:13-18) She boldly calls out to those lacking good sense, “Come in here” and feast. With what result? “Those powerless in death are there.” We are warned about “the wayward” and “immoral woman.” We are told: “Her house sinks down into death.” (Prov. 2:11-19) Proverbs 5:3-10 contains an alert about another “wayward woman” whose “feet descend into death.” w23.06 21-22 ¶6-7
Thursday, January 9
Let your reasonableness become known to all men.—Phil. 4:5.
Elders must set a good example in being reasonable. (1 Tim. 3:2, 3) For instance, an elder should not expect that his opinions will always be accepted simply because he is older than the other elders. He realizes that Jehovah’s spirit can move any member of the body to make an expression that contributes to a wise decision. And if no Bible principle is violated, reasonable elders willingly support the decision of the majority on the body, even if they had preferred a different decision. Christians reap many blessings by being reasonable. We enjoy better relationships with our brothers and sisters, and the congregation enjoys peace. We find delight in the beautiful variety of personalities and customs among Jehovah’s united worshippers. Above all, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are imitating our reasonable God, Jehovah. w23.07 25 ¶16-17