DECEMBER 30, 2024–JANUARY 5, 2025
PSALMS 120-126
Song 144 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)
1. They Sowed With Tears, but Reaped With Joy
(10 min.)
The Israelites were happy when they were freed from Babylon to restore pure worship (Ps 126:1-3)
Those who returned to Judea may have wept because of the considerable effort involved (Ps 126:5; w04 6/1 16 ¶10)
The people persisted and were blessed (Ps 126:6; w21.11 24 ¶17; w01 7/15 18-19 ¶13-14; see picture)
FOR MEDITATION: After we are delivered from this old world at Armageddon, what challenges will we have during the great reconstruction? What blessings will we reap?
2. Spiritual Gems
(10 min.)
Ps 124:2-5—Can we expect Jehovah to protect us physically as he did the nation of Israel? (cl 73 ¶15)
What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 124:1–126:6 (th study 5)
4. Starting a Conversation
(3 min.) PUBLIC WITNESSING. (lmd lesson 3 point 5)
5. Following Up
(4 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. On the previous visit, the person expressed doubts about the Bible. (lmd lesson 9 point 5)
6. Making Disciples
Song 155
7. Take Delight in God’s Promises
(15 min.) Discussion.
Jehovah fulfilled his promises to his people exiled in Babylon. He delivered them and healed them spiritually. (Isa 33:24) He evidently protected them and their domestic animals from falling prey to lions and other beasts that had increased during the time the people were gone. (Isa 65:25) They could enjoy living in their own homes and eating the fruitage of their own vineyards. (Isa 65:21) God blessed their work, and they enjoyed long lives.—Isa 65:22, 23.
Play the VIDEO Take Delight in God’s Promises of Peace—Excerpt. Then ask the audience:
How are we experiencing a spiritual fulfillment of these prophecies?
How will they be fulfilled in a grander way in the new world?
Which ones are you looking forward to the most?
8. Congregation Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 20 ¶8-12, box on p. 161