PSALMS 144-146
Song 145 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)
1. “Happy Is the People Whose God Is Jehovah!”
(10 min.)
Jehovah blesses those who rely on him (Ps 144:11-15; w18.04 32 ¶3-4)
We rejoice in our hope (Ps 146:5; w22.10 28 ¶16-17)
Those whose God is Jehovah will be happy forever (Ps 146:10; w18.01 26 ¶19-20)
When we serve Jehovah faithfully, we can be happy even though we have problems
2. Spiritual Gems
(10 min.)
Ps 145:15, 16—How should these verses affect the way we treat animals? (it-1 111 ¶9)
What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 144:1-15 (th study 11)
4. Starting a Conversation
(4 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. The person tells you that he is a university student. (lmd lesson 1 point 5)
5. Following Up
(4 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Feature a video from the Teaching Toolbox. (lmd lesson 7 point 4)
6. Talk
(4 min.) lmd appendix A point 7—Theme: A Wife Should Deeply Respect Her Husband. (th study 1)
Song 59
7. Jehovah Wants You to Be Happy
(10 min.) Discussion.
Jehovah is the happy God. (1Ti 1:11) He has given us many wonderful gifts that show us how much he loves us and wants us to be happy. (Ec 3:12, 13) Consider two of these gifts—food and sound.
Play the VIDEO Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice—Delicious Food and Delightful Sounds. Then ask the audience:
How do the gifts of food and sound convince you that Jehovah wants you to be happy?
Read Psalm 32:8. Then ask the audience:
How does knowing that Jehovah wants you to be happy motivate you to listen to the direction he provides in the Bible and through his organization?
8. Local Needs
(5 min.)
9. Congregation Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 22 ¶1-6