Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1968 | December 1
God’s law on this matter were to be cut off.—Num. 15:30, 31.
But there appears to have been another matter underlying all of these particular regulations involving uncleanness. God created the sex impulse and procreative powers in Adam and Eve and told them to produce offspring. (Gen. 1:28) But when they sinned in regard to eating from the restricted tree, things changed; they became imperfect, sinners. Their guilty, sin-stricken consciences made them aware that they were naked. They were no longer pure and sinless before God, and apparently their thoughts on viewing each other were no longer pure and innocent. They quickly covered their genital organs.—Gen. 3:7, 10, 11.
Whether they immediately realized it or not, because they had sinned, Adam and Eve could not bring forth perfect children as God had purposed. Now procreation through intercourse would only be possible because of God’s undeserved kindness in letting them live. They would pass on to their children the hereditary blemishes of sin, imperfection and eventual death.—Ps. 51:5; Rom. 5:12.
The Law’s regulations about menstruation, seminal emissions and childbirth would forcefully remind the Israelites of their sinful state. The sexual organs were made for a proper and upright purpose, to pass on perfect life. For an Israelite man, passing on life involved his emission of semen. With his wife, it involved her menstruation, for this was part of a cycle by which she was able to conceive. Childbirth was often the final result of their marital relations. But because they were imperfect humans, these normal functions passed on imperfect and sinful life. The periods of temporary “uncleanness” associated with these things would have constantly called that hereditary sinfulness to their attention. And that was especially true with childbirth, for a sin offering was required.—Lev. 12:8.
The Israelites would have thus been helped to appreciate the need of a ransom sacrifice to cover their sins and restore human perfection. The animal sacrifices they offered did not accomplish that. (Heb. 10:3, 4) The Law, then, was to lead them to Christ and to help them appreciate that by means of his human sacrifice true forgiveness was possible, paving the way for restoration to human perfection.—Gal. 3:24; Heb. 9:13, 14.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1968 | December 1
No member of the family should be without his personal copy of the Bible. So valuable is this Book of Books in our daily lives, in regulating our course of conduct, in securing a future of peace and contentment, that it should be read and studied every day. Now this is possible with the economical and easy-to-read modern-language version, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. A complete Bible, available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Only $1. Send today and receive free the study booklet When God Is King over All the Earth.
What takes first place in one’s life? Is it one’s family, secular work, some hobby or perhaps sports? It may be one has several interests in life each taking a relative position according to the importance placed upon it. To Christians, however, the kingdom of God comes first in their lives. And during the month of December Jehovah’s witnesses will be putting first the preaching of the Kingdom good news by engaging in their house-to-house ministry and conducting free home Bible studies. (Mark 13:10) They will also be offering to interested persons a copy of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures along with an appropriate booklet for $1; or they may combine the Bible and a copy of the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, for $1.25.
December 22: Watch Yourself and Your Teaching. Page 716. Songs to Be Used: 23, 38.
December 29: Growth—Impelled by Jehovah. Page 722. Songs to Be Used: 39, 101.