Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1972 | April 1
In the very first book of the Bible we are provided with a standard. The record there shows that the matter of dress posed no problem for the first human pair in their sinless state. Only after their transgression, when they began to experience shame and guilt, did they clothe themselves. With what? The account says they made “loin coverings” of fig leaves. (Gen. 3:6, 7) Is that the standard for us?
No, for God evidently viewed these garments as unsuitable. Though ejecting the human pair from their garden home as willful violators of his law, in his undeserved kindness God saw fit to supply them with clothing. Genesis 3:21 says: “And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them.” So, man’s Creator not only treated these humans with dignity—lawbreakers though they were—but thereby also provided a standard for human dress.
How long were these “long garments”? The Hebrew word used is understood to denote long garments reaching to the knees, or even to the ankles.
Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1972 | April 1
It is that the garments were “long” in contrast with the short “loin coverings.” So, they gave, not just bare coverage, but good coverage to the body.