The Decalogue’s Principles Ever ValidThe Watchtower—1961 | May 1
selfishness. There are times when, conceivably, it would be right to hide the truth in the interest of one’s neighbor, as when Rahab threw off the pagan pursuers of the God-fearing Israelite spies by what she told those pursuers. Also, may it not be by keeping silent that “love covers a multitude of sins”? Surely!—Ex. 20:16; 1 Pet. 4:8.
And, finally, embodied in the last commandment, “You must not desire” or “selfishly crave” what is your fellow man’s, is the principle, “Safeguard your heart; for out of it are the sources of life.” That is why Jesus said: “Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies.” If we guard our heart there will be no danger of our coveting that which belongs to our neighbor or committing any of the immoral acts Jesus here mentions. Far from doing that, we will be keeping an eye “in personal interest upon” the affairs of others, seeking that which will be to their advantage. Then, also, instead of coveting the honor that another receives, we will “in showing honor to one another take the lead.”—Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21; Prov. 4:23; Matt. 15:19; 1 Cor. 10:24; Phil. 2:4; Rom. 12:10.
Truly, even though we as Christians “are not under law but under undeserved kindness,” the Ten Commandments are part of the things written aforetime for our instruction, because the principles embodied in the Decalogue are ever valid. “If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.”—John 13:17.
Do You Remember?The Watchtower—1961 | May 1
Do You Remember?
Have you read your recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points. Check yourself.
● In what three ways are Christians engaging in building work today?
Individually, growing in the fruitage of the spirit; numerically, in numbers of Witnesses; and by constructing Kingdom Halls, plants to print Bible literature, and so forth.—Pp. 9, 10, 23.a
● What is the principal fruitage of the spirit, and why?
Love. This is so because all other fruits of the spirit are merely different aspects of love or result from its application.—P. 12.
● Were holy ones resurrected at the time of Jesus’ death?
No, only the dead bodies of holy ones were cast up by reason of an earthquake.—P. 30.
● When did the baptism of infants begin?
After the death of the apostles. Some evidence of it is found toward the end of the second century, but not as a regular practice.—P. 37.
● What is the primary objective of all of Jehovah’s witnesses?
To share in Jehovah’s vindication by proclaiming his name and purposes.—P. 47.
● What is the meaning of “zeal,” and how does it apply to our ministry?
It means boiling; so a zealous minister is hot or ardent with enthusiasm for the service of Jehovah.—P. 54.
● Who was the angel guiding the Israelites in the wilderness?
The Logos or the Word, Jesus Christ in his prehuman existence.—P. 57.
● Do the angels look after God’s servants on earth?
Yes, they “minister for those who are going to inherit salvation.” Jesus said: “Their angels in heaven always have access to my Father.” Not necessarily that each faithful human has an angel assigned to him but that one angel is assigned to a number of God’s servants on earth.—P. 59.
● May a person who takes a blood transfusion be disfellowshiped for it?
Yes, if it is a deliberate act and there is no repenting over the wrong act and asking