The Source of All Dynamic Energy and Vigorous PowerThe Watchtower—1961 | July 15
23. What response do those make who are privileged to draw upon this surpassing Source of dynamic strength?
23 Here, then, is a Source of surpassing strength and power upon which those who are true worshipers of Jehovah and who are conscious of their limited physical and mental strength may freely draw with no fear of a power shortage. Concerning these fortunate people it is written: “Happy are the men whose strength is in [Jehovah] . . . They will walk on from vital energy to vital energy.” (Ps. 84:5, 7) Upon seeing all the marvelous wonders of Jehovah’s creative activity these energetic happy people exclaim: “For you have made me rejoice, O Jehovah, because of your activity; because of the works of your hands I cry out joyfully. How great your works are, O Jehovah! Very deep your thoughts are. No unreasoning man himself can know them, and no one stupid can understand this.”—Ps. 92:4-6.
24. What is in store for those who dare to mock and ridicule the Almighty Jehovah?
24 Not only will the unreasoning and stupid ones fail to understand but they will continue to laugh at and ridicule the true Source of all strength and power. But let them continue to do so. Let the godless scientists and technologists of this old world’s system of things continue their ceaseless search for new sources of material fuel and power. Let the proud and arrogant researchers and explorers continue their probing of outer space. Let all these stupid ones, whether they are of the Eastern, Western or Neutral bloc of nations, continue to harden their stony hearts against the only true Source of all dynamic energy and vigorous power. Yet Jehovah says to them: “How dare you people say: ‘We are mighty men and men of vital energy for the war’?” (Jer. 48:14) What war is He speaking about? Why, the fast-approaching war of Armageddon, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” which is now so very near. It is then that Jehovah will answer the supplication of the righteous who pray: “By your vital energy make them wander about, and bring them down, O our shield Jehovah, for the sin of their mouth, the word of their lips; and may they be caught in their pride, even for the cursing and the lying that they rehearse. Bring them to an end in rage, bring them to an end, that they may not be, and may they know that God is ruling in Jacob to the ends of the earth.”—Rev. 16:14, 16; Ps. 59:11-13.
Become Activated by the Spirit of JehovahThe Watchtower—1961 | July 15
Become Activated by the Spirit of Jehovah
“The true God is the one girding me closely with vital energy.” “Jehovah is my strength.”—Ps. 18:32; 28:7.
1. What should thinking people of all mankind be interested in learning, and why?
FOR centuries men have struggled and died in an effort to bring permanent peace and happiness amid this war-torn world. Yet not a single organization has been able to achieve this coveted goal, with but one exception. That exception is the group known as Jehovah’s witnesses. Unity of thought and unity of action have also been greatly desired but not attained by any society of people except Jehovah’s witnesses. Happily living and working together in peace and unity, Jehovah’s witnesses have demonstrated a genuine love for one another regardless of their individual racial,