A Field Producing Wheat and WeedsThe Watchtower—1981 | August 1
18. According to Jesus’ parable, what further developments are there?
18 This situation could not fail to disturb the ‘Son of man’s’ “slaves.” Jesus’ parable continues: “So the slaves of the householder came up and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it come to have weeds?’
A Field Producing Wheat and WeedsThe Watchtower—1981 | August 1
19. Why were the “slaves of the householder” distressed?
19 Whether these worried “slaves” (Mt 13 verse 27) are identical with the “reapers” (Mt 13 verse 30) Jesus does not explain. If they are, this would mean that the angels were distressed by the abundant growth of “weeds” in their Master’s field. (Matt. 13:39)