How You Can Strengthen OthersThe Watchtower—1976 | June 15
Men, keep on the watch and praying, in order that you do not come into temptation.”—Mark 14:32-38.
How You Can Strengthen OthersThe Watchtower—1976 | June 15
15. (a) What other lesson should we all learn from this? (b) What is the principal source of strengthening aid?
15 Another lesson we should learn from what occurred that night is that we all need strengthening aid. While in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus endeavored to provide that needed aid by urging his disciples to pray. They especially needed the help that God can provide. As the apostle Paul said, God “can make you firm,” that is, he can strengthen or firmly set us to withstand any pressures. (Rom. 16:25) Even Jesus Christ needed this strengthening, as shown by what happened out there in the garden while his apostles were sleeping.
16, 17. (a) What happened while Jesus was praying to God in the garden? (b) How did the angel evidently strengthen Jesus?
16 Jesus himself, as we have noted, was praying. The Bible account says that he “bent his knees and began to pray, saying: ‘Father, if you wish, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, let, not my will, but yours take place.’ Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and STRENGTHENED [eniskhúō] HIM.” (Luke 22:41-43) Yes, Jehovah God provided angelic help out there in the garden at that most critical moment in Jesus’ life!
17 The angel evidently spoke to Jesus, providing information that invigorated him, infusing in him new strength. This is indicated by the Greek word eniskhúō here translated “strengthened.” In its only other occurrence in the Bible, at Acts 9:19, the apostle Paul is said to have “gained strength” from eating food. But Jesus, on the other hand, was strengthened, not by physical food, but by the angel’s presence, and no doubt by the angel’s encouraging words. The apostles, however, were sleeping, and thus were in no position to receive such strengthening.