Letting God Be the Sovereign of Our LivesThe Watchtower—1975 | November 1
5. To what are these two forces compared, and why so?
5 The two contesting forces are compared to light and darkness. The force for good is compared to light, since deeds of goodness are done in the light, the doer thereof not being ashamed or afraid. The force for bad is compared to darkness, as deeds of badness are done in the darkness, the doer thereof realizing that he is doing wrong and not wanting to be punished. When busy at bad deeds done in the dark so as to avoid detection, the doer thereof hates the light with its power of exposure.
Letting God Be the Sovereign of Our LivesThe Watchtower—1975 | November 1
For he that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved.