MarbleAid to Bible Understanding
said: “His legs are pillars of marble based on socket pedestals of refined gold.” (Song of Sol. 5:15) The Persian palace at Shushan in the days of Queen Esther had marble Pillars, and its pavement in part was made of black marble. (Esther 1:6) Marble is also listed as one of the precious commodities of “the traveling merchants of the earth” who weep over the downfall of Babylon the Great.—Rev. 18:11, 12.
MarealAid to Bible Understanding
A boundary location of Zebulun. (Josh. 19:10, 11) Some would link Mareal with modern Tell Ghalta, lying E-NE of the suggested sites for Dabbesheth and Jokneam in the Valley of Jezreel. But its exact location is now unknown.
MareshahAid to Bible Understanding
(Ma·reʹshah) [perhaps, possession, or, head place].
1. A descendant of Judah who is called the “father” of Hebron. (1 Chron. 2:3, 42) While it might be concluded that Mareshah was the ancestor of the inhabitants of the city of Hebron, this is unlikely since the Hebron here mentioned had sons and thus was evidently a person.—1 Chron. 2:43.
2. A descendant of Judah through Shelah. Laadah is identified as the “father of Mareshah.” (1 Chron. 4:21) While it is possible that this Mareshah (or his father Laadah) founded the town of Mareshah, or that he is the same person as the Judahite mentioned above, there is no certainty about these matters.
3. One of a group of nine cities in the Shephelah region of Judah (Josh. 15:44), Mareshah occupied a position of strategic importance beside one of the valleys forming a natural route from the coastal plain up into the mountains and to Hebron. It is identified today with Tell Sandahannah, about one mile (1.6 kilometers) S-SE of Beit Jibrin, although the ancient name survives at nearby Khirbet Mirʽash. King Rehoboam, successor to Solomon, made a fortress city of Mareshah, thereby strengthening Judah’s defense against attack from that avenue of approach. (2 Chron. 11:5, 8) Zerah the Ethiopian swept up from the S with his huge force of a million men and was met at Mareshah by the army of King Asa, and the battle, resulting in a Judean victory by divine assistance, was fought in that area. Asa pursued the defeated Ethiopian force some thirty miles (48 kilometers) to Gerar, SW of Mareshah. (2 Chron. 14:9-13) Mareshah, also Maresha, was the hometown of the prophet Eliezer, who correctly foretold the failure of King Jehoshaphat’s joint maritime enterprise with Ahaziah of Israel.—2 Chron. 20:35-37.
Micah’s prophecy, warning apostate Judah and Israel of impending punishment, is notable for its frequent play on words, and the prophet appears to connect the name Mareshah with the Hebrew root word ya·rashʹ (“to possess”) in saying: “The dispossessor I shall yet bring to you, O inhabitress of Mareshah.”—Mic. 1:15.
In the postexilic period, Mareshah became known as Marissa and continued to be a site of considerable importance, though it became a Sidonian colony and later an Idumean stronghold. It was finally destroyed by the Parthians in 40 B.C.E.
MarinerAid to Bible Understanding
One who navigates or assists in the operation of a ship; a sailor or seaman. (1 Ki. 9:26, 27; Ezek. 27:8, 9; Rev. 18:17-19) The life of ancient mariners was a perilous one. In a storm-tossed sea they were practically helpless. Wrote the psalmist: “Because of the calamity their very soul finds itself melting. They reel and move unsteadily like a drunken man, and even all their wisdom proves confused. And they begin crying out to Jehovah in their distress.”—Ps. 107:26-28.
Acts 27:15-19 contains a vivid account of the measures taken by mariners during a storm. The skiff, which was towed along and evidently served as a lifeboat when needed, was hoisted aboard. Helps, possibly ropes or chains, were used to undergird the boat, that is, were passed around the hull of the ship and tightened on deck. The gear was lowered. This may mean that the mainsail was reduced. Items were thrown overboard to lighten the vessel, this serving to increase the ship’s buoyancy.—Compare Jonah 1:5; Acts 27:38; see SHIP.
Mark, IAid to Bible Understanding
[Gr., Marʹkos, from Lat., Marcus, meaning “a large hammer”].
The Roman surname of the son of Mary of Jerusalem. His Hebrew name was John, meaning “Jehovah has been gracious.” (Acts 12:12, 25) Mark was a cousin of Barnabas, was his traveling companion and that of other early Christian missionaries, and was inspired to write the Gospel bearing his own name. (Col. 4:10) Mark is the John Mark mentioned in the book of Acts and the John of Acts 13:5, 13.
He was evidently an early believer in Christ. His mother’s home was used as a place of worship by the early Christian congregation, which may mean that both she and Mark became Jesus’ followers before Christ’s death. (Acts 12:12) Since Mark alone mentions the scantily clad young man who fled on the night of Jesus’ betrayal, there is reason to believe that Mark himself was that young man. (Mark 14:51, 52) So it seems likely that Mark was present when the holy spirit was poured out on the some 120 disciples of Christ on Pentecost 33 C.E.—Acts 1:13-15; 2:1-4.
After they had carried out the relief ministration in Jerusalem, Barnabas and Saul (Paul) “returned and took along with them John, the one surnamed Mark.” It appears that Mark served as their attendant, perhaps caring for their physical needs while they traveled. (Acts 12:25; 13:5) For some undisclosed reason, when they arrived at Perga in Pamphylia, “John [Mark] withdrew from them and returned to Jerusalem.” (Acts 13:13) When Paul later set out on his second missionary journey, though Barnabas was determined to take Mark along the apostle “did not think it proper to be taking this one along with them, seeing that he had departed from them from Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work.” “A sharp burst of anger” ensued and they separated, Barnabas taking Mark with him to Cyprus and Paul taking Silas with him through Syria and Cilicia.—Acts 15:36-41.
Some time thereafter, however, whatever breach there was between Paul, Barnabas and Mark was evidently healed, for Mark was with Paul in Rome and joined him in sending greetings to the Colossian Christians (c. 60-61 C.E.). Paul spoke favorably of him, saying: “Aristarchus my fellow captive sends you his greetings, and so does Mark the cousin of Barnabas, (concerning whom you received commands to welcome him if ever he comes to you).” (Col. 4:10) Mark is also among those mentioned by Paul as sending greetings to Philemon when the apostle wrote to him from Rome (also c. 60-61 C.E.). (Philem. 23, 24) Later (c. 65 C.E.), when Paul was again a prisoner in Rome, he specifically asked Timothy to “take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering.”—2 Tim. 4:11.
John Mark also associated with Peter in Babylon, for he is mentioned as sending greetings in the apostle’s first letter (written about 62-64 C.E.). Peter calls him “Mark my son,” perhaps indicating the strong bond of Christian affection that existed between them. (1 Pet. 5:13; compare 1 John 2:1, 7.) Thus, Mark, once the cause of difficulty, gained the commendation and trust of prominent servants of God and enjoyed the yet greater privilege of being inspired to write an account of Jesus’ ministry.—See MARK, GOSPEL OF.
Mark, IIAid to Bible Understanding
Anciently, marks, some in the form of an X, were used for various purposes. (Compare 1 Samuel 21:13.) Among non-Israelites animals and even slaves were branded with a mark as an indication of ownership. In the case of humans, such property marks were placed on a conspicuous part of the body, such as the forehead. Worshipers of false gods at