Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1959 | September 15
came later on at Plataea in Greece on September 22, 479 B.C. However, this battle, which decided matters and forced the Persians to quit Greece, is not so celebrated or popularly known as is the military exploit that occurred at Thermopylae. So it was because of huge losses that befell the Persians in the engagement at Thermopylae and because of the celebrated action of the defenders of the pass there that the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth” makes mention of Thermopylae rather than Plataea.
● At Romans 10:18 the apostle Paul quotes Psalm 19:4 and apparently applies it to people, but the context of Psalm 19:4 is speaking of the heavenly creation. How are we to understand Paul’s application of the text?—M. M., U.S.A.
The scripture at Romans 10:18 says: “They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, ‘into all the earth their sound went out, and to the ends of the inhabited earth their words.’” According to the context of this scripture, the apostle Paul was describing the Jewish nation. They had the oracles of God, and their high priest had retained the knowledge of how to pronounce the name Jehovah. They knew that Jehovah was God, the Creator of heaven and earth. In Ro 10 verse 16 Paul says: “Nevertheless, they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: ‘Jehovah, who believed our report?’” Then he applies Psalm 19:4. The point of this is that even if the natural Jews had rejected the preaching of Christ’s apostles, yet they had a testimony against them, namely, that of creation, the heavenly bodies. Without giving forth any verbal statement or any written statement in themselves, yet they did testify to the creativity of God. Since they did not accept the preaching of the apostles, the creation itself testified against them. And, as Romans 1:20 shows, the invisible qualities of God are set forth plainly by the things that are created and made visible. So if the Jews would not believe the audible, they still had the inaudible heavens to preach to them concerning God and to testify to his universal sovereignty.
● Why does Revelation 4:5 speak of “seven lamps of fire burning before the throne” when there were ten in Solomon’s temple, as shown in 1 Kings 7:49?—S. V., U.S.A.
The difference may be attributed to the fact that in the temple there were ten lampstands, each of which had seven lamps. Thus in 1 Kings 7:49, in addition to mentioning the lampstands, reference is also made to the lamps. This can best be appreciated by reading the pattern for these given in Exodus 25:31-39, which says, in part: “And you must make a lampstand of pure gold. . . . And six branches are running out from its sides, three branches of the lamp stand from the one side and three branches of the lampstand from the other side. . . . And you must make seven lamps for it.” So the lampstand itself had seven lamps.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1959 | September 15
September will witness the completion of the special three-month campaign during which the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth” and a booklet are being offered from house to house for 50c. Appreciating the importance of the valuable and timely information contained in the book, all English-speaking congregations and individuals holding territory not yet worked with this offer will endeavor to cover it before the month ends.
Men’s efforts to better world conditions continue to fail because men have nothing new to offer. Not so, however, with the Creator of the universe! He has observed human helplessness and has promised to restore obedient mankind to its rightful place. You can share in the fulfillment of that promise. Obtain and read the 32-page booklet “Look! I Am Making All Things New.” It is only 5c, 3 for 10c.
October 25: Salvation for Your Family as Well as Your Neighbor. Page 548.
November 1: Salvation by Overcoming Proud Tradition. Page 554.