Guard Against Abusive Speech and Obscene JestingThe Watchtower—1963 | March 1
When the mind of a child or an adult is turned to truth as found in the Word of God, the Bible, and is kept tuned in on it by asking, seeking and knocking, it has the active force of God, that is, God’s holy spirit working on it, building it up, making it new. Paul brought this fact to the attention of the Ephesians, saying: “You should be made new in the force actuating your mind.” This would result to those who “heard him [Christ] and were taught by means of him, just as truth is in Jesus.” So it is not just any truth that can supply a protective force against forces that influence the mind. Only those truths embodied in the principles of Christianity can provide that protection.—Eph. 4:20-24.
To fill the mind with these truths, these thoughts of God, means the Bible must be studied. It means its truths must be pondered over, its promises meditated upon. It means getting rid of old-world ideas and making God’s thoughts our thoughts. Paul counsels: “Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom. 12:2) This can be done, Paul says, if you “keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things upon the earth.” (Col. 3:2) Also, he says: “Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all.” (Gal. 5:16) Then he admonishes Christians to dwell on virtuous and praiseworthy things. “The things that you learned as well as accepted and heard and saw in connection with me,” he says, “practice these; and the God of peace will be with you.”—Phil. 4:8, 9.
The way to a clean mind and a wholesome tongue begins with truth fed into the mind. It depends on what we read, look at, listen to, dwell on, whether the mind will be affected for good or bad. If we fix in the mind thoughts patterned according to the healthful teachings of God’s Word, then words of life will flow forth.—Jas. 3:1-18.
This means we must watch our associations. Pick good, clean associates, whether they be people in reality, or those on films, characters in novels, or those imagined, because they can drastically affect your thinking. Bad associations will corrupt useful habits and spoil clean speech.—1 Cor. 15:33.
The best of association is that to be enjoyed with God in prayer. When the temptation arises to misuse the tongue, pray. One cannot imagine using foul speech while praying to God. On one occasion Jesus counseled his disciples: “Carry on prayer, that you do not enter into temptation.” (Luke 22:40, 46) Pray also when in temptation that you may not succumb. To your Christian conscience may God always be so vividly present that you will never say or do anything that will displease him.—1 Pet. 3:10-12.
Why Youths Turn DelinquentThe Watchtower—1963 | March 1
Why Youths Turn Delinquent
✔ Today delinquent youths do not come only from underprivileged families, but from the upper classes as well. But why? What is wrong? A young attorney throws light on the situation when he notes the religious attitudes of these families. “Most of these boys we call ‘middle-class delinquents’ are from families who no longer follow their religious beliefs, except procedurally,” he observed. “They have lost the firm foundation of the Commandments. They have lost their personal grip on all religious ethics and they have not yet developed any humanitarian or secular ethics. They’re in between. They’re in a no-man’s land and a no-God’s land and their children don’t know what to believe.”