Recognize Christ’s Vital PlaceThe Watchtower—1978 | April 1
“Let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.
Recognize Christ’s Vital PlaceThe Watchtower—1978 | April 1
14. (a) How might a Christian wrongly let himself be judged regarding eating and drinking or the observance of certain days? (b) Why were those who were making such judgments in error?
14 Christians at Colossae were thus being urged not to allow others to sit in judgment of their faith and righteousness, claiming that they could not gain salvation unless they became circumcised and began following the law of Moses. Individuals judging in this way were going back to the “elementary things,” the ABC’s of true worship, ignoring God’s further development of matters and denying that “all fullness” now dwells in Christ. Hence, such persons were not holding fast to the Head, Christ, and were sidetracking individuals from sound doctrine that was essential for them to grow spiritually.