Progressing Toward MaturityThe Watchtower—1961 | June 15
will not get himself involved trying to find the solution to every problem, such as, ‘When is Armageddon coming?’ or, ‘Do you think man will ever live on Mars?’ Paul said at Second Timothy 2:23: “Further, turn down foolish and speculative questionings, knowing they produce fights.”
23, 24. How is maturity shown in connection with settling disputes and accepting responsibility?
23 Immature people carry grudges, but a mature person will progress to the point that he will be quick about settling disputes. Paul advised: “Be angry, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state.”—Eph. 4:26.
24 Show your progress toward maturity by accepting responsibility. Have you dedicated yourself to Jehovah? Then do not hold back when you are asked to take responsibility. Do not be like Jonah, who tried to flee to Tarshish rather than accepting the responsibility of going to Nineveh, his God-given assignment.—Jonah 1:1-3.
25-27. What are the rewards of maturity?
25 The rewards of maturity are indeed rich. A deep and accurate knowledge brings inner satisfaction that money cannot buy. Such deep knowledge enables you to be an effective teacher. Were you happy when you came to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth? You will be much happier when you will have progressed to maturity and are regularly bringing others this precious truth. Those who have had this experience can testify that there is greater happiness in giving the truth than in receiving it.—Col. 2:2; Acts 20:35.
26 Another reward of maturity is that productivity brings the blessing of Jehovah. Paul said: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow.” (1 Cor. 3:6) Imagine the exhilarating satisfaction in knowing that you are God’s fellow worker, as if God needed you! So when you see the work of your hands, yes, someone that you have taught taking his stand in the New World society, you will know that God is pleased with you and is working with you. Jesus said, as recorded at John 6:44: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.”
27 Finally, maturity qualifies one for expanded opportunities of service. Prepare yourself to take on such expanded privileges. Do not dodge the responsibility, but thank God for his undeserved kindness, accept the responsibility, and keep on growing in that undeserved kindness and never miss its purpose. Yes, keep on progressing toward greater maturity.—2 Pet. 3:18.
Frowns and ObstructionThe Watchtower—1961 | June 15
Frowns and Obstruction
After resigning from the Church of England, cleric Wilkinson-Fox of Lincolnshire Village of Wragly explained why to a reporter for Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald: “The Church will not allow me to do the work I joined it to do. . . . The clergy are merely fighting themselves, rushing around madly trying to justify their existence by doing myriad little jobs. . . . The mothers’ meetings, the bazaars, the endless committees! Time and again I have begged to be allowed to get on with the job but my pleas have brought not only frowns but downright obstruction. Several years ago on a curate’s salary of £350 a year I bought an old car on time-payment. I toured about the country, collecting candidates for confirmation, bringing the word of God to people in isolated houses. I got results but when the car broke down the Church considered the cost of a pair of springs too high a price to pay for doing God’s work.”