“Be Joyful Forever”The Watchtower—1983 | March 15
Paul refers also to “the congregation of the firstborn” who inherit the Kingdom. He magnifies God as “the Judge of all,” who declares these ‘firstborn sons’ righteous or just, that they may be taken into the new covenant that Jesus mediated by means of his own precious blood. (Hebrews 9:13-15; Romans 5:1, 9) And Paul mentions also ‘the spiritual lives of these righteous ones,’ the Kingdom heirs, who now walk in “a newness of life.”—Romans 6:4; 8:16.
“Be Joyful Forever”The Watchtower—1983 | March 15
4. In connection with the Messianic Kingdom, what other features have anointed Christians “approached”?
4 Here in Hebrews 12:22-24, Paul describes also other features to which Christians have “approached,” and which have a relation to the Messianic Kingdom and its purpose.