Living a Dedicated LifeThe Watchtower—1972 | February 15
While a slave has his own will, in going under the master he must subordinate his will to do what the master wants. Circumstances may arise that make it personally inconvenient for him to obey a certain command. He may even have the desire to find a way out, some “loophole” or some easier way than his master directs. But he cannot do so without denying his master.
Therefore, it is not a matter of what the Christian, the slave of God, wants to do. When you are confronted with a choice, or you plan a course of action, do you think of what decision you want to make? Or do you think first of which course has the approval of your Master, whose slave you are?
Living a Dedicated LifeThe Watchtower—1972 | February 15
Unfortunately, some persons claiming to be dedicated to God think and act as though their lives belonged to them and as if they were free to proceed according to their own judgment. But the apostle Paul says: “You do not belong to yourselves, for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God.”—1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
To those who go ahead with their own plans rather than first consulting what God their Master says, the words of Jesus’ half brother James apply: “You ought to say: ‘If Jehovah wills we shall live and also do this or that.”’—Jas. 4:13-15.