Help for Bearing Up Under SufferingChoosing the Best Way of Life
31. How did Jesus Christ’s faithful endurance under suffering work out beneficially?
31 That faithful endurance under suffering can lead to grand blessings for the Christian is well illustrated in the case of Jesus Christ. Sinless, he did nothing deserving of ill treatment. Yet his bearing up under affliction, finally to die a shameful death on a stake, worked out in marvelous benefits for us and resulted in his being richly rewarded. The apostle Peter wrote:
“Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
Help for Bearing Up Under SufferingChoosing the Best Way of Life
32. How have we benefited from Christ’s bearing up under suffering to the point of death?
32 It was because Jesus Christ maintained flawless integrity under suffering that he was able to lay down his life as a perfect human sacrifice. Thus his death paved the way for humans to be ‘led to God,’ being reconciled with the Most High and having set before them the prospect of everlasting life. In view of our having benefited so greatly from Christ’s dying in our behalf, should we not be willing to follow his example and suffer for righteousness’ sake?
33. Of what should the resurrection of Jesus Christ assure us when we are faced with the threat of death for being his disciples?
33 Moreover, just as in his case, we can rest assured that our faithful endurance will be blessed. The fact that Jesus Christ was “made alive in the spirit” or was resurrected to spirit life stands as an unchangeable guarantee that his disciples will be restored to life.—1 Corinthians 15:12-22.