What Kind of Repentance Brings “Seasons of Refreshing”?The Watchtower—1972 | February 15
Today, as in apostolic times, repentance and conversion lead to another step: baptism. Baptism, according to the inspired writing of the apostle Peter, symbolizes one’s “request made to God for a good conscience.” (1 Pet. 3:21) Yes, thereby one formally petitions God to be allowed to come into good relations with Him and enjoy the benefits of a good conscience toward Him. Having experienced the bad effects of slavery to ‘King’ Sin with death in view, such person now begs God to purchase him as His own slave by means of the ransom price lovingly paid by God’s Son.—Rom. 6:16-18; 1 Cor. 7:22, 23.
Living a Dedicated LifeThe Watchtower—1972 | February 15
The apostle Peter speaks of the Christian’s baptism as representing, “not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request made to God for a good conscience.” (1 Pet. 3:21) So at the time of a person’s baptism he is not approaching God as if able to say, ‘I am going to be your servant.’ No, he comes before God as a suppliant. He has a bad conscience and requests or asks God to accept him and to give a good conscience so that he can be clean, with the hope that God will let him serve. With a sincere heart he has repented of his sins and has turned around. He is then baptized and God accepts him on the basis of Christ’s sacrifice, according to His promise.