Being Saved with DifficultyThe Watchtower—1957 | March 15
combine to form a unique organization of servants. Yet this “righteous man” now and on through to the finish of the test of integrity at Armageddon is “being saved with difficulty.” The Scriptures prophetically describe him as “a charred stick pulled out of the fire” that barely escapes being burned to ashes. Was not that the case with “righteous Lot”? The record tells that the angelic messengers “seized hold of his hand . . . and they proceeded to bring him out and to station him outside the city” and then urged him to flee for his life. He and his daughter-companions were truly saved with difficulty from that doomed city. Now the modern Sodom and Gomorrah faces its merited end. Right up to the last minute there is great danger that our hearts may be attracted and enticed by some things left behind, worldly prizes of no genuine value, high position, better wages, more pleasures, more relaxation, in a word, materialism. “Remember the wife of Lot”! Do not “return to the things behind”! Keep hurrying, ever in the same direction, farther and farther from this old world!—Zech. 3:2, Mo; 2 Pet. 2:7; Gen. 19:15-17; Luke 17:31, 32, NW.
Do not entertain any desire for this world’s way of life, for that in effect will be treating lightly the undeserved kindness of Jehovah and missing its purpose. It puts one in a class with the sinners, and “if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly man and the sinner make a showing?” They will not. They will disappear into oblivion in the climax of judgment at Armageddon. While Jehovah causes his people of good will to be taken by the hand and hurried from the scene of this old world, now about to experience its most drastic change of all, what will you do? Keep looking in one direction only, the direction of safety. Be like Paul in your concentration upon this one course. Leave everything of this old world behind you, and show yourself energetic in the New World interests and wholly concerned about them.—2 Cor. 6:1;1 Pet. 4:18; Phil. 3:13, NW.
As Christian soldiers in the grandest cause ever fought for we are called upon to take our part in suffering evil and enduring the hardships of the continuing fight right down to the very end. Then, and only then, comes our salvation. This is what is meant by “being saved with difficulty.” How vital, then, to identify ourselves continuously and closely with Jehovah’s “righteous man” and the New World society! Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together for mutual incitement to love, intense love, and right works. Do not think you can take things easy, even for a temporary period. Guard well the treasured position of service with which you have been honored by the New World’s King. Keep on the suit of armor from God and keep wielding the sword of the spirit with vigor. That is how we may be saved through “the complete end of all things” with difficulty, but happily saved, and our salvation will magnify the power and name of Jehovah, our God.—2 Tim. 2:3; Matt. 24:13; Heb. 10:24, 25, NW.
About LiarsThe Watchtower—1957 | March 15
About Liars
● From Europe comes the story of the village priest who told his congregation: “Next Sunday I will give a sermon about liars. I want you all to read Chapter 17 of St. Mark’s.” On Sunday the priest said: “Those who read Chapter 17 of St. Mark’s raise their hands.” Almost all the hands went up. Then he explained: “St. Mark’s has only 16 chapters. I will now give a sermon about liars.”